How ya doin, just started playing. It seems like a really good interesting game. I noticed sylestia has been out since 2013 I believe. Can anyone give me a little rundown of the game over the course of 7 years? Not every detail but just a little insight on how the game has changed and how popular it is. Are most people playing in 2019 or were other years more popular?
Level 75
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Joined: 12/17/2012
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Posted: 8/10/2019 at 8:03 PM
Post #2
Er.... here's what I remember in a nutshell. The order of some things is kinda fuzzy but I tried to keep things vaguely in order.
Pre-release of game: Hype pictures and information was released to pet site fans. Hype was real.
December 17 2012: Release of game. People like. Much fun was had trying to figure out all the mechanics. Avatar items were rare. Like I'm pretty sure there were only like... 2 at release. We had leaderboards. Much fighting was had over these.
Not too long after release: Dungeons became a thing. More explore areas were released. A wardrobe was added. Monthly avatar items and new explore items were released. Themed pets were first released and were pretty common and catchable during seasonal fun times. A lot of complaining about the aurleon art being... bad... caused the admin to have it redrawn. Leaderboards were removed for various reasons. Players now had a decent handle on the mechanics and were starting to figure out ways to properly endgame. The idea of max stat pets was conceived but none were created just yet.
Sometime later after release: The Wardrobe was updated. Themed pets became "tagged" and became rarer and more valuable. Seasonal fun times (henceforth known as fests) became larger and got their own fest zones and more impressive events. It was decided to redo the art of some of the other pets as well to fix anatomy problems and such. There are also some new pet species. More avatar items were added due to fests. Monthly avatar items were discontinued.
Even later: Max stat pets were first created and players rejoiced. It takes several months to make them but that at least gave players something to work for. Art for more pets were redone. Restricted traits were added. Fests are still fun and more game things are tried. Monthly avatar items are now released once a year. The MegazoneTM idea was released by Krin as a way to make battling better and to give him more coding room to do cool things with. Players rejoiced. It would be brilliant! It wouldn't be coming anytime soon. Not much else changed. Krin punks me with pumpkins. Punkins. RIP my inbox. Player population spikes during fests but as far as I can tell remains relatively consistent the rest of the time.
Early 2018: The MegazoneTM is finally released after years of waiting. It's now called The Lost Grove. The Lost Grove is like a honeybadger. It don't care. It destroys new and old players alike. Players obsess over conquering this new very difficult area and it feels like the original release of the game with players swapping gathered information. It doesn't have a bridge, though. The first pet species in a while (Ferrikki) is released along with the Lost Grove. Pets caught in the Lost Grove have stat boosts causing super max stat pets to become a thing. Lost Grove release causes a population spike with lots of old players coming back to try out the new content.
The rest of 2018 and 2019: More pets get new art. More Lost Grove content. Fests are still happening. Krin announces there will be a new wardrobe release with search features and page numbers (huzzah!). Lost Grove Still doesn't have a bridge but it does have teleportation powers.
Edited By Sakina on 8/10/2019 at 8:05 PM.
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