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Level 74
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Posted: 9/3/2019 at 11:18 PM Post #1
Guide to the Forums
More info about each of the forums can be found here:

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Thanks to Larkein and Lalalanmao (aka the Phoenix and the Mao) for serving as willing test subjects assistants. You guys are the best ;) ><>

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FAQ-where everything else goes
Edited By Orcastration on 10/29/2020 at 11:56 AM.
Level 74
Joined: 11/1/2018
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Posted: 9/3/2019 at 11:27 PM Post #2

The Forum Index in all its glory!


To enter a specific forum, simply click on the title of the forum.

The white speech bubbles to the right of the title of each thread shows that you've already seen that thread, the yellow speech bubbles show the thread is new or a new post was added, and speech bubbles with a head on them show that you created that thread.

New posts/threads appeared in the Q&A forum

This image shows the yellow speech bubble. New posts/threads have appeared in the Groups forums[ that I havne't seen yet/I]

The "I made this thread" icon. I have seen everyhting on this thread as well.

And in this photo someone (not me) posted on my thread and I haven't gone to the thread yet

This "lock" symbol will appear on threads you can't post on and threads that have been inactive for 6 months. However you can still view the thread. You can always ping or PM Krinadon If you want to do this to your thread or unlock a locked thread that you made.

The two "pinned across all forums" symbols. Used by the Admins to make sure that you can't miss important announcements, particularly fest announcements.

The "pinned to this forum" symbol. The admins can do this for you, and it'll keep your thread up on top without you having to keep bumping it.

To view a thread, click on the title of that thread. From there you can click on the numbers or type them in yourself in the provided boxes at the top and bottom of the page to move around. THe same goes for individual forums.

To leave the thread or forum just click on the blue links at the top of the page..

This image shows the blue links. Clicking on "forum index" takes me to the main forum page, clicking on "player guides" take me to the player guide forum, and "guide to the forums" just takes me to page 1 of this thread.

For a full list of the different available forums, please go to this page here
Edited By Orcastration on 10/29/2020 at 11:57 AM.
Level 74
Joined: 11/1/2018
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Posted: 9/3/2019 at 11:28 PM Post #3

To make a thread, go to the forum you wish to put the thread in and scroll to the very bottom. Then press the "new thread" button.

In this picture you can see the blue New Thread button, as well as some..other navigation point stuff

Type in your subject and message and then click "post". You can also preview your post with the "Preview" button.

This is the "make a thread" page. Note that if you exit the page most browsers and computers won't save your message so beware!

To post a reply to a thread, go to the thread, scroll to the bottom (there's ten posts per page) and click the "new reply" button. Type your message then click "post".

The "make a reply" page. No save button here either-leave the page at your own risk!

Posts and threads cannot be deleted. Threads are also locked after 6 months of inactivity.

New! /color] You can now edit the name of your thread using the pencil icon to the right of your subject while viewing the thread!
Edited By Orcastration on 10/29/2020 at 11:51 AM.
Level 74
Joined: 11/1/2018
Threads: 318
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Posted: 9/3/2019 at 11:28 PM Post #4

Pinging is how users or the Admins let you know about replies to your threads/posts or about events happening across the whole site. When you're on the main Forum page, the little box in the top right cornor with your avater picture, username, gold count, etc. will have a blue @ sign. Next to that sign will be a number. That number is the amount of pings you have. To view those pings, just go to the Forum page via the dropdown menu or clicking the blue @ sign and then above the list of forums youll see up to 5 usernames and thread titles. When you click on a ping, the link will take you directly to the post. You then can choose to reply or not to reply.

Everyone gets pinged whenever something big happens and it's automatic so even if it doesn't apply to you, there's probably a reason for it if it's Krinadon or Faiona pinging you.

In this picture you can see the @ sign. I have 0 pings so the number remains black. I also have 1 PM/DM so the scroll icon is lit up

Click on the thread title to view the ping. Click on the red "x" to delete the ping and click on the red "no" sign to block the user who sent you the ping. WARNING: Once you block someone on the Forums, you will need to PM Krinadon if you want to unblock them!

Canawlia pinged me on a thread. This is the ping. As you can see the @ sign also lit up as green..

When you click on the thread title of the ping, it will take you directly to the post you were pinged on. You'll see your username in grey-ed out letters abvoe the message alogn with a @ sign. Only you can see your username.

In this picture, Canawlia pinged me. I then pinged her back. If Canawlia pinged anyone else, I won't be able to see their usernames and they can't see mine.

If you want to ping, you can either click on the blue @ sign on a user's post (Which will take you to a new thread reply with the user's name already filled in the pingbox) or type it in manually yourself. You'll neeed to seperate the names of multiple users with a comma after the username.

In this picture I'm pinging Canawlia and Lalalnamo. To do this successfully I have to superate their names with a comma.

And in this picture, you can see that I pinged both users and they now have @ in front of their usernames and a , is placed after Canawlia's name. This works for up to 25 users, after that you need another post to ping more people.
Edited By Orca2Whale on 10/13/2019 at 10:35 PM.
Level 74
Joined: 11/1/2018
Threads: 318
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Posted: 9/6/2019 at 2:09 PM Post #5

Qouting is an essential part of roleplaying, roleplaygaming, and large group or contest threads wiht multiple users responding to one person.
Note that
1. Qouting does NOT replace pinging. You still have to ping if you want a certain person to see your post.
2. You can't put too many qoutes into one post. (I tried doing this and I broke the post somehow) The max is 10 quotes a post.

Anyways how do you quote?

Go to the post that you want to quote.

In this picture I'm focusing on one of Lalalanmao;s posts.

There's a little speech bubble in the right lower corner. Click on it.

And then this screen will pop up!

That (each post is assigned a number) is the qoute. Now you can type whatever you want! If you want to ping someone(s) as well, just put the username(s) in the pingbox (see the above post for more info on how to ping).

In this picture I'm sending Canawlia a message along with the qoute and I'm also pinging her.

Now just click "post" and you're done! Don't worry if it takes a while-just wait for it to finish loading, or you might accidently double or triple post and that is extremely annoying to everyone ;)

The final product
Edited By Orcastration on 10/29/2020 at 11:52 AM.
Level 74
Joined: 11/1/2018
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Posted: 9/26/2019 at 12:47 PM Post #6

How do I post a clickable picture?
Basically just take the image address of any picture and that'll go between [url] [/url] or [img] [/img]. Note that the img one only works if the picture is using the image address, an easy thing on chrome (just right click on the photo).

How do I change the size of a picture?
To add size to a picture add the following to the end of the image address,
~For a normal photo (anything not sylestia) add &width=###&height=### (### being any number you want).
~For sylestia photos, just add &size=###. For the theme contest, they want size 250, so add &size=250 to the end of the image address.. For non-sylestia pictures, you can add &w=###&h=###, with w meaning "width" and h meaning "height. This may not be the case for all pictures though, so be careful! Also check the picture doesn't already have that little add-on.

How do i and why would I "bump" a thread?
When you "bump" a thread, it's just basically saying that you're keeping your thread on the first page of a specific forum category.

For instance, take this thread. Say it got pushed down by other threads to the second page. To "Bump" the thread back to the top of the first page, simply click the "reply" button, and type something (the most common "bump post" words used are "bump", "*kicks thread*, or simply clicking one of the command buttons (sub, sup, font color, align,-those are the best to use since they're long enough to meet the letter count for a post), and then pushing the "post reply" button. You can also

You can bump for as long as you want, but don't bump unless its your own thread (or someone want syou to bump their thread for them, which is generally not relaly a great idea but in a roleplay, you can do that if you're in the roleplay and it's dying s l o w l y), and it's fallen off the first page. Also, maybe wait a little between bumps. (I personally like to interest ping when bumping, especially during roleplay signups)

How do I link to a certain post in a thread?
Go to the post you want to link to, click on the post number in the cornor of the thread that's in blue, and then click on the url at the top of your screen. This feature will let you copy the URL of your selected post. This feature also works with stables, using the paperclip-like icon.
Edited By Orcastration on 10/29/2020 at 11:56 AM.
Level 74
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Posted: 9/26/2019 at 12:47 PM Post #7
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Posted: 9/26/2019 at 12:47 PM Post #8
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Posted: 9/26/2019 at 12:47 PM Post #9
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Posted: 9/26/2019 at 12:48 PM Post #10
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