There is an insane amount of drama and toxicity in the sylestia community lately, a lot of which seems to be stemming out from rifts between two groups of players. Since I have been an active member of Sylestia a year and a half ago, Ive never seen a rift like this in the playerbase or this much toxicity and hate swirling around the forums and various players private messages.
There have been 4 major events that have pushed me to this point, all within a month. This game is simply not fun anymore. A large part of this game for the vast, vast majority of active players is the social aspect of the game. Well, the social aspect of the game is ruining a lot of my love for this game.
I will be taking a social hiatus in which I will not be opening any pms, joining any chats or be in any forums or speaking with players of this game, with 3 exceptions. I will be developing my GoT thread still, and I will be in the winter fest theme design thread. The final exception is that I will speak to certain players outside the game. Those players know who they are. If someone has an emergency and will die without contact to me, talk to Ceruleancrow and theyll let me know.
I have no clue how long this will last, but it may be anywhere from a couple weeks to beyond the winter fest. Sylestia was my safe haven to come and escape and just be happy no matter what with great people who I loved to death. As time goes on, a lot of them become less active as newer layers become more active and step into places they were previously in. I love new players, and Im good friends with many, but there seem to be more and more people in general recently, not just newbies, who arent willing to work to get where a lot of so called veteran players are, or who seem to be making a habit of normalizing design theft, and just making a lot of social aspects not fun.
If you respond to this thread, plz dont ping me. Ill check it once or twice if anyone has any last minute questions or anything or just... NICE comments, but Ill do that when I want, not when Im pinged.
Level 75
The Tactician
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Posted: 11/11/2019 at 12:11 AM
Post #2
Aww, I'm sorry! I hope I see you again in the future, even if we never interacted much. I am so sorry if I was part of the reason you're... hiatusing (is that a even a word), I know I was a part of the recent issues and I did lose my temper once or twice. I hope everything will be better in the near future, and that some of this stuff will cool down soon, I don't want to lose anyone else to this, call me selfish or whatever.
I'm horrible at writing things like this, but I hope you somewhat got it.
Edited By Canawlia on 11/11/2019 at 12:12 AM.
Level 75
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Posted: 11/11/2019 at 2:27 PM
Post #3
nuhhh **flop cuddle*
Level 67
Fancy Pants
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Posted: 11/11/2019 at 4:45 PM
Post #4
Although we never interacted, I'm sad to see you go. I definitely agree the community has become toxic in a sense.
I originally took a long hiatus from the game because I felt that a few players were consistently belittling/manipulating me. Once I came back, it was short lived because of the community. I am now back playing, and hoping to stay but the community I walked into wasn't the one I left. There's so many 'sides' that are just against each other. Instead of seeing people being playfully competitive, people will drag one another in chats and forums. It's really sad to see how awful people are willing to be to each other.
I hope all those issues can be resolved and put aside. There will always be problems, but players need to find a way to be proactive and fix them. I hope to see you return to the community soon <3
Level 74
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Posted: 11/11/2019 at 6:53 PM
Post #5
Yeah, ive noticed htat too....(heh....heh...)
Most of the time I stick to the roleplaying area. Much less toxic.
I've been doing better on my new resolution to ignore anything big, expecially since we alreayd have that stuff happeing irl over here.
Sylestia's also a place where i can be doign somethign other then torturing OCs in my mind so...yeah.
It sucsk that the newer players (some of them) don't seem to be as nice and friendly as many of the older players
Edited By Orca2Whale on 11/11/2019 at 7:02 PM.
Level 75
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Posted: 11/21/2019 at 7:39 PM
Post #6
I'm trying to kind of get back into a bit, but I am going to be much more aware of who I talk to and how I talk to them... This might not last long though, I still feel a bit off-put about certain situations.
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Posted: 11/21/2019 at 8:51 PM
Post #7
Like most of the other posters, I don't know you personally. I've seen you around a lot, I believe we've talked once or twice, but we don't know each other.
I agree, the community has gotten a bit toxic recently. I've been here for nearly two years now. When I first joined, everyone was amazing, and I loved the online community. Everyone was very kind and welcoming, and for about the first year, I didn't see a single argument, aside from possibly a discussion or two that was resolved quickly.
However... everything changed a couple months ago. Maybe this isn't the right word, but there seems to be a sort of 'new generation' of players who seem to be the cause of this rift, and have been harassing older players. I've gotten two rather negative PMs from people I don't know, or have only talked to in the Q&A forum, and I've simply ignored them.
But I think you're right to be taking a break from the social aspect of Sylestia. It might boil over soon, or it might take another six months. I hope everything will be forgiven and put aside, and the community can get back to the amazing thing it was when I joined. We all hope to see you back soon.
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Posted: 11/21/2019 at 9:02 PM
Post #8
Same here. I haven't gotten any hate messages (idk maybe cuz i'm always helping out new peeps they're a little worried if they make me mad I might revoke all my gifts or something idk lol) but it's kinda annoying how newbies are like "oh cool, this is great" for like a month and then newxt thing you know they turn over a different side of themselves..
It's quite sad really.
And it sucks.
(I mean what happened to stuff like 26 hours of extended Spring fest and stuff???)
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Posted: 11/23/2019 at 6:44 PM
Post #9
There's been drama?
Wow *rubs eyes* I've been off this site for too long.
From the last time I visited, there was no drama, no major argument. When someone was against vaccines, everyone dealt with it civilly. Has it really gone bad?
When was I on this site last? Ugh, it's been so long ago... I don't even remember.
Level 75
High Druid
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Posted: 11/23/2019 at 6:48 PM
Post #10
Ehh its mostly over... Just occasional offsite squabbles with some people. Im kinda back anyway, i havent seen anything on site in my past dayish of being back
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