Forum Index > General Discussion > Need help looking for a pet
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Level 75
High Warlord
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Posted: 12/6/2019 at 6:20 AM
Post #1
Ok, so this may seem weird, but my friend the other day was getting nostalgic watching me play Sylestia because they used to play Sylestia too, but left because it was taking too much of their time :P Their username was Snowcrystal. Now before they left though, they sold/released all their pets, and now they're just trying to find their battle party to, y'know.
We found two of them, Sea Breeze who now belongs to Zapticuno, and Mystic, who now belongs to Qbb, but we can't find the third one. We know its a male zolnixi or aurleon (more likely a zolnixi) who is at level 60 (last they checked), most likely attuned to Wind, most likely a tamed, and probably doesn't have any visible traits. He's also maybe not released? They tried checking their Overview log for him because they forgot his name, but it had already been overwritten with they also giving a bunch of avatar items to me heh...Also he's not their starter pet, or else we would have found him already
So help me out here haha. This is kinda stupid
Edited By Imorphemi on 12/6/2019 at 6:21 AM.
Level 75
Joined: 8/21/2013
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Posted: 12/6/2019 at 7:33 AM
Post #2
Really hard to say, but is this the pet you're looking for?
Level 75
High Warlord
Joined: 3/1/2018
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Posted: 12/6/2019 at 4:31 PM
Post #3
haha! yes it is! thank you very much! <3
(didn't notice him since forgot what he looked like too until we looked more closely Snowcrystal says sorry, Sandy)
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