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Forum Index > General Discussion > I Heard On A Grapevine
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Level 63
The Tender
Joined: 7/19/2017
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Posted: 1/30/2020 at 11:28 PM Post #1
So I heard thru some friends and a few other things of me digging around that someone wants to breed fertile max stat pets and give them to people for free

I want to just give a friendly PSA to everyone on the effects of it

Yes newbies would be getting a good pet to start them off but it does make things a lot easier for them,part of the game is going thru the hard parts and then feeling great after the struggle.

Number 1,it'd crash the economy so bad.There'd be such a influx of max stat pets that it wouldn't be worth it to do pretty much anything anymore.We've seen the markets drop after the Re-vamps of certain species and I want you to imagine that site wide WITH EVERY SPECIES,it'd be a disaster
2.Imagine how the people who have spent not just months but some have spent years and real life money on perfecting these pets,to make them perfect.Projects aren't easy and they aren't cheap either.

It's not something that should just be done,it's not something with small consequences.They're huge.

you don't have to listen to this,but if you do just know that selling fertile max stats for free is going to cause a issue.

Gifting a infertile as a gift for designing something or as a gift for secret santa or something is fine,because they won't multiply like a shroom.

Thanks for reading this PSA ping me if you want to discuss more,or if you feel like i'm wrong cause this is my opinion
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 6/15/2014
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Posted: 1/31/2020 at 11:34 AM Post #2
That is... terrifying to think about O-O'. Pages and pages of fertil max stats at 1g would, for sure, ruin not only the market but the game itself for some breeders. It is already difficult to sale projects at time ( especialy when they are pricy) without having the pressure to compeat against free pets with perfect stats.

For those who read this : if you want to sale/give max stats but dont have an unfertility kit, i can do it for you but please be responsable and dont let them reproduce out of control !
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