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Forum Index > General Discussion > Little complaint here
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Level 63
Joined: 12/3/2018
Threads: 50
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Posted: 3/24/2020 at 3:02 PM Post #1
I absolutely hate my Qitari, Kasaika! He sucks. My other two fighters are probably like 40x better than him. He doesn't have much health and when I was at level 34 and my other two were way lower, he would be the first one to die while the other two(who were both around level 17) beat the living daylights out of what killed Kasaika. I know I really need a new support, but y'know who cares? He's decent at being a support, but he definitely needs more health. Like heck, I need a support that can live through a two star rock guy. Even though my other two fights are in fact fabled, he's still really sad compared to them. Kasaika needs to be replaced.
Okay, I'll shut up now..
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
Joined: 11/2/2014
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Posted: 3/24/2020 at 3:34 PM Post #2
If you want to use Kasaika to be a light healer, you'll want to equip him with Evoker (Int/dex) gear, and failing that, Illusionist (int/agi), since for some reason at the moment he has three assassin (str/agi) equips, which is cutting down on his potential damage output a lot.
You'll also want to replace his relic, because while it is an illusionist equip, it is both 30 levels lower than him, and an uncommon (uncommon equipment... is Bad. A lv55 uncommon equip is worse than a lv25 legendary equip)
As well, you'd want to swap him to 2Int, if he's the light healer (HP is generally only given to the Tank pet on the party, though not always (it depends on the player and their play style))

Obviously you don't have to use him if you don't want to, but this is if you do want to, and holds true for any light healer in any case

Also, it isn't just a matter of "the other two are fabled"- Kasaika is a wild-caught pet, while the two ryori you have assigned to your team right now are bred pets, both from reasonably high stat lineages (Thora especially, since she's from a primarily Grim Rose ryori line on her father's side- Grim Rose is a majestic theme, which can start off with stats in what one could call the 'very high' category (80+))
Those two would show up any wild-caught fabled pet, as well, not just wild-caught regulars.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 6/15/2014
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Posted: 3/24/2020 at 3:36 PM Post #3
The issue is not only comming from the pet, i checked your team and :

1. you dont have the right equipement for the elements you have chosen (at least on him)
2. you dont have a water/earth pet
3. you have 2 healers

It seem as if you were using him as a tank witch is a very bad idea since he is wild and have the light element. I would recomant you to get a water pet since they can do healing but are made to be tanky and resist most thing.

this link should help you figuring what you want to do with your team exactly.
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