Forum Index > General Discussion > Really old player returning to game - no...
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Level 68
Seashell Collector
Joined: 4/25/2013
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Posted: 8/12/2020 at 6:02 PM
Post #1
As listed in the name I joined this game a LONG time ago, used to play it all the time. Saw adds for it keep popping up and figured I'd try and come back seeing as the website was still up. The downside is I have no idea what has happened in the years I've not played. Have more areas been made? I saw there's been some new stuff (part of what got me to play more) was that I got a new user interested showing them some of the species.
The biggest issue I have is that I don't know what I remember and don't remember. So really any tips would be great. I do know about the nurturing page which I know is new to me. So other things from around when that was added should be new to me?
I would greatly love any help! I remember adoring this game as a smol and so far I'm very much enjoying it again.
Also- I'm trying to give the person I invited to the game a pet as a gift, any way I can do this?
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
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Posted: 8/13/2020 at 5:41 AM
Post #2
I mean, what's changed will depend on when you last played? Like, if you last played in 2014 will have way more changes than if you last played in 2018 and all
Like, have you been around at all since the Lost Grove and the Ferrikki were released and the attacks and proficiencies system were overhauled? When the level cap was raised?
Have you been around since Restricted Traits were introduced?
Have you seen the species that have been revamped?
if you want to gift a pet to someone, go to the pet, go to 'manage pet', put sale price as '1' and put the other player's ID in the 'Sell to User ID:' box, then hit 'set prices'.
Level 68
Seashell Collector
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Posted: 8/14/2020 at 5:29 PM
Post #3
I can't exactly nail down when I last played is the issue. Looking at my inbox just now it looks like I tried to play a little again in 2018.
If you'd, or someone else, would be willing to go over a rough summery of the big changes second month onward in 2018 I think i'd be caught up.
I guess I wasn't away for as long as I thought- guess that shows how busy these last two years have been.
Level 70
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Posted: 8/14/2020 at 8:23 PM
Post #4
Honestly, not a whole lot changes with this site. There are graphical updates to a few species, they've expanded Lost Grove more, but in general Sylestia is one of those sites where nothing really changes.
I took a three-year hiatus at one point, and apart from missing a few years' worth of theme pets and avatar items, there wasn't anything major that had changed.
The Nurturing Grounds is new, I suppose that counts. They moved nurturing away from the hatchery and into its own section. You can boost pets now to get noticed, and nurturing the boosted pets gives bonus scales.
The avatar shop special tokens have replaced the 'forum game avatar items' system, so it's no longer necessary for communicate by email after winning special things from there.
Can't think of anything else that really changed. Nytekrie is getting revamped right now. They recently did Lupora.
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
Joined: 11/2/2014
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Posted: 8/14/2020 at 9:43 PM
Post #5
> Ferrikki released
> Level cap raised to 65 and then to 70
> Lost Grove released. Originally it was just the forest, but now we also have the caves. There is another area planned (when released, level cap will become 75.)
> Along with this, there are 'wild stats' (the +0's in a pet's stats), which higher rarity pets from the Lost Grove have, with uncommon non-themed wild lost grove pets have the lowest of (averagely about +3) and legendary/mythical lg themes having the highest (up to +75!) (there is a stat range for each rarity and exactly what a pet has within that range is random per individual)
These stats can be passed down to children, though they drop by about 4 per generation (if both parents have wild stats, it does the usual 'select a number between the stat of the two parents' and THEN subtracts)
Pets bred from high-rarity grove pets and max stat pets can end up with a base stat of over 100, and are called 'super stats' or 'super maxes'
(I myself have just managed to breed our first supermaxes in the last few days: ) and I am very pleased about that.
There are also Aeridini with Wild stats due to an event earlier this year where for a brief time there were special themed aeridini in the Lost Grove.
> Level up points and the old proficiency system overhauled into the new proficiency system (level up points no longer exist, you now get 1 prof point at lv0, 30, 60, 65, and 70 (with another to be gotten at lv75 when it is unlocked). You can put up to 3 prof point in any of HP, Str/Int (it picks based on the pet's element so you don't end up with like, air pets with profs in int like you could do before), Dex, and Agi. The amount of bonus a pet gets from them scale based on how many points you put in the stat and what level a pet is.
(so a lv0 pet with one dex point gets +20, a lv60 pet with one point in dex gets +191, while a lv70 with one point in dex gets +299 etc.)
(because of this all pets had their elements/profs reset)
> gear overhauled a bit so you don't get things like assassin relics that boost magical damage, and the damage is now arranged to one stat gets a very large boost, one gets a large boost, and the other two get an average boost (which stats get which depends on equip, eg, Evoker equips give a very large boost to Dex, a large boost to int, and an average boost to str+agi)
We now also have Lost Grove equips, which are just Very Good in general (exotic (blue rarity) drop from regular enemies and elites, vinethorn (purple rarity) drop from bosses, and stoneweave (gold rarity) are Complicated and don't themselves drop from any rarity (and because of how Complicated and Expensive they are to make, you can expect any that do get sold to go for like, 1mil+ gold)
> Lupora was revamped, Nytekrie revamp is in progress and nearly finished (at last news, genes were mostly done and muts were in-progress)
Lunemara body ard got changed from what they were originally revamped to so they are now Fluffy (the original revamp torso is now m2 mut Smooth abdomen), Puffadore runes got tweaked, and several of the qitari M2s that gave them different manes were redone.
> New Nurturing grounds released, streamlining nurturing, and adding Nurture Boost, , which you can purchase on an eggling or hatchling's page so it shows up first in the lists of pets to be nurtured (purchased with either scales or diamonds, and the price fluctuating depending on how many pets on the site currently have a nurture boost). These pets additionally give 2 scales rather than 1 for being correctly nurtured (and sometimes 3!)
in addition to this the following changes
- every 6 nurtures to an eggling ups their maturity rather than 5
- hatchlings get +1 maturity for every 5 nurtures, and +1 to their lowest stat for every 8 correct nurtures (rather than +1 to the lowest stat for 5 correct nurtures and getting some maturity based on page views)
> Mana cap was raised to 200! Additionally, Prismatic philters now also give +10 to mana, and there are now a Philter of Health (+200 HP when used on a hatching eggling) and a Philter of Mana (+20 mana to a hatching eggling)
> Plans for an AP shop were announced (no further news on that though) and AP now have a cap of 100,000. If you had over that at the time the cap was put on, you just don't gain more.
> Wardrobe was updated with a sorting system ! It is very nice and pretty and you can sort by items you own/don't own, what year things were released, what festival/event things were released during, rarity of item, name of item etc. "back" and "background" were separated into two categories.
- in addition, there's also now only one free wardrobe outfit save slot rather than two. If you had two already, it won't do anything to them, but if you delete one then you will lose that free slot and have to buy a one to replace it.
> Purebred pets now have their own tags, and they can be searched for via advanced search (so long as you have 'themed' set to 'yes' you can select if you want the search to either include, exclude, or only show PB pets
> plenty of new traits, including the new addition of Lost Grove Restricted Traits, which can be found on wild LG pets. There are more plans for interesting things to do with those, but Krin isn't done working on that just yet.
> there are special perfumes of themed attraction for the Lost Grove (since LG has its own themes). they cost 100 diamonds and last for 60 battles against wild pets (unlike fest zone perfumes, they do not count non-pet encounters. This is because the pet encounter rate is lower, and the grove's usual themed encounter rate is a lot lower)
> releasing pets that are over 43 days adds to the chance that you will have a nest appear in the LG
> you can now change your username by going to account settings (this has its own rules that are listed on the page itself)
> accepting player trades will now stack items of the same type (eg, accepting three trades of item x will make one stack of 3 item x rather than making three stacks of one item x)
I think that's most things?
Edited By Scathreoite on 8/14/2020 at 9:48 PM.
Level 75
Ghost Writer
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Posted: 8/15/2020 at 2:36 PM
Post #6
Welcome back!
Level 54
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 11/13/2016
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Posted: 9/14/2020 at 9:38 AM
Post #7
scath- dude you reminded me of stuff i totally forgot about, this was helpful to me aswell haha.
saveme- and, welcome back! i hope you enjoy the site and get to have fun :D
Level 70
Enchanted Explorer
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Posted: 9/14/2020 at 6:29 PM
Post #8
hi sorry i don't have any tips or anything but i'm on the exact same boat as you! i played it so so much years ago but i quit for awhile until yesterday lol! I feel like a newbie again :b
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