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Forum Index > Artwork Trades > LF Group & Individual Colored Humano...
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Level 75
Wondrous Witch
Joined: 2/9/2013
Threads: 332
Posts: 7,103
Posted: 8/18/2020 at 3:35 PM Post #1
As the title says, I am looking for art made of a couple of humanoid characters; to be specific, Inklings from the game Splatoon 2. I have references for each specific character.
In the game, I am part of a clan that does competitive things, and I am really close to the people in said clan, and I would like to gift them art to show them how much I appreciate them.

The thing I want most is a group picture of all of us together; and maybe also individual profile pictures of each person, depending on the desired cost of each piece.

What I Can Pay:
-Certain Avatar Items
-Tagged/Themed Pets & Offspring (For an example of this, check my 3rd and 4th stables; most of those are pets I'd be willing to trade for the art.)
-Certain Fest Catalysts & Items

Fest (Limited) Things I Can Pay With:

-New Aurleon x1
-New Draeyl x1
-New Luffox x1
-New Lunemara x2
-New Morkko x1
-Aged Morkko x1
-New Nytekrie x1
-New Qitari x1
-New Sylvorpa x1
-New Zolnixi x1

-Golden Pearl x3
-Mundane Pearl x27

The Characters, in Question:
Everyone listed here is part of the KenSa clan, which is a brand of both weapons and clothing in the game, and has this logo.

-Typh (me :0), she prefers dark colors & shades of purple, and she mains the Kensa Dynamo Roller. At a first glance, she can come off as cold and soft-spoken; but when getting to know her, she becomes warmer and affectionate, and she loves very openly.

-Zero, as the leader of the clan, she puts the growth and safety of her team before anything else. Zero is diplomatic and caring, but crossing her or the clan she puts all of herself into sets off a fire so bright that its hard not to get burned in the midst of it. Zero mains many weapons, but one of her favorites is the Splattershot.

-Snipr; as the name may suggest, Snipr is, well, an incredibly skilled sniper; his favorite being the Hero Charger Replica. Snipr may be harder to get to know due to his passive nature, but he is an incredible person. He is definitely more on the chill side; in his personality all the way to his music taste (which consists mostly of lo-fi music).

-LMAO is definitely one of the most eccentric and energetic people I have ever met, and his tastes can spring from here to there in a matter of seconds (Yes, his character is female. I dont question it lol). His favorite weapon to use is the Slosher Deco (though he never uses it istg), and hes really proficient in it. He is definitely the most rambunctious one of the group, and when combined with Snati, they can do some pretty chaotic things. Despite all this, the one constant is his loyalty to the team, and I wouldnt question him for a second.

-Snati is one of my best friends. I love him very dearly, and hes one of the very best people you could ever meet. He is a little bit self-conscious about his use of English (it is his second language), so he often keeps quiet because of it, especially with new people. Honestly, though, he is a very sweet and kind person. Combined with LMAO, they really do the craziest stuff you can is not fun to look at lol. (It involves a lot of spam). His most proficient main is the Glooga Dualies Deco.

-Gootz is a bit of a wildcard, but I know that he is a genuinely good person, even though he and I have this kind of friendly rivalry between us. He is also a guy with a female character (I still dont question it), but idk, I think it works for him. One of his favorite mains is the Dualie Squelchers.

-Flow is a brilliant strategist, and he loves to come up with new ways to torment people and to be annoying in combat, and practices those during training the most. Hes one of the best at building and creating sets, and hes one of the most mindful of situations in combat. While I dont know him well outside of that, he is generally an amicable person, and hes one of the people that youd never regret getting to know. Like Gootz, his favorite main is the Dualie Squelchers.

(And that is everyone. <3)
Edited By Typhlosion on 8/22/2020 at 12:21 PM.
Level 75
Wondrous Witch
Joined: 2/9/2013
Threads: 332
Posts: 7,103
Posted: 8/19/2020 at 4:07 PM Post #2
Level 75
Wondrous Witch
Joined: 2/9/2013
Threads: 332
Posts: 7,103
Posted: 8/20/2020 at 10:25 PM Post #3
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