Forum Index > General Discussion > things that i think would be nice to hav...
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Level 61
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/30/2020
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Posted: 8/24/2020 at 12:37 AM
Post #1
feel free to post something that you would like to happen, and every-one! i am not a site builder, mod, etc, i am just a fellow play who would like some certain traits that they haven't made and i think would be really cool. if you want a site admin, go find krin. so... here they are! (no pictures, just descriptions. you can give pictures if it helps you.) i will definitely be posting more to this as time goes on. i am australian, so i will spell things differently to other peeps.
first up: more restricted colours.
i find that, when im just mucking around in the gen, that some colours in the, for example, lupora fire dancer's mane are actually given in the genes colours when it is a mutation. i think it would be nice if you moved it back to the mutt section for convenience.
second: more places for colour to be applied.
when i was working on a puffadore, i found out that if i want the masquerade mask to look good, i cant have the floral wrap. this bugged me, because two colours: the masks inner fade and the wraps clasp both shared a colour fill. i would like that worked on a bit, please.
thats all for now, be back later with much more.
Level 75
The Artistic
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Posted: 8/24/2020 at 3:20 PM
Post #2
Hey there! For future suggestions of this type, might I suggest posting to the Suggestions Forum? This is where players can post their ideas and suggestions for other players' input and admin consideration.
As to the suggestion here about colours, the various pets and traits are in a kind of in between stage. I'm not sure if you've seen any of the threads about revamping pet art yet, but for the last few years, each species has been undergoing art updates (the one that's currently being worked on is the Nytekrie). About midway through this process, the accent colours AC1 and AC2 were introduced, so many species and their traits do not actually use these accent colours yet. I assume that, once all of the species have had their art updated, those that were updated before the addition of accent colours will have these slots put into use, and at that point we might see more differentiation in what colours show up in which places on the various traits.
In any case, not a bad suggestion, but until we see what use of the accent colours does, I don't think we need more colour slots.
Level 74
Grand Protector
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Posted: 8/25/2020 at 2:03 PM
Post #3
For the second suggestion, I would say that, unfortunately, not all mutations will work well together, and changing one or the other to use a different color could mess up a LOT of people's pets if they use that particular mutation.
Imagine having your pet that has floral wrap with nice shiny clasps, suddenly have those clasps turn green or blue, or any other color, because that clasp color was changed to use a different slot.
Same thing for the mask, if it were changed, people who had painstakingly made that particular mutation look gorgeous to them would potentially have that ruined due to that fade color not using the same slots.
In both cases, unless it were moved to a brand new color (which I don't really support, 4 main colors, 6 trait colors and 2 accent colors *should* be plenty, though as someone who likes dye projects, it can be frustrating when the colors just don't want to work, or this color looks gorgeous here, but that trait also pulls from that color, so I understand the frustration) or one that is completely unused, it isn't quite as simple as the person dying that new color slot to the color they want those areas to use, because that color slot is already being used, and changing it can change other areas to not look good.
I also agree with Mika, that I think for some of this, it is best to wait until accent colors are fully utilized, because I have noticed that in many species, there are very few, if any, genes that use them. So, some of the 'shared' colors between mutations could be moved to an accent color.
As for the things like the lupora's fire dancer's mane, one reason why it probably references a color, is because it is a mane trait and might reference the mane color (I played around with the Fire Dancer's traits, but haven't found anything I really thought looked good yet, but can't really remember the specifics)
Basically, for me, it comes down to there will be some traits that simply won't work with others, due to shared colors, or whatever, and sometimes, in order to be able to allow a trait or mutation to be different, it is good to use different colors slots. Instead of just using mutation slot one and accent color 2 for all M1s, it is good to pull from other colors (though I prefer it be in a logical fashion, such as a qitari's mane/tail mutation pulling from their mane/tail color slots, and not a gene slot etc..)
There are definitely some quirks, and to me, that is fine, you just have to get used to them :D
Level 54
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 11/13/2016
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Posted: 9/14/2020 at 9:34 AM
Post #4
that you can have a search bar in forums to make it easier to find what you need. or instead when I'm organizing my stable tabs instead of having to move my pets one by one, I can move multiple at once. (from tab to tab, not stable to stable since I know that's an option.)
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