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Forum Index > General Discussion > Am I selling my pets for too much Gold?
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Level 43
Joined: 3/6/2019
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Posted: 9/25/2020 at 7:44 AM Post #1
I have to ask, is selling pets for 10k and under asking too much gold from people? Nobody wants to buy my Sylesti's. I have an obsession with Zolinxi's, and I'm needing more stable space because I have 3 pages in my hatchery that are mostly Zolinxi's and I don't know what to do. I would like some of your opinions if you don't mind, please. Thanks guys!
Level 74
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Posted: 9/25/2020 at 9:04 AM Post #2
The biggest problem with selling pets is that few people will want random non-themed pets. So, while 10K may not be too much gold for certain pets, it can be for others.

Looking at your hatchery, the first two that are for sale are non-themed and not six visible.

While there might be people who are interested in them (I personally will sometimes buy cheaper six visible pets to redye), in general, as I said above, few people are interested in non-themed pets, and fewer still are interested in randomly bred pets.

I would suggest, if you really want to sell pets, is focus on finding breeding pairs of themed nixis, and trying to get those to six visible, though I won't guarantee those will sell either, but they should have a better chance.

As a general idea: I personally don't tend to sell non-themed unless people really want that pet. When I do, I usually only sell for 5K or under, and that is to those specific people. However, I rarely actually sell non-themed. Usually I will end up releasing them myself after they are 42 days old. I don't even bother trying to sell non-themed offspring.

Themed, on the other hand, I sell anywhere from 5K for only carried genes, up to 2000 diamonds, for a fest zone neph I was lucky enough to find one festival. Sometimes themed (usually fabled or majestics) can go for 500,000 gold or more, depending on the theme and popularity of the pet. (I don't tend to breed much, so I don't sell purebreds, but in general, I won't buy a purebred unless it is full visible (usually four vis for majestics or six visible/max stat for regular themed)
Level 43
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Posted: 9/25/2020 at 9:28 AM Post #3
That kinda makes sense, but it's also a little bit confusing. Could you explain a little bit more please?
Level 74
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Posted: 9/25/2020 at 9:53 AM Post #4
Random bred pets are pets that are bred from the random sylestis that you can capture through exploration. They don't have anything 'special' about them, and can be any combination of colors. When bred, they generally tend to breed 'dishwater' pets, or pets that have faded, 'washed out' colors.

Purebred pets are pets like your Delphinium I saw in the hatchery. They are bred from two sylestis of the same theme, and will have a blue star (the 'gen1' themes are gold starred) on their profile, telling what their theme is. These themes have a specific set of colors, with minor color swing, that they can be. So, for instance, your delphinium rose (think that is the theme, pretty theme) will always have that general color set, with minor color variance. This is one reason why themed tend to sell for more, because they are generally considered 'prettier' because they won't produce washed out dishwater offspring.

Majestics are festival pets that have special traits, called restricted traits. USually I believe there are about 4 traits per set, though I think I may have seen some with more. These pets are generally difficult to obtain during the festival (you have to 'grow' them), and you can only get up to two traits on the 'gen1s'. A 'fully visible' majestic project would be one that only has the traits that go with that majestic theme. These can be any pet breed, it is the trait set and theme that make these pets majestic

Fabled themes are ones that are more difficult to get than regular, but they can have any traits except the restricted. However, they are restricted by breed. Ferrikkis, Ny'venes, Aeridinis, Puffadores, Lighiras, Ryoris, Nephini are all fabled pets, and I feel that I am missing one, but I can't think of it right now. These are generally worth more, because they are often more difficult to obtain during the fest, but it depends on the theme. Depending on the theme, they can either be exclusive or tamed (depending on how they are obtained)

Regular themes are ones that are fairly easy to obtain (though not always). They can have any non-restricted trait, and can be any breed of pet not listed under fabled. Your delphinium rose theme is a regular theme. Like fabled, they can be exclusive or tamed, again depending on how you obtain them.

Sorry if you already knew the above, wasn't sure what you were confused on.

Anyway, for selling, in general, the more difficult the pet is to obtain, the higher it will sell for, though there are usually people who are 'collectors' of various breeds who will generally buy just about any pet of that species, though some will only buy themed etc..

The random pets, either captured or bred from captured tend to be worth the least, unless they are six visible (and even then they generally go for fairly cheap), or they are max stat, which means they have been bred specifically to have maxxed out stats, which is a long and costly venture from what I have heard.

Majestics can be hit or miss. Some themes are popular so go for more, others tend to be unpopular, and thus can be very difficult to sell. Sometimes it is the pet breed that determines this (some pet breeds are less popular, though nixis tend to be a more popular species) other times it is just the theme, and sometimes it is the traits themselves that people dislike.

Fabled are the same way, though generally Ferrikkis tend to be very popular unless the theme is extremely disliked.

Regular themed pets are generally the cheapest of the themed pets, and bred themed pets again usually need to be six visible or max stat.

Basically, for selling pets, people either want to buy 'gen1' pets (pets that don't have parents) or they want 'special' pets such as pets with six visible traits or are max stat etc..

If you need more help, just let me know where you need more explanation and I will try to help.
Level 43
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Posted: 9/25/2020 at 10:01 AM Post #5
That cleared it up much more. So, what you're saying is that people want to buy themed pets versus regular pets?
Level 74
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Posted: 9/25/2020 at 10:06 AM Post #6
Yes, exactly.

There are some people who will buy regular pets, but not often and usually those have to be special in some way. I will buy regular pets I find 'pretty' but I usually prefer to have the gen1 pets, or six visible traits.
Level 43
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Posted: 9/25/2020 at 10:12 AM Post #7
Okay, thanks! For being such a help to me, you can go look at my stables and hatchery and see if there's anything you want.
Level 74
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Posted: 9/25/2020 at 11:18 AM Post #8
Thanks, but I am good for now :)

You have some pretty pets though.

If you want, since you like Zolnixis, you can have these two pets when you have room.

I caught the female during the fest, but since she is not themed, she isn't really worth anything, I simply caught her because I thought she was pretty, and I don't see many pets with visible traits I consider pretty.

The male is a gen1 themed, I was hoping to get some more of that theme, but sadly I didn't. Unfortunately, most poeple wouldn't consider him worth much because of the rainbow runes. Rainbow tends to be a trait that many people dislike, especially on themes (though there are other people who do like it, such as me, depending on the pet it is on. Him? he isn't bad, but I wouldn't have chosen rainbow on that theme if I had a choice)

If you do want the male, your best bet would be to go to advanced search and find a sweet watermelon nixi female to breed him with. Breeding two different themes or a theme and a non-themed together will result in a regular random pet.

Edit: I know you said you were running out of space :P but I am willing to hold these as long as you need me to so you can get more room or buy another stable tab etc..
Edited By Jemadar on 9/25/2020 at 11:18 AM.
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
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Posted: 9/25/2020 at 8:49 PM Post #9
A collection of things that can affect the prices of pets:


Themed or Unthemed?
> If Themed, what theme?
> If Themed, Gen1 or PB?
> How many Vis? What traits?

If Unthemed Wild
> Rarity?
> Is it a LG pet?
> What traits?

Is it a Project pet?
> Themed Project or Dyed/Custom?
> What are the Stats?
> How many Vis? What traits?

If pet is Fertile/Infertile
If pet has been Genetested
If pet has been Mutated
If it's regennable

Some species are more popular than others (two ways that can go- less popular might sell for less, but there might be an over-saturation of more popular ones so they're less likely to sell)

Some themes are rarer than others, or more sought-after, and so go for a higher price

If it's a project what it looks like will impact the price- whether people like the colours, the stats, the traits.

Higher stats are worth more- Max stats tend to go for a minimum of 250k
Lost Grove pets have lg bonus/wild stats- higher rarities have higher stats and will be worth more

If a pet isn't genetested it might be harder to sell since people won't know what traits it has carried/hidden

If it's Mutated, it can drop the price since a buyer might have wanted to Mutate it themself.

As pointed out by others, different traits have different worth- rainbow traits tend to decrease pet worth since many people don't like those traits, for example.

Regennable pets tend to sell for 50k minimum since they're a limited supply

Typically it's Project pets that are made infertile, so any that are sold fertile tend to be sold for a way, way higher price.

And if it's a random, unthemed, non-project pet bred from non-lg wilds, it's not likely to go for much at all
Level 43
Joined: 3/6/2019
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Posted: 9/28/2020 at 7:06 AM Post #10
Thanks for the help. I've had my account for a while now, and it seems like I have no idea what I'm doing. XD
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