hey there fellow users of sylestia, i am mexfloral42 and i just wanted to inform all of u about the grand opening of a new shop in sylestia called design a pet! this shop basically trades a pet with a user then designs the user pet however the customer wants at the end the customer repays buy trading money easy right? and if u guys wanna visit the shop u can come every single day we will always be available from Monday to Friday the weekends we might not come but we might have some events at the store which u guys can join!.......and if u guys wanna work at design a pet u guys can register for an interview anytime u want but not the weekends and don't worry about the requirements i will post them on Monday morning .....well if u guys wanna come and visit our shop feel free to do it from Monday to Friday fare well for now bye!
Edited By Mexfloral42 on 10/9/2020 at 6:57 AM.
Level 10
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Posted: 10/10/2020 at 2:47 AM
Post #2
OK so there may or may not be some changes to the new store design a pet due to the changes the interview that we was going to be held on Monday for new workers is going to be early because we are deciding that we will have our grand opening on Monday morning so i will just post the job requirements now......
just answer these questions truthfully and get a job at our store!
how old are u?
what type of personality would u say u have?
in what country where u born in?
and last but not least why do u wanna work for design a pet?
Level 72
The Sweet Tooth
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Posted: 10/18/2020 at 9:46 AM
Post #3
Are applications still open?
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
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Posted: 10/18/2020 at 7:41 PM
Post #4
I have questions, like
"how are questions like 'how old are you' and 'where were you born' in any way relevant to designing?" and "how would this even work?" I've been trying to parse out what this is even about?
Like... a user... gives you a pet and then you dye it, then you give it back and they... pay you for the dyes? Couldn't they dye it themself? I literally just don't actually understand what the shop would supposedly be doing
Level 72
The Sweet Tooth
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Posted: 10/19/2020 at 10:27 AM
Post #5
I think its we design pets in the generator for gold, the more complex the design, the more it costs. If thats not it, then I dont know.
Level 10
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Posted: 10/20/2020 at 8:52 AM
Post #6
first of all yes the applications are still available for our shop and no our shop doesn't only dye the pets we design that pets with complex designs our customers gives us and if the customer wants us to design that pet however we want we try to make it as beautiful as we can!anyways if u understand now i hope you don't mind me asking but are u going to apply for a job at our shop? if u are i am happy to welcome you to our job interview oh and about the requirements for the job the age and stuff is actually necessary if you are not older than 13 we can't hire you...... if your younger than 13 but you have amazing designs we are more than happy to welcome you to our shop!
Level 72
The Sweet Tooth
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Posted: 10/20/2020 at 11:48 AM
Post #7
Preferred name
Spirit, Dan or Dani
Preferred pronouns
He/him and they/them
Strict, kind, caring, accepting, blunt, open about opinions, talkative, fun-loving, sensitive to harsh words
Canada (why is this important?)
Why do you want to work here?
Im pretty confident in my designing abilities and so far I havent really found a use for them outside small projects and fest design entries. I wish to expand my ability as well as help others design. Im willing to work here as long as Im credited for my designs and no one claims them as their own, this also goes for my colour pallets. I was also part of the DCU, or Designers Challenge University for a short period of time, until I left due to personal reasons.
I can offer examples of my designs if necessary.
Edited By Spiritbeast on 10/20/2020 at 12:11 PM.
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
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Posted: 10/20/2020 at 6:33 PM
Post #8
No interest in applying, we're half trying to clarify what exactly it is that the shop is meant to be for anyone who might be considering it and half Just Really Confused
1. If I remember right Sylestia is a 13+ site (might be 12+)? Like, occasionally there are users who are under 13, but technically they aren't supposed to be and at this point I think any of the ones I knew of who were will have turned 13+ anyway.
And that doesn't really require asking "how old are you", that just needs an "if you are under 13, please don't apply" or "are you over thirteen, y/n?" which feel less invasive (and you just said that if they design well you could overlook it anyway? And why would their age be of any importance anyway, when this isn't a real-world job where there are literal age laws and actual money involved?)
(surely asking people for examples of designs they've done is more relevant than people's age?)
Also didn't explain why you need what country they're from (because, again, this is not a job where real world employment laws and such need to be taken into account, it's a casual unofficial thing between users on in a pet game site.)
2. "we design that pets with complex designs our customers gives us"
How though? You're taking the pet, and doing... what to it? Like, Dye works on all pets, but 'complex' designs sounds more like you're doing 6-v potential breeding project designs than altering an existing pet (at which point, why do you need the pet)?
You can only use Mutators on Tamed pets, and only one per pet (and you'd need a Greater Genetic Mutator to actually get a specific trait, and where Lesser Dyes are pricey at 1000 scales/ 60+k gold, GGMs are Expensive, at a value of 200dia from the diamond shop (or lovely/lucky mutators, but they only give very specific traits and are only available during their events) and aside from that it's just Restricted Disruptors, which don't add TP and pick the trait they give from their set at random.
And again, why couldn't the person just... dye/mutate the pet in their own account?
Like I can understand if it's "we look at your pet and come up with potential breeding project outcomes you could do with it", but that... doesn't seem to be what this is?
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Posted: 10/21/2020 at 4:22 AM
Post #9
maybe your right from now on our shop is going to be a pet daycare! and yes i will give credit for your work don't worry about that and about the country thing its actually optional so you don't really have to tell me about it anyways my last answer will be even thought this isn't an actual job we do pay money 1000 every 2 months you do a great job at your work here oh and by the way i did't realize about the age thing sorry about that and also the money isn't going to be real but i am going to trade you 1000 of my money from my sylestia account every 2 months(that means i will give you 1000 gold every two months) well the last thing i wanted to say is that your hired! with all your amazing questions a qualifications why wouldn't i hire you! i hoping you know how to take care of things and have responsibility right? since the shop will change into a pets daycare you have one qualification and that is responsibility.........well tell me if you do.....bye!
Level 72
The Sweet Tooth
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Posted: 10/21/2020 at 7:09 AM
Post #10
Ahh, nvm I was only interested in desingning, sorry.
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