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Level 75
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Posted: 10/15/2020 at 10:07 PM
Post #1
This is the thread for notes for when we make the official Room of Forts thread. If you want to join with your fort or join a fort ping one of the founders. If you have any suggestions for maybe other community forts, ping Cinder.
Each fort will have a story/ explanation of their fort. each fort can offer their own services such as auctions, breeding eggs for you, testing pets, Selling items, etc.
Current forts and their residents and services (A-Z):
The Floof Fort: Lawlipop991
The Expanding Fort: Jb092, Silvercinder
PB Themed Eggs, PB Themed Kelp Egg Auction, occasional contests, Themed Kelp Boarding, Hatchery Boarding
The Lupora Furpelt Fort: Cuchulainn
Qitari renting and boarding
The Soup Fort: Unstaeble, Aelingalathynius
Free pet testing, Leveling service (0-60, 61-70 occassionally), Team/Battle Training, Occasional Giveaways/raffles
The Venepillow Fort: Mushroomwithlegs
Affordable eggs from any two of mushs venes, some vene design contests (with prompts!), vene art contests (with eggo prizes), PB themes once Mush completes pairs, leveling from 0-50
Extra Community Forts:
The Game Fort: would have weekly games, holiday themed games, etc.
The Library Fort?: Librarian Pearlwish would have my Dict of the Themed
The Battle Advice Fort: run by Pearlwish and Unstaeble is right next to library. ask any questions and you'll get the advice you need
Community Hatchery?
- Be kind and caring
- C H A O S is encouraged
- No setting anyone on fire unless its Dy
- No eating entire forts
- No murdering/maiming of pets
- No setting pets/forts on fire
Edited By Jb092 on 11/10/2020 at 10:43 PM.
Level 70
Warden of Umbra
Joined: 6/14/2019
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Posted: 10/15/2020 at 10:23 PM
Post #2
Venepillow fort services:
-affordable eggs from any two of mushs venes
-some vene design contests (with prompts!)
-vene art contests (with eggo prizes! Yay!)
-gold protection! Send how much gold you want to be protected by fierce hoard venes so you dont spend it all!
-PB themes once mush completes pairs
-leveling from 0-50
Description: The Venepillow Fortress is a towering, well, tower! Its thick walls are made out of grey pillow cushions and covered with brightly illustrated blankets of all kinds. (Illustration pending). Perched atop the tower is a gigantic t-shirt cannon-looking monstrosity that shoots easily exploded feather pillows.
Within the well-guarded tower lies a gigantic hall lined with colossal slumbering Nyvenes of every color and trait imaginable.
Deeper in, a large room lined with illustrations is filled with quietly muttering critics.
Up a few staircases, a thick iron door is guarded by two of the largest, most menacing Nyvenes the viewer has ever seen. They know that behind the door, there lies a pile of gold so large it fills up 1/3 of the tower.
Even farther up, a room with ceiling-tall open windows is filled with the noises of mock-battle; Nyvenes are flying around the tower, grappling each other and occasionally landing on the ground to wrestle as a few trainers watch with keen eyes.
And at the very top of the tower, a mushroom with muscular legs is found in a pile of the most affectionate Nyvenes the viewer has ever seen.
Edited By Mushroomwithlegs on 10/15/2020 at 10:59 PM.
Level 70
The Sweet Tooth
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Posted: 10/15/2020 at 10:29 PM
Post #3
Community Areas:
-library on one side, cafe on the other
-outdoor patio w/ retractable awning/ceiling
-walk-in fountain
-pavilion-style outside
-"cat cafe" style inside
-catwalks on wall and above both library and cafe to avoid stepping/tripping over pets
Community Hatchery (land pets):
-Several floors w/ an elevater/lift
-Barn-esque design
-Storage loft
-Maintenance shed
-different sections for different species
-Parent Recovery section
Crystal Pools (water pets):
-not to be confused w/ Kelp Pools (Kelp Pools are Jb's private pools, while Crystal Pools are the community pools)
-different depths of water in different sections
-Shallows, Mid-depth, Deep, etc.
-Caves and alcoves
Edited By Lawlipop9991 on 10/15/2020 at 10:50 PM.
Level 75
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Posted: 10/15/2020 at 10:44 PM
Post #4
Lawl! The kelp pools are mine! Also, imma use them for boarding themed adult kelps and any hatchery kelps.
Level 75
Warden of Umbra
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Posted: 10/15/2020 at 10:47 PM
Post #5
Lupora FurPelt Fort
There is a ruggedness to the place, it's a village of working tanners and trappers. The feel of the place is Celtic, and often there is details in the worked leather that hint of the same, Celtic knot work decorates most of anything there. The villagers live in earthen mound round huts that have thatched walls covered with mud.
Trained attack Lupora are available for battle, tracking or tasks such as guards.
The fort is well known to have traveling bards that play harps, drums and flute in the region.
There is a blacksmith there as well. Chariots are also produced there, along with silver jewelry.
Skilled hunters that can track and trap anything.
Leather tanners
Groomers for Lupora's needs.
Qitari renting and boarding.
You can also obtain spears of different quality there, that you need special training to handle.
Edited By Cuchulainn on 10/15/2020 at 10:59 PM.
Level 70
The Sweet Tooth
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Posted: 10/15/2020 at 10:49 PM
Post #6
Okay, so for clarity's sake the pools are completely separate. Your pools are yours, but Crystal Pools are for the community. I'll change my notes.
Level 75
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Posted: 10/15/2020 at 10:51 PM
Post #7
Nice! I like it! What are your services?
Level 75
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Posted: 10/15/2020 at 10:52 PM
Post #8
*Happy Noises* I'm glad so many people seem to be having as much fun with this idea as am.
Level 75
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Posted: 10/15/2020 at 10:52 PM
Post #9
Jb092's boarding Pools XD sorry for making you change it so many times!
Level 75
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Posted: 10/15/2020 at 10:54 PM
Post #10
CCCCCCCIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNDDDDDDEEEEEEEEERRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wasnt sure if you saw this yet! These are just notes for when you make the official one!
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