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Forum Index > Roleplaying > One of Us, One of Them . . (Open, New!)
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Level 29
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Posted: 12/21/2013 at 11:21 PM Post #1

Name: [Full name]
Crush: [Can be any species]
Brief personality|| [Not just a few words]
Bio|| [A brief place for a human past]
Supernatural ability: [Only ONE and it must have some sort of a down side]
Image: [No real photographic images please, Anime-type would be best]
Played by [. . . and a link of your user name]
Name / Gender / Player / Page

Lee .T. Martin / Male / LostSoull / Page 1
Amaya Yoruhane / Female / Soltra8 / Page 1
Higure Yoruhane / Male / Soltra8 / Page 1


Name: [Full name]
Brief personality|| [Not just a few words]
Owns a deal with. . . : [Must be human]
Supernatural ability: [Only ONE and there must be a down side]
Image: [No real photographic images please]
Played by [. . . and a link of your user name]
Name / Gender / Player / Page

Leader of the After World~
Eara Millie Calvi / Female / LostSoull / Page 1
Kouri Soyokaze / Female / Soltra8 / Page 1
Homura Kazemori / Male / Soltra8 / Page 1


Name: [Full name]
Age: [No one below the age of 18]
Brief personality and background|| [Easy enough to understand]
Has a deal with. . . : [Must be a demon]
Weapon form: [No images, because we want you to be descriptive]
Image: [No real, photographic images please]
Played by [. . . and a link of your user name]
Name / Age / Gender / Player / Page

Laura Mue Harper / 29 / Female / LostSoull / Page 1
Edna Abend / 19 / Female / Soltra8 / Page 1
Kristoph Wolff / 19 / Male / Soltra8 / Page 1


The humans are not all captured.
The Vampires are just starting to get their orders to go and kidnap humans.
Demons are (mostly) in the After World, not doing much of anything.

Edited By Lostsoull on 12/23/2013 at 12:35 AM.
Level 29
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Posted: 12/21/2013 at 11:23 PM Post #2
So how does it look? Can everyone see the images?
Level 29
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Posted: 12/21/2013 at 11:49 PM Post #3

Name: Eara Millie Calvi
Crush: ...
Brief personality|| Eara is a very strange girl. For being so young, many are surprised that she is the current leader of the demon realms. She is often found staring into space, but her mind is not wondering. She is normally very aware of her surrounding, taking in everything around her that she finds interesting enough to listen to. She is calm most of the time, and very composed, but since she is int he body of a child, there are times when she does break down. Out of no where, she may break down and act the age she looks. But she can easily regain herself after a while. Eara cares for her race very much, doing anything to stop wars and unneeded conflict.
Owns a deal with. . . : [OPEN]
Supernatural ability: It is very rare to make a deal with Eara, only for the fact that her abilities suck the life out of her. She is what's currently known as a "Shadow Summoner". It's normally a type of dark magic, but Eara are made it her person ability. Since this magic is so powerful, it takes bits and pieces of her life as she uses it. When she does, she is able to physically summon any creature found in the dark realm, including common earth animals. From a bird to a dragon, she is able to bring them to her quickly and with ease. Each time she uses her magic, her hair looses just a bit of color at the root, turning black to show how much life she has left.
True Form

Name: Lee .T. Martin
Crush: ...
Brief personality|| Lee can described by most women as a jerk. He loves to tease and joke around with the girls, but has no intention of actually dating any of them. He doesn't really care for other guys, treating them like any other person would. He is good around children, though, always finds ways to make them smile.
Bio|| Sadly enough, Lee does not remember much about how he became a vampire or much about his past life time. The only thing he really remembers are places and pieces of names. Not much makes sense to him if he tries to remember too hard, normally getting things more mixed up and confusing.
Supernatural ability: Lee has extremely good eye sight. He is able to see more then half a mile away, and has no trouble spotting differences between two things. One major down side to this ability is that his eyes are very sensitive, and came spike pain even when they are blown in to harshly.

Name: Laura Mue Harper
Age: 29
Brief personality and background|| Laura, who also goes by her middle name of Mue by her close friends, has one of those mess-with-me-and-get-a-black-eye sort of girls. She's got this look to her that says the same. Most of her upper body, and her left leg are covered in tattoos. She takes great pride in her ink, they are all her design and the most of them were done by her kid brother. Laura has a strong bond to her brother, and would protect him no matter what the cost. The last time she saw him, she was heading to a run down building where she worked as a part-time close designer. She never liked her job every much, and was ready to quite that same day.
Has a deal with. . . : [OPEN]
Weapon form: Laura takes the form of a long sword. The blade is slightly curved near the tip, and there is no hand guard to protect the hands of her demon. The handle of this blade is pure silver, and is a two handed sword. Her blade itself is is three feet long, and it has small spikes just as a rose has thorns on it's stem.


Level 60
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Posted: 12/22/2013 at 2:26 AM Post #4
((Sorry, I tried my best here >> The images made it hard to read.... Mind telling me if I did anything wrong?))
((I'm bad at thinking of downsides so if the downsides aren't good.. I'm sorry....))

Name: Amaya Yoruhane ((Night rain, Night wing))
((Last name coming last, though it usually should come first))
Crush: Not yet


KK then, she just has a shirt that covers more area and pants...

Brief personality||
An aloof girl who prefers to keep to herself, wanting nothing to do with any other unless need be. She can be harsh to others, and finds that others, save her family -her brother-, irritate her easily, so she ends up to others as snappy.
To others, she seems harmless and an easy target, but, she moves quick, and with her hidden weapons, many are dead before they register the pain of their death.
Unknown to most, she likes to play the flute, at least the traditional japanese version of it.
((Unfortunately, I'm bad with personalities and find it easier to rp it out.... so er.. if she acts something not here, or clashes with whats here, its actually a part of her personality... same with other characters... Ill update all personalities as the rp goes along?))

She barely remembers her human life, but snippets of her past life do stay in her mind, and the more she tries to think about it, the more she remembers, but the more pain she feels. Thinking of her past life gives her a headache after all. What's worse, is that at the most random of times, her memories may flash through her mind, giving her a splitting headache.
All she remembers now is her family -her parents dead, brother turned yet separated from her- and where she previously lived. She remembers certain names, and still remembers faces, but can't place the names to them. Now, she's left her home with some supplies, and is currently looking for her brother. ((They're twins ><))

Supernatural ability:
Has manipulation over darkness/shadows, and can use them to create armor, 'pets' and weapons, to name a few. However, should she use it as an attacking force, ((Ya know, like fire mages when they cast a spell and poof, a fire bolt or whip goes towards the enemy)) the darkness is a light purple color.
((Her 'attacking form' of darkness -in other words, the 'pure' form, the energy- is like the light purple encircling the girl in the picture's right arm... She doesn't look like that though ><))

In the sun her powers are severely weakened. Though she may be able to use them, the energy form of the darkness wouldn't do much damage, though still hurts. Also, if she's using manipulations, then if its armor, they wear off in a few seconds, same if she makes a weapon out of it or an attacking companion. ((However, even if it's daylight, as long as the companion, weapon or armor stays in the shadows they're fine, but the moment they reach they sun...)) Her ability is boosted in the night, even if the moon is out.
Also, should the sun's rays ((not moon's despite the fact that the moon reflects the sun)) touch her skin, it'll hurt, like a traditional vampire's, though she won't burn, it'll hurt, but this can be prevented if she wears a cloak that covers her entire body.
((Do I have to redo the downside? Its basically more like she shouldn't go out in the morning... Unless she stays in the shadows..))

Played by: Soltra8

Name: Kouri Soyokaze ((Ice breeze))
Crush: Not yet

True Form

Sorry, closest I could get, actually white hair.

Brief personality||
Like her ability, her personality is icy, but she's elegant as well, having been raised by nobles. She's independent and hates to depend on others, and while cold, she's a good friend, and will risk her life for them. When she makes a pact though, she likes tempting the pact maker into doing things, but if she likes them enough, she lets them decide by themselves, instead of convincing them to do things. Sometimes, when she's bored, she uses her ability to amuse her, using her finger to draw in the air using a trail of snowflakes. Likewise, she likes drawing and reading, and likes to listen to music.

Owns a deal with: None yet.

Supernatural ability:
Water manipulation, though her branch is ice and snow, as that's her ace. ((Ice is solid form of water so i think it's accepted.... and snow is actually ice crystals so...)) As ice is the solid form of water, she can manipulate water, but finds it easier to do so with ice, unlike a few of her brothers and sister who use the main branch. However, she only bothered to learn how to heal minor wounds, and certain wounds are too tough for her to heal fully.

As ice is a form of water, she's restricted to the water around her, such as water vapor and lakes or rivers. If she's in a dry place, she can't use her abilities well, and she can't stand heat either.

Played by Soltra8

Name: Edna Abend
Age: 19

She also keeps a pair of wind and fire wheels on her left hip.
Brief personality and background||
Born to a militaristic family, Edna grew up a disciplined fighter, elegant and graceful, yet deadly at the same time. Quicker and stronger than most, she's a force to be reckoned with, and is quick to react to many things, but rarely shows her true emotions. Despite her rather stoic appearance, she's actually friendly and will go all out for her friends and those she trust, as she's extremely loyal. However, her mother was captured by the vampires, and her father killed. The rest of her family and her squadron that she was placed in charge with for military campaigns were scattered, some killed, some captured, others alive and running. Now, she wishes to free those in the vampire's hands, no matter the cost.
Has a deal with:

Weapon form:
A whip-sword, with the sword as a changdao/odachi. The handle is engraved with floral designs and the two ends that stick out like a 'T' ((the top part of the 'T', the '-' part)) is shaped like a moon. The blade is a deep purple color, and is thicker than a normal odachi/changdao.
Should she revert back to human form and while in weapon form had been used as a whip, her body will ache and she'll be in a lot of pain, vomiting afterwards.

Played by Soltra8

Name: Higure Yoruhane
Crush: Not yet


The picture is close enough >< He has black highlights in his hair though, and the red markings are black.

Brief personality||
He's more talkative then his sister, but is just as distant and perhaps even more cold in certain situation and to certain people. He's also mature and will do anything for his sister, and is a loyal friend. Alert and quick, he's as deadly as his sister, despite that he's kind, friendly and cares for others, especially kids. He also has good hearing and eyesight. Should you earn his trust, his a friend you can truly count on.

Higure remembers the night of their turning, but can't remember their turner's name. He only remembers his face, and has a desire to find him. Since he doesn't try to remember, he doesn't have unpredictable flashbacks, or headaches. Instead, he'd rather wait for them to come back, and he only remembers his sister, name and face. He woke up separated from his sister, so now he's trying to find both her and their turner, though he's stuck with a male demon and human as his companions.

Supernatural ability:
He has the same ability as his sister, except he cannot use the pure energy form of darkness, and instead, unlike his sister, can literally become a shadow. However, he shares the same weaknesses as his sister, and while in shadow form, should he happen to cross a place where there are no other shadows, he can be seen moving, but if there are shadows, no one can see him moving, as his shadow form is the same color as other shadows. Also, in shadow form, if he crosses a place where sunlight reaches, he'll burn, but he won't die. He'll just be in a lot of pain.

Played by: Soltra8

Name: Homura Kazemori

True Form

Refer to the picture on the left, the one on the right shoes the back of his clothes if his tails were transparent... Also, he has blue spirit flames (four) in an arc around his body, two on both sides of his head, another two on both sides of his shoulders.

Brief personality||
Cocky and smug, a flirt as well, but is also a big brother type to those he likes. Cunning and mischievous, he likes to play pranks, but knows when not to. He likes to tease others as well, but despite his laid back personality, he's smart and makes good use of his sly/cunning nature in many battles, and is quite ferocious when battling as well. Loyal.

Owns a deal with:

Supernatural ability:
Fire manipulation, usable like Amaya's. Due to his ability though, he's used to warmth, so doesn't do well in cold water ((lakes, rivers or oceans. He can do well in hot springs)) or cold places, though he can swim... ((Due to a prank where he was pushed into the water at a young age, he decided to take it up just in case, but if he's thrown in, he usually fails around until he calms down. If he decides to go into the water himself, he's fine, since he's mentally prepared, but the water is cold, so he prefers not to stay in water for too long. Also, if he's wet, he's fire ability doesn't work to well.)) Basically, as long as the water is hot/warm, he's fine.

Played by Soltra8

Name: Kristoph Wolff
Age: 19


Brief personality and background||
Just like the demon he made a pact with, he's cocky and a flirt, but not nearly as cunning or mischievous as the kitsune. He stills remembers how they met, when they both had gotten into a verbal fight over a petty thing. One thing led to another and soon they became close friends, and when Homura told him what he really was, he didn't mind. From then, they've been close then real brothers, and they trust each other a lot, care only for each other and will do anything for the other. Both are extremely loyal to whom they're friends with. Kristoph is also a thief, and is faster then most other humans and has heightened senses from training.

Has a deal with:

Weapon form:
A dual scythe that can be separated and both parts are connected by a chain. The handles/body of the scythe is engraved with vines and the scythe itself has a smaller scythe on top of the original scythe's blades. A black ribbon is tied around the scythe on both ends near the blades.
Theres some after effects - once Kristoph is transformed back, and the scythe was separated, he feels a sharp pain in his abdomen.

Played by Soltra8
Edited By Soltra8 on 12/23/2013 at 12:30 AM.
Level 60
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Posted: 12/22/2013 at 5:51 AM Post #5
Ohh, this looks fun!

Name: Casper Greythorn
Crush: Had a crush on Amity before he was turned to vampire, now he doesn't know
Brief personality|| Casper is sorta shy and isn't confident around people unless he knows them really well. He is thought to be weak because he is usually scared of stuff and other vampires call him the worst vampire ever. He's really sweet and loves animals, especially cats. He misses being a human a lot and often tries to blend in with them. He is also usually found with his head in a book, as he loves to read.
Bio|| Casper was best friends with Amity, who helped him be more confident. He was teased a lot by the other kids but had Amity to take care of him. He would always take time out to feed the birds in the park.
Supernatural ability: Due to his mild nature, he doesn't get angry much. But when he does, his personality almost changes and his anger is manifested into a beast made from shadows. He turns really angry and (for lack of better word) macho. He doesn't use this much though because he can't control it well and is afraid of it.
Played by Lolidragon!

Name: Fletcher Cahill (Call him Flea)
Crush: TBA
Brief personality|| Flea is the most annoying demon that most have ever met. He is constantly playing pranks on everyone and is a very smooth talker so he can get away with it. He teases everyone about everything. He also never shuts up, and is a bit cocky. The only time he shuts up and is peaceful is when he's drawing. He loves drawing and is very good at it, but doesn't like people seeing his art. He likes everything to go his way and be perfect, he's a bit of an optimist actually. He gets really hyped up easily and is full of energy.
Owns a deal with. . . : TBA
Supernatural ability: When he draws with his blood (assuming demons have blood) whatever he draws will become real (just like Sai from Naruto XD ). The downside is that this takes quite a while and he is a perfectionist!
Played by Lolidragon!

Name: Amity Doyle
Age: 18
Brief personality and background|| Was best friends with Casper when he was human. Amity is always looking for adventure and she loves to learn new things. She's a gutsy girl that will stand up to anyone, but she often doesn't know what she's getting herself into. She fights a lot of useless battles because of this, and her temper is very short. She looks very little kiddish and is often underestimated but that makes her all the more good at fighting. She has a very strong sense of justice.
Has a deal with. . . : TBA
Weapon form: Amity becomes a whip in her weapon form. The handle is long and is a reddish brown colour, looking like it's been stained with blood. There is rope on the end of the handle so the demon carrying her can hold onto it better. The actual whip part is a golden colour and the part on the end is bright red.
Played by Lolidragon!
Level 66
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Posted: 12/22/2013 at 10:51 AM Post #6
I'm gonna reserve this post! This looks fun!

Name: Katrina Korkusku-Atma Livuski
Crush: Open
Brief personality: She always tries not to make human friends in case she loses them. She is pretty sarcastic and does like animals friends, though, but only animas. She also is very silent unless it is actually important enough to speak. She will not sacrifice herself for a person, but will for an animal.
Bio: She had 12 other siblings, Kate, Conner, Arthur, Nate, Jessica, Viki, James, Jake, Elizabeth, Mary, Sarah, and at last, John. They were extremely poor and their dad died in a car accident. Their mom died after giving birth to John. Katrina was the oldest so she had to look out for all her siblings, all 12! They all died recently from a strange sickness that swept through the poor family. She ha only one friend who was a strange girl. They were very close. The girl had taught Katrina how to fight. The girl died too. Katina was left heartbroken. She can play a reed pipe quite well and the animals like her a lot.
Supernatural ability: Putting herself on fire...! XD She can make herself like a hot-potatoe! The flames are actually black and purple. But unfortunately, it blacks her out after. Even though she can resist it and not die, it's extremely painful and hot.

Played by: Crystal25152

Name: Zachary Martin Stark
Crush: Open
Brief personality: Actor. He likes to act. His personality is always acted. He has no real feelings that are describable. When he's not acting, he feels yearning of something and loneliness. But he rarely doesn't act. He covers up that yearning with his acting. Zach is a crazy perfectionist. I mean really perfect. He spends days to mimic a voice till it's unrecognizable as his own.
Owns a deal with. . . : Yuki
Supernatural ability: Dream changing. He can shift around a sweet dream into a nightmare or do the opposite. The bad thing is that he could get stuck in the victims mind and dream till they wake up. It makes up him sleep as well. Only if the victim wakes up, he can. If the victim is dead, he's dead.
True Form With Angel wings, though!

Played by: Crystal25152

((Hey Lost, I G2G, so can I add the Demon and Human letter?))
Edited By Crystal25152 on 12/22/2013 at 2:10 PM.
Level 29
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Posted: 12/22/2013 at 12:04 PM Post #7
XD Alright, maybe I should further explaine my thoughts for this rp. Lol. Sometime later I will make a post (Mostlikely on a nother site such as dA or something.) That better explaines my ideas and hopes for the plot and when not. It might be a bit long, because I like to add detail xD but it'll be worth it to read.
Level 66
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Posted: 12/22/2013 at 12:06 PM Post #8
Is my first girl accepted? The Demon and Human are on their way...!
Level 29
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Posted: 12/22/2013 at 12:11 PM Post #9
Uhm . . . I would say yes, but the whole sibling thing is confusing. Plus the 'Laura' sibling caught my eye, that's my human character's name xD
Level 66
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Posted: 12/22/2013 at 12:36 PM Post #10
Oops! I'll go fix that...12 brothers and issues...XD
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