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Forum Index > General Discussion > Tarimb Discussion Thread
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Level 70
Warden of Umbra
Joined: 2/8/2019
Threads: 60
Posts: 4,986
Posted: 11/14/2020 at 9:25 AM Post #1
because everyone loves tardigrade amoebas :)

Basic Traits:

-Blank eyes that bulge out (kinda like lune + ryori?)
-Tusks that double as sensory whiskers (females have shorter but more)
-A semisolid, shiny body (like um.. mercury asthenosphere or something)
-Algae-like patches that are tinted green, probably used for photosynthesis
-Spikes run over neck and back, seem to be used for defense and sensory purposes
-Body is connected in flexible segments that can be discarded to trick a predator (think geckos)
-4-digit sloth-like claws on front limbs and 3-digit on middle and back (females have 3 digits on front + middle, but only one digit on back)
-Cytoplasmic mist surrounds their bodies and forms their tails (Similar to Ryori mist)
-Unlike Ryori mist, Tarimb mist can change shape to trap prey and grab things.
-Hatchlings are born blind with vestigial eyes, but a faint glow shines through the hardened cytoplasm.
-They also only have a single digit on each limb.

Need more mutation and res set stuff...

Here's what we have image-wise!

Uncolored male adult + hatchling, with egg. Size comparsion, but may not be accurate. They're smaller than puffs though. Oh, and some stat measures.

Colored version of above. Hatchling glow effects, cytoplasm liquidity, and body segment shine are shown.

Female adult and hatchling. Could've done better on the adult, but it was supposed to look like it's stalking. Also, baby is doing the ligh fall.

Above, but colored. Might look a bit messy, because the adult is so awkward.


-Females seem more agressive and tankier, but they can't stretch their cytoplasm as far.
-Males will wave their cytoplasm in a dance to attract females.
-Tarimb eggs are produced via mitosis, but they then mutate to fit the trait system.
-It's debated how tall Tarimbs are. The most common answer is about 0'06''.
-Same goes for weight, but there's a huge diversity.
-Females are rumored to kill their mates when starved.
-Tarimbs are actually omnivoric (photosynthesis + meat or plants).
-Due to this, one cannot exclusively feed off of one type of meal.
-It seems that Tarimbs are heavily resilent. It's even been suggested that they can survive in space!
-Many forms of sport may ban them, or at least pose restrictions.

More ideas are always welcome!

Also, I'm not trying to rip off the bat thing.

Edited By Uieaoeia on 11/14/2020 at 9:25 AM.
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