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Forum Index > Roleplaying > Pokmon Academia (sign up and discussion)...
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Level 35
Joined: 11/16/2020
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Posted: 11/20/2020 at 11:32 PM Post #1

Welcome to the Pokemon Academia, here in the Galar region. This pokemon trainer school is was started 100 years after the events of sword and shield. There is a pokemon school where you can train to be a trainer, specialized trainer, breeder, coordinator, researcher, police, or ranger. Many more classes are available, students can range form ages 10-70. What kind of journey waits you here.

1. You must play a trainer you may not just play a pokemon.
2. Your trainer may bring one level five pokemon from home but if you do this they must have another one from school same level.
3. Make sure to check out the years of the pokemon school and the bonuses for the pokemon classes.
4. Must stay active if you are going to be inactive let me know
5. Please invite your friends
6. Must post at least 4 sentences per post.

Important Links
Discord link if interested it will contain votes and other things important to rp.

Character froms

For staff/teachers

picture of character can go anywhere on form
age (teachers must be at least 30 or 25 if coming form other regions and didnt start as students)
starter: (optional)
subject they teach/job:
fc: (if its original art then just say so)
There two legendaries: which dont battle
any other pokemon that dont battle
team of pokemon

pokemon info needed:

Species name
nature: optional you can put personality instead
anything else you want us to know about the pokemon

student form:

picture of character can go anywhere on form
age (in this rp can be 11 to 70 or older)
Year: (their year at school)
starter: (optional)
subject they teach/job:
fc: (if its original art then just say so)
crush: (optional)
bf/gf: (optional)
Their pokemons details

note if you want a type of starter that is not there say in other: ic meaning you want their pokemon randomized in rp and get it from a professor, or oc where i randomly select it before the rp. thats only if you want your trainer to start out with one from home and one from school.
Edited By Sabrina72391 on 11/24/2020 at 10:40 AM.
Level 35
Joined: 11/16/2020
Threads: 10
Posts: 151
Posted: 11/20/2020 at 11:33 PM Post #2

Years 1 - 5
You may Catch up to 36 pokemon total. Not inculding gift pokemon received threw events in rp.
Your classes color is Orange
You may carry up to 2 different teams at at a time on your person.

Years 6 - 10
You may catch up to 50 pokemon
you may have one mid stage or shiny pokemon per year you have completed after 5th year.
you class color is Green

Years 11 - 15
You can catch up to 76 pokemon
you may have one rare pokemon, or shiny or fully evolved pokemon per class year
Your color is blue
You can choose a second class major but dont get the starter kit that goes with it.

Years 20 - 25
Can catch up to 100 pokmeon
you may have one rare pokemon, or shiny or fully evolved pokemon per class year
Your color is Red
You can take on the vice or school principle to graduate early
you can choose a 3rd major but again dont get the starter kit with it.

Year 30 +
Catch up to 200 pokemon
you may have one rare pokemon, or shiny or fully evolved pokemon per class year
Your color is Color Purple
You can graduate or continue your years at the school
You may apply to be a teacher at this point if you started as a student here.
Edited By Sabrina72391 on 11/20/2020 at 11:34 PM.
Level 35
Joined: 11/16/2020
Threads: 10
Posts: 151
Posted: 11/20/2020 at 11:37 PM Post #3

Important Notice: You may only choose one if you are years 1-5, you may add one at your years 11 - 15, you may add a third one when you get to years 20 - 25.

Important Notice: You may only get the kit once but the bonus for each major your character has will be added as you gain majors.

Important Notice; You may only choose up to 3 majors if your qualify with your school years.

Important Notice: Only a select few students that were specially invited by the school owner/Principal may get 2 at start. See special info on that in the characters section.

These are your normal trainers, they specialest in training all types of pokemon. They grow up to be elite four, champions and other related things. This class doesnt really have much else to say about it.

Bonus they get discounts on TMs

Starter kit:
5 pokeballs
Mega bracelet, Z cyrstal, or Dynimax band
2 Potions
5000 Pokedollars

These trainers are like regular trainers but they specialize in one type (up to after first 6 years). For example a trainer that specializes in fire types, or like misty who only used water types. Sometimes they can specialize in duel types, but most of them specialize in one type.

Bonus: They get discounts on Held items

5 pokeballs
Mega bracelet, Z cyrstal, or Dynimax band
2 Potions
5000 Pokedollars

Breeders are well they specialize in breeding pokemon. They don't really care about going for badges or anything like that but they love caring for pokemon. They care about bringing out a Pokmon's beauty threw raising them.

Bonus: They can breed pokemon more often, as well as get a more likely hood of a pokemon with egg moves/hidden abilities.

5 pokeballs
1 egg incubator
1 randomized egg
2 potions
5000 pokedollars

We all know what these are they want to be performers on stage or models. They like collecting ribbons.

Bonus: They get discounts on stage props, and can enter contests more often

Starter kit:
5 pokeballs
1 seal
2 random props
contest pass
5000 pokedollars

PokeTube Stars
These trainers are also performers like the coordinators but they focus on music videos, or poketube stars.

Bonus: Same as Coordinators

starter kit:
5 pokeballs
2 random props
1 seal
5000 pokedollars

These want to become pokemon doctors and nurses such as nurse joy.

Bonus: They get healing item discounts

5 pokeballs
2 randomized healing times
2 potions
5000 pokedollars

They are similar to pokemon rangers but they specailize in keeping the public safe rather than dealing with pokemon

Bonus: none currently ( will be one later)

Starter kit:
5 pokeballs
3 potions
5000 pokedollars

They do what police do but they work on rescuing pokemon and doing pokemon realted poblems.

Bonus: They have advantages on befriending people.

Starter kit:
5 pokeballs
3 potions
5000 pokedollars

Treasure Hunters
They go looking for items on treasure hunts. They love going out to different places they are a different type of researcher.

Bonuses: They have more likelihood of finding times and fossils

Starter kit
Dig kit
5 pokeballs
3 potions
5000 pokedollars

They study all the mysteries of pokemon.

Bonus: They can find shiny and rare colorized versions of pokemon

Research kit
5 pokeballs
3 potions
5000 pokeballs

Crafters make pokeballs from appercorns

Bonuses: they get discounts on pokeballs and appercorns

5 pokeballs
4 randomized appercorns (it takes 2 of one color to make one)
3 potions
5000 pokedollars

These students dont know what they want to do yet

They have no bonuses


5 pokeballs
4 potions
5000 pokedollars
Level 35
Joined: 11/16/2020
Threads: 10
Posts: 151
Posted: 11/20/2020 at 11:38 PM Post #4

Class lists:

Important: you may choose up to 10 classes must take at least 6

Nutrition: Kenneth (1st year), Viridi (22nd year)
singing: jasmine (9th year),
tips to winning pokemon contests: jasmine (9th year)
Pokemon relationships: Jasmine (9th year), Viridi (22nd year), adrian (12 year), Hotaru (13 year), Kallen (1st),
Trainer basics: Kenneth (1st year), Kallen (1st year), Viridi (22nd year),
Pokemon Ball Crafting: Jasmine (9th year), Kenneth (1st year), Kallen (1st Year), Hotaru (13 year),
Breeder basics: Viridi (22nd year)
Egg groups: Jasmine (9th year), Viridi (22nd year)
egg moves: Viridi (22nd year)
shiny pokemon: Kenneth (1st year), Viridi (22nd year), Kallen (1st year), Kyoya (8th year), Mizuki (12 year)
rare pokemon: adrian (12 year), Kyoya (8 year), Mizuki (12 year)
fossil pokemon
performer basics: Mizuki (12 year), Mizuki (12 year)
coordinator basics
research data: adrian (12 year)
treasure hunting
Duel types: Kenneth (1st year), Viridi (22nd year), adrian (12 year), Hotaru (13 year), Kallen (1st year), Kyoya (8th year)
fire type: Hotaru (13 year)
water type: Kallen (1st year), Mizuki (12 year)
grass type: Kenneth (1st year), Kallen (1st year)
electric type: adrian (12 year), Kyoya (8th year), Mizuki (12 year)
Ghost type: Hotaru (13 year)
ground type: Mizuki (12 year)
rock type: Kyoya (8th year)
steel type
ice type
psychic type
dark type: Hotaru (13 year)
fighting type
flying type
Bug type
normal type
dragon type: adrian (12 year)
Fairy type
Laws: Kyoya (8th year)

more will be added later

Teachers (all different classes)
Vice principle
nurses/doctors (human and pokemon)
professors (4 of them see fcs for their fcs one is taken though so 3 left)
Principal Termi (me)
Edited By Sabrina72391 on 11/26/2020 at 4:38 PM.
Level 35
Joined: 11/16/2020
Threads: 10
Posts: 151
Posted: 11/20/2020 at 11:41 PM Post #5

These pokemon are not available for starters unless they are teachers or staff each staff/teacher gets two legendary or mythical pokemon. List is wip

no mid or fully evolved pokemon for first years

Type null is not legendary here neither is manaphy, Phione, yes you may use shiny versions of the legionaries and mythical once their all taken.

Grass Starters:

Bulbasaur | Chikorita | Treecko | Turtwig | Snivy |
Chespin | Rowlet | Grookey | Sunkern | Budew |
Cacnea | Pansage | Skiddo |

Fire Starters

Charmander | Cyndaquil | Torchic | Chimchar | Tepig |
Fennekin | Litten | Scorbunny | Houndour | Growlithe |
Vulpix | Pansear | Ponyta (Kantoian)

Water Starters

Squirtle | Totodile | Mudkip | Piplup | Oshawott |
Froakie | Popplio | Sobble | Seel | Poliwag |
Corphish | Buizel | Panpour

Bug Starters:

Caterpie | Scyther | Wurmple | Surskit | Volbeat |
Illumise | Burmy | Scutterbug | Grubbin | Durant |
Blipbug | Skorupi | Sizzilpede |

Electric Starters:

Pichu | Electrike | Shinx | Magnimite | Elekid |
Mareep | Plusle | Minun | Blitzel | Helioptile |
Dedenne | Morpeko | Pincurchin | Yamper |

Normal Starters:

Meowth | Dunsparce | Igglybuff | Zigzagoon (Hoenn) | Lillipup |
Munchlax | Wooloo | Rattata (Kantoian) | Aipom | Girafarig |
Stantler | Smeargle | Miltank | Chatot |

Poison starters:

Ekans | Nidoran | Nidoran | Grimer (kantoian) | Gastly |
Trubbish | Salandit | Stunky | Seviper |

Fairy Starters:


Dragon Starters wip:

Ice starter:

Delibird | Sneasel vulpix (alolan) | Sandshrew (alolan)

Dark starters:


fighting starter:

riolu | tyrouge |

and those are all the current starters

if you choose a type thats not there the pokemon will randomly be chosen in rp.

thats all the starters you have to choose from more could be chosen if you let me randomize them when you arrive at school, more will be added the more that sign up for the rp
Edited By Sabrina72391 on 11/26/2020 at 1:47 AM.
Level 35
Joined: 11/16/2020
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Posted: 11/20/2020 at 11:42 PM Post #6

Important notice: Every character must have a face claim can be rl, anime, video game as long as they look human. You may use a drawn art as long as you give proper credits to who did it.

Fcs taken:

Kisuke Urahara From Bleach - As Principal Termi (taken by me)
Lloyd From code geas - as A professor (taken by me)
Stine From soul eater - as a professor (open)
Shinra from Durarara - Shiny pokemon teacher (taken by me)
Haruka OUMA from Guilty Crown - as a professor (open)
Sigyn ERSTER from Broke Blades - as a professor
Dabi - as a student (taken by me)
Original Art - As Jasmine

those are the only current that are taken if you want to reserve one let me know

Bakugo - reserved by me
Edited By Sabrina72391 on 11/26/2020 at 4:39 PM.
Level 35
Joined: 11/16/2020
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Posts: 151
Posted: 11/20/2020 at 11:47 PM Post #7

This First part is where the adoption center will be for pokemon that dont have homes or where you can leave pokemon your trainer decides not to raise.

This second pat here is for each characters bank which i will keep track of

and finally for the pokemart

which are all currently a wip
Edited By Sabrina72391 on 11/20/2020 at 11:49 PM.
Level 35
Joined: 11/16/2020
Threads: 10
Posts: 151
Posted: 11/20/2020 at 11:50 PM Post #8

Name: Principal Calem Termi
Nickname: Principal Termi, Cal (by other teachers)
Age: 55
History: He is a descendant of the original hero that saved the galar region. He has several kids that are attending school both biological and adopted. He has been in charge of the school for 35 years since he graduated at age 20 earliest ever to graduate from the school. He also is the current champion of the region. He specializes in Ghost, Psychic and dark type.

Personality: He is s very big goof ball and is pretty easy going. Hes probably one of the most popular people in the school. He can be serious at times but thats not how he usually acts. He is extremely lazy when it comes to things like paperwork. He loves this school like it were his own child.
Team: ( he has three that are wip)

Team One:

Species name: Gengar
Nickname: Wisp
Gender: Male
Lvl: 100
Type: Ghost/Poison
Ability: Shadow tag (mega) and Cursed body (normal)
Nature: Impish
Attacks: Confuse Ray, Shadow Ball, Thunderbolt, Psychic
Item: Gengarite
His starter is Gengar who started out as a weak little ghost that was lost in a bad rain storm when he was traveling with his family. He met his Gengar when he was ten years old. He within a year got all the gyms cleared in the Galar region. Not with just his starter but his starter was a key player. Soon he made a friend who ended up later marrying him. That helped him evolve his starter into a Gengar. When Cal was only 20 he became the champion. One of the youngest champion, he became the youngest ever to graduate the school. Wisp has been though this with him ever step of the way.

Species: Chandelure
Nickname: Adeen (A-din)
Gender: Male
Lvl: 95
Type: Ghost/Fire
Ability: Flash Fire
Nature: Lax
Attacks: Confuse Ray, Flamethrower, Energy Ball, Memento
Item: Firium Z / Ghostium Z
Adeen's name means bright little fire that burns brightly, which this pokemon did start out as just a little Litwik. He was barely able to do fire attacks. Cal and Wisp found him when he they were wondering around some historical sights in the galar region. When the found a Litwik that was getting picked on by other litwiks. This was how he met Adeen he even offered Adeen freedom when he finally became strong but Adeen wouldn't leave he had decided to stay with them forever.

Species Name: Silvally
Nickname: None
Gender: Genderless is referred to as female
lvl: 98
Type: Originally normal but he keeps him Dark or Steel type
Ability: RKS System
Nature: Serious
Attacks: Poison Fang, Crunch, Iron Head, Surf
Item: Dark or Steel Memory
He was given him this pokemon as a type null by a traveler from the alalon region. Even to this day Cal has no idea who gave him this pokemon. But their friendship didn't start out well. His Type Null was aggressive and untrusting towards him. But over time about half way into his 1 year journey for the badges just before he started school. This pokemon became one of his trusted friends. She is extremely protective of the school and trainers. So often times student will see her patrolling the school for any signs of trouble.

Species Name; Shiny Lucario
Name: Jalsa
Gender: Female
Lvl: 90
Type: Steel/Fighting
Nature: Brave
Ability: Steadfast
Item: Steelium Z or Fightinium Z
Attacks: Aura Sphere, Bone Rush, Dragon Pulse, Swords Dance
She has lived with him her whole life. He got her as his reward for completing his first 3 years at school. He got her at level 1, she was so frail and it took a lot of switching, and training. But soon she evolved. She is to kind hearted to go mega though she likes to do battles with her own power not using an item to bring it out.

Species Name: Umbreon
Nickname: Colton
Gender: Male
Type: Dark
lvl: 85
Item: Darkium Z
Ability: Synchronize
Nature: Calm
Attacks: Faint Attack, Double Team, Confuse Ray, Bite
Colton was caught as an eevee in one of his first years. He caught Colton later in coltons life he was already level 10 when he caught him. He has been with him ever since though. Colton is like a son of his although all his pokemon are like family. He gets babied so hes a bit spoiled. But hes also the weakest out of his top team. But dont underestimate this pokemon.

Species Name: Sigilyph
Nickname: Oslac
Gender: Male
Type: Psychic/Flying
Lvl: 92
Items: Psychium Z or Flyinium Z
Ability: Wonder Skin
Attacks: Fly, Psychic, Double Team, Energy Ball
Nature: Relaxed
This is one of the first pokemon he had caught in the wild. It is a very wacky pokemon and thats what he loves about him. He is a very relaxed pokemon and seems to help pokemon around him to relax. He loves Oslac so much. He loves battling and is normally the first one sent out in battle.

Team Two

Species Name: Sharpedo
Nickname: Keani
Gender: Female
Lvl: 60
Type: Water/Dark
Ability: Rough Skin
Nature: Rash
Attacks: Surf, Crunch, Thunder Fang, Fire Fang
Items: Waterium Z or Darkium Z
Keani is a pokemon he caught while traveling after graduating school. He caught him while doing a fishing competition using a super rod. He came in second for catching the pokemon. It was already a sharpedo so it took a while before he would listen. Sometimes even now he will ignore Cal's orders.

Species Name: Xatu
Nickname: Xanadu
Gender: Female
lvl: 55
Type: Psychic/Flying
Item: Psychium Z or Flyinium Z
Nature: Sassy
Ability: Synchronize
Attacks: Psychic, Flying, Confuse Ray, Thunder Wave
Xanadu is a special pokemon she seems to like being in a classroom rather in a battle for badges. Shes more of a teacher pokemon, and likes to battle trainers. She is extremely sassy and does what she wants how she wants. She was caught as a Natu at night when he was out traveling the region.

Species Name: Nidoqueen
Nickname: Hiroko
lvl: 50
Type: Ground/Poison
Ability: Rivalry
Item: Groundium Z or Poisonium Z
Personality: Naive
Attacks: Thunderbolt, Earth Power, Sludge Bomb, Aerial Ace
Hiroko was found as a nidoran and was very scared. She was being mistreated by her first trainer and was left for dead. Cal found her and cared for her. The pokemon almost gave up but with help from him and his pokemon found a reason to fight.

Species Name: Aggron
Nickname: Dustan
lvl: 50
Type: Steel/Rock
ability: Rock Head
Nature: Brave
Item: Steelium Z or Rockium Z
Attacks: Earth Power, Iorn Head, Ice Fang, Dragon Claw
He was found a little after Cal found Hiroko. The two pokemon became close and now are like siblings. Dustan is very protective over Hiroko. For a while he would only battle along side Hiroko in double battles, now he will battle multiple people. However if she is taken out in front of him he will get angry and will get more aggressive with his attacks.

Species Name: Medicham
Nickname: Ferris
Lvl: 45
type: Psychic/Fighting
Item: Psychium Z or Fightinium Z
Nature: Timid
Attacks: Psychic, Bulk up, Poison Jab, Force Palm
His weakest on his second team but do not underestimate hIM. Although she doesnt like conflict he will battle for him as a last resort. Only cause he perfers not to battle. Ferris is shy when it comes to strangers, and doesnt do single battles due to being to anxious. However when hes in double battles he does much better with battling.

Species Name: Pidgeot
Name: Pidge
lvl: 60
Type: Normal/Flying
Item: Pidgeotite
Ability: Keen Eye (normal) / No Guard (mega)
Nature: Jolly
Attacks: Flying, Hurricane, Double Team, Return
Pidge is actually quiet small for a pidgeot he was caught a while ago. To prove that even a tiny pokemon can be strong. He loves pidge and will baby the bird. But now the bird has grown strong, he normally doesnt battle though. Due to an injury he can no longer carry a person on his back.

Team 3

Species Name: Alolan Marowak
Nickname: Marrow
lvl: 45
Type: Ghost/Fire
Item: Ghostium Z or Firium Z
Nature: Bold
Ability: Cursed Body
Moves: Flamethrower, Shadow Bone, Endeavor, Ice Beam
His newest evolved pokemon he got him only recently. Hes still getting to know his trainer but is already fiercely loyal. He likes picking fights with Wisp but always loses. He looks up to wisp though as his idle.

lvl: 45
Nature: Naughty
Item: Mawilite or Fiarium Z
Ability: Hyper Cutter (normal) / Huge Power (mega)
Attacks: Crunch, Iron Head, Play Rough, Thunderfang
This is the captain of his team three, he has had her since she was an egg. She is his little girl and likes to pull pranks on students. Harmless ones but pranks none the less. She used to be more naughty but has gotten less naughty over the years. But always loves to still pull pranks.

lvl: 32
Item: none
Attacks: Flamethrower, Bite, Fire Fang, Protect
Tora was left at the school by a trainer who dropped out. Tora was their starter, aEnd they had given up because the pokemon wouldnt take things seriously. So tora became the school mascot everyone on campus knows her and gives her the love she deserves as she walks around the school.

item: none
attacks: Thunder Shock, Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Dual Chop
Elekid is well a kid, and is still very young and inexperienced. He was gotten from a trade with a student, that wanted a different pokemon she has grown strong. She loves battling and having fun. Shes a very strong young pokemon.

Shiny Phantump
lvl 20
item: none
ability: frisk
Attacks: Confuse Ray, Faint Attack, Growth, Energy Ball
Is a very young shy little pokemon, he normally hides behind cal most of the time. You might find him outside at night or when its raining. Otherwise you will see him in Cal's office where he feels safest. He is still young and working on training.

lvl 15
item: none
ability: Snap Sipper
attacks: growth, Razor Leaf, Brick Break, Surf
His newest pokemon who was hatch from a students egg. His student had graduated and wanted to give him this egg as a thank you present for all the fun years. Kiddo is seen around the school almost eveywhere and loves greeting new students. And takes them to where they need to go.

Fc: Kitsuke Uharaha from bleach
Legendary Pokemon: Zamazenta and Spectrier[/center][/quote]


Full name: Professor Bardolph Blackthorn
Nickname: Professor Blackthron, Professor Bardy, or Bardy (to other teachers)
Age: 40
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Asexual/Bisexual
Job: One of the 4 school proffessors
History: He is one of the most popular researchers at the current time. Professor oak's successor, he loves to help students and is also popluar with teachers and students. He has been working at the school for 10 years now. He has a daughter whos 18, a son whos 15, another son whos 12, and another daughter who is 11. All of them attend school.

Personality: Hes very loud and can be obnoxious, however he can also be stubborn too. He can be creepy to many students at the same time. He is not as lazy as Cal when it comes to paperwork. He also has pokemon as his lab assistants cause hes very particular about how he keeps his office.

Lab assistants

Lance - Shiny Glaceon - doesnt battle - male
Chandler - Hitmonchan - doesnt battle - male
Zebby - Zebstrika - Doesnt battle - Female
Hana - Meganium - Doesnt battle - Female
Zeraora - Referred to as male - his one of his two legendries
Tapu Fini - Referred to as Female - his one of his two legendries

His team

lvl 80
Snow Cloak
Attacks: Hail, Frost Breath, Shadow Ball, Confuse Ray
She and his other pokemon are his starters the only pokemon of his that still battles. She is very quiet and will not do much she normally is in her pokeball where she feels safest. Or in her bed in Bardy's room.

lvl 82
Thick Fat
attacks: Ice Fang, Crunch, Body Slam, Whirlpool
He was his other starter and is the one he normally will use in battle first. This pokemon loves battling for fun and will oftenly be found in the pool of the school. Or winter room.
Fc: Lloyd from Code Geas
Edited By Sabrina72391 on 11/23/2020 at 8:14 PM.
Level 37
Joined: 9/4/2020
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Posted: 11/22/2020 at 1:43 PM Post #9
hi i would like to join my trainer is the champion in the aloha region and wants to help find the legendaries
her name is jasmine and she has a full female eeveelution team
3 shinies and rest are normal
ty :)
she wants sword
Edited By Eclipticgalaxy on 11/23/2020 at 10:26 AM.
Level 35
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Posted: 11/22/2020 at 2:08 PM Post #10
ok if you could fill out an app kinda like my characters that goes into details about her then thats fine with me welcome i will make the actual rp when we get more people. also is she a teacher cause only staff of the school get legendaries
Edited By Sabrina72391 on 11/22/2020 at 2:10 PM.
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