Forum Index > General Discussion > Stocking Stuffing!
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Level 71
The Tender
Joined: 6/20/2016
Threads: 7
Posts: 124
Posted: 11/26/2020 at 8:40 PM
Post #1
So I completely realize it may be too early for this post (were still in the middle of fall fest afterall) but its almost December! Which (hopefully) means that well have the option to give each other gifts via stockings soon!
The problem Im running into, is that I have no idea what makes good gifts anymore haha. In the past I used to gift all my avatar item dupes Id hoarded over the course of the year to newer players, but now that we cant gift blue items, thats no longer an option :P (I totally understand the reason for the change though, as much fun as it was to get a dozen gnarled vines from ToT, followed by a bunch of snow flurries in the stockings..).
So thats where you all come in! I need ideas on what to stock up on (are prismas still a good gift? Do people even still do max stat projects? Idk! Im out of touch!).
Im sure there will be a proper wishlist thread once the feature is actually implemented for the season, so I dont want to steal the thunder from that, but Id love if you all could throw out ideas (santa needs time to clear out the broker make the goodies afterall :P)
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