Forum Index > General Discussion > Philter of Mana in Stocking Stuffing?
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Level 18
Fancy Pants
Joined: 8/14/2020
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Posted: 12/6/2020 at 9:15 AM
Post #1
I have two Philters of Mana and it is on the wishlist, but I can't gift it to anyone in the Stocking Stuffing. Is this a glitch, or does nobody want a Philter of Mana?
Level 75
The Artistic
Joined: 1/28/2014
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Posted: 12/6/2020 at 9:20 AM
Post #2
If those Philters of Mana are the ones you got from the Advent Calendar, you won't be able to gift them as they are not tradeable. Everything from the advent calendar is not able to be traded or sold (this is to protect the market from being flooded with these free goodies you receive from the site).
Level 18
Fancy Pants
Joined: 8/14/2020
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Posted: 12/6/2020 at 9:26 AM
Post #3
Oh, makes sense. Anyway, why would anyone buy something they probably already got in the calendar?
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 6/15/2014
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Posted: 12/6/2020 at 9:56 AM
Post #4
most of that is given in the calendar are consumable items or avi, by exemple, players with stats projects will be interessed by the philters but for others they are not as valuables and may want to sale them and use the gold for somthing else instead.
Level 75
The Artistic
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Posted: 12/6/2020 at 10:04 AM
Post #5
Usually one or two of any of the things received in the calendar are not going to complete the goal of the person using that item. For example: Philters of Mana are used when hatching an egg to increase the base mana stat of that one sylesti by 20 points. The max base mana can be is 200 points. So, if the egg I'm hatching with that philter has base mana of 80 points, using the philter would increase that to 100 points. To get to 200 mana points, I would have to breed another generation with that 100 point mana pet, hopefully with another pet with 100 base mana or better. Generation over generation, I'd use multiple philters to raise the base mana of a particular sylesti line. This is how people create max stat pets: using stat philters generation over generation until they hit each base stat cap. Uses a *whole* lot more than two or three of any given philter.
For dyes, there are 12 colour slots. That means to completely recolour a single pet, it takes a minimum of 12 pet dyes (though usually more because all dyes have a colour swing to a greater or lesser degree).
Really, the only things in the calendar most people wouldn't want more of would be the avatar items, since you can only have one of any particular item in your wardrobe.
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