Forum Index > General Discussion > Need Advice for Pricing Breedings
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Level 75
Sweet Solver
Joined: 12/18/2012
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Posted: 12/11/2020 at 12:08 PM
Post #1
I have used a particular cost system for pricing tamed themes for a long time based on another player's system but I'm wondering if it's become outdated or not.
The system is 2.5k base price for females, 1k for males and then 2.5k for each trait point. A female 1vis would then be 7.5k and a 1vis male's breeding price would be 6k.
I've been needing to get around to pricing more of my pets for breeding for a long time but I'd been putting it off since I felt uncertain and worried if I'm overpricing or not. I'd like to hear from other long-term experienced players who are more familiar with breeding costs of themed pets. I'd also like to hear advice on pricing breedings of exclusive themed pets.
Level 70
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Posted: 12/11/2020 at 12:24 PM
Post #2
i always done the same 5kg base price, +500 if female, +250 per tp ( includes hiddens )
so i have a higher base but lower per-tp cost, i think your system sounds just fine tho. mine is the same for tamed/exusive, but i only deal w/ vorpas which are prob cheaper then a fable species would be ^-^
Level 75
Sweet Solver
Joined: 12/18/2012
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Posted: 12/11/2020 at 1:34 PM
Post #3
That would definitely be an interesting option to change to though. I was thinking the biggest difference would come down to something like epics and legendaries.
With my version of pricing an epic would be 11k male/12.5k female and then legendaries would be 16k male/17.5k female. With yours it would be without hiddens 6 male/7k female and 6.5k male/8k female if I'm doing the math right? Do you think the method I use is less fair when it comes to that?
Level 70
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Posted: 12/11/2020 at 2:14 PM
Post #4
idk, i think your way is totaly fine as it is! i think under 20k for breeding to a legendary is allready a very good deal and theyd be super helpful and pretty afordable to a project breeder. all my 2v+ are exclusive but now i think about it, 8k sounds really little for leg female breeding xD
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