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Forum Index > General Discussion > i just unlocked the lost grove, any tips...
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Level 68
Majestic Ice Carver
Joined: 12/13/2020
Threads: 105
Posts: 3,186
Posted: 4/3/2021 at 5:49 PM Post #1
as the title says, i just unlocked the lost grove! i was hoping someone might have some tips to help me get better? i've only been in once and didn't last long (barely made it out of the portal, actually ^^;)

some advice or suggestions would help me, like what i should think about buying or if there are any elements i should definitely have on my party when going. any advice or info you might have on the grove really helps, thank you!
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
Joined: 11/2/2014
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Posted: 4/3/2021 at 6:42 PM Post #2
> the topmost section of the grove (the top row of screens and the dip down in the middle where the druids are) only ever spawns one-enemy mobs. This can be helpful for getting used to things/ early grove grinding/ collecting some LG equips for your team to replace their pre-grove equips (if that hasn't been done already)

> when building the barracks, most people make the Temple of Light first (easiest to build, is at its most useful early on in your Grove Career)
After ToL, I'd say, in rough order, you'd want to make the Trading Post (easier+cheaper access to grove traps/healing items)
Blacksmith (takes a while before you can actually upgrade equips, but it'll let you start breaking down surplus equips so you have a supply of Enchanted Powder from that once you do have the other supplies needed for upgrading)
Training Grounds (once you've collected some items you can activate battle buffs against certain mob types.)
Tracker's Hut (Mostly only particularly good once you have access to the caves and can do the daily Rare Hunt and the weekly Epic Hunt tasks. It'll probably have a higher worth once we have access to the rank 4 and 5 upgrades)
Enchanted Portal (you need to have beaten Behemoth stage to be able to build this which is why it's at the bottom of the list. Useful once you've got the portals built)

> the lg elites/bosses have skills that you have to pay attention to to make the fights against them easier for yourself (eg. Ents have a special skill that will stun the pet it hits for 5 turns if not blocked somehow (Block ability, Earth's thorncoat, water's ice barrier/ice sphere), Nightfall Captains have an ability that makes them impervious to damage+have very high crit ratio for three turns after they hit full mana)

> LG is easier with a team with higher base stats (especially HP- low HP pets can be pretty hard to start off with) though you can absolutely still do it with low base stat pets

> wild epics can destroy you early on if given half a chance. They are scary when you're new.

> regular mobs can also destroy you, honestly. Especially certain setups of 3-enemy Bandit mobs, if you don't pay enough attention to what they're doing with their buffs.

> LG enemies have So Much HP

> Party Elements really come down to personal preference, but you definitely want to be comfortable with what you're using. You probably want the Tank+healer/buffer+attacker setup unless you really know what you're doing.
Starting in the LG might be a decent time to try out some different elements to work out what works for you?
Level 68
Majestic Ice Carver
Joined: 12/13/2020
Threads: 105
Posts: 3,186
Posted: 4/3/2021 at 6:51 PM Post #3
thank you so much, that helps a ton!
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