Forum Index > Pet Marketplace > Zolnixi Themed Offspring Shop
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Level 60
Joined: 10/10/2018
Threads: 35
Posts: 518
Posted: 6/24/2021 at 10:09 AM
Post #1
Welcome to the ZTOS!
With so far over 50 Different Themed Offspring available for you to order or readily purchase.
All offspring once hatched is Genetically Tested before being priced and all offspring is fertile.
Order Only means that this theme is not available unless you dm me and order it.
Readily Available means that this theme is bred as frequently as possible so if there is none in stock that means they are sold out till cooldown ends. If you would like a specific amount of Visual for a theme marked 'readily available' feel free to dm me to order.
Unavailable typically is put next to themes I feel have a lot on the market/low demand and I don't feel comfortable selling them till that changes.
Coming Soon means that the male or female of the pair is still too young too breed or I am saving up for this theme next.
All my prices are chosen by me going through Advanced Search, if you feel I should up the price on something please let me know.
With that said if you see an * next to an order only theme that means there are a lot of offspring on the market (in advanced search) at the moment and I will suggest you look there first for that theme before ordering it from me. Also if you want help finding themes that are currently unavailable in my shop you can just dm me and I can send you some links.
The number of visuals shown under a theme are the only ones available, for example if there is only a no visuals option then there is a zero to no chance of a visual being possible. With that said almost all offspring has something carried.
All Readily Available Themes are found in my Hatchery, if not bought once they become adults I release them. Links can also be found under here under the theme, normally saying the offsprings age and number if visuals.
Images Below are Of The Pairs
Shop Status: Start Up
Ametrine Explosion - Order Only
No Visuals - 10k
1 Visual - 20k
2 Visual - 30k
3 Visual - 40k
4 Visual - 50k
Arctic Fox - Order Only
No Visuals, 10k
Autumn Storm - Readily Available
No Visuals, 20k
1 Visual, 30k
No Visuals, Age: Hatchling, Gender: Male
Beach Dessert - Order Only
No Visuals, 5k
1 Visual, 10k