Wow its been a long time since I've been here. I miss this place XD
If anybody remembers me, Im RedDestiny37 aka KWP, I was very active for a couple years a couple years ago!
I am moving on to the next phase in my life and I wanted to revisit one of my old favorite games for a bit to give some thanks and appreciation to people who have impacted my life that I met on this game!
First is Krinadon, the most amazing game creator I know- Krin I am beyond grateful to everything you are and everything you do. If you hadn't not only created this game but also stayed with it and been such a positive part of the social aspect as well I would not have met so many people I love so much. I cannot express my gratitude to you. To be honest this game saved me when I was at my lowest, not only by giving me something else to focus on, but the overwhelmingly positive community always brought a smile to my face. This game has been an amazing creative outlet for me in the past and I hope to get back into it in the future.
Amelia, my wifey, my best friend, my sister from another mister, the godmother of my first child, the maid of honor at my wedding, the mother to my nephew Jupiter, my crying buddy, my laughing buddy, I could go on and on for hours but you get the idea! I love you Amelia!!!!!!!! You are such an amazing part of my life and I don't know where I would be without you!! You have truly stuck with me through thick and thin and there was never any question of if our friendship would ever end, we just know it won't and we'll always be here for each other no matter what happens. I met you on this game 3 years ago and over time, through discord servers, design contests, sleepless nights together, and everything in between you became someone I need in my life who I can always rely on to be there. I count myself amazingly lucky that you consider me your best friend too and I love you forever Amelia <3
To everybody else I met on this game, every single one of you, (I'd list you all but there's probably hundreds) I sincerely thank you for everything even if the smallest interaction you've had with me was jsut saying hi back to be in the chatroom. I hope every single one of you has an incredible day and I love you all!
Level 72
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/5/2016
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Posted: 8/23/2021 at 1:25 AM
Post #2
i love you bae ill miss you so much when your in the army but i know your gonna do great <33 at some point we still need to meet each other <333
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
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Joined: 12/17/2012
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Posted: 8/24/2021 at 4:03 AM
Post #3
Thank you very much for the kind and humbling words!
The main goal of Sylestia for Faiona and I has always been to build an amazing community, first and foremost. We have always been exceptionally grateful and satisfied with how Sylestia has grown over the years and that is entirely because of all of you. So thank you for being a part of it and helping to make Sylestia the place it is today and for helping to shape the place it will be in the future.
We still have grand plans for Sylestia and hope you'll still be sticking around (or just even popping in from time to time) as we continue down the path moving forward. =)
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