Welcome to the Proficiency Page! This Page allows you to customize your Pet's capabilities and strengths for Battling and for completing Missions. This short tutorial will hopefully help you learn the difference between the various options that you can choose from.
Attuning to an Element
The first choice you should make for a Pet is choosing which Element to attune it to. A Pet's Element will not only determine which Abilities it learns to Battle with, but it will also decide whether or not it uses Strength or Intelligence as its Damage Dealing Stat. This can be confusing to new Players, so just keep it in mind later on when choosing which Equipment for your Pet to use.
Once you have decided on an Element to attune your Pet to, click the provided button at the bottom of the window to confirm your selection. You can change your Pet's Elemental Attunement at any time for a nominal re-training fee.
Each Element has a listed Role in Battle, Battle Specialty, and Recommended Stats. They are all explained in detail below.
Roles in Battle
Offense: An Offensive Pet is meant to deal massive amounts of Damage to Enemies in Battles. The more Damage that your Pets can deal, the faster that Enemies will be defeated and the shorter that Battles will take. However, Offensive Pets do not handle taking Damage very well and can be a bit fragile in Battles. They also do not provide any support to other Pets in your Party.
Defense: A Defensive Pet is meant to absorb incoming Damage from Enemies and to survive longer than any other Pet in Battles. However, Defensive Pets do not deal much Damage and will take a bit more time to defeat Enemies than other Pets will. They are best suited for survival or for protecting others Pets in your Party.
Support: A Supportive Pet is meant to provide Buffs and/or Healing to the other Pets in your Party. While they still deal moderate Damage and absorb moderate incoming Damage, their real benefit comes from providing assistance to the other Pets in your Party.
Battle Specialties
Single Target Damage: These Pets specialize at dealing massive amounts of Damage to one Enemy at a time.
Multi Target Damage: These Pets specialize at dealing massive amounts of Damage when fighting multiple Enemies at a time. The more Enemies available, the more Damage that these Pets can deal.
Survival: These Pets specialize at surviving for long periods of time in Battles. These Pets will last the longest in any Battle before being defeated.
Tanking: These Pets specialize at distracting Enemies and forcing them to attack themselves instead of the other Pets in your Party.
Healing: These Pets specialize at restoring Health to themselves and to the other Pets in your Party. As Pets receive Damage from Enemies in Battles, these Pets can restore the Damage being taken.
Buffing: These Pets specialize at providing bonuses and support to themselves and to the other Pets in your Party, which allows them to perform much better in Battles.
Recommended Stats
Strength: Strength is used as the Damage Dealing Stat for the Air, Earth, and Water Elements. Strength increases a Pet's Physical Damage and its Physical Mitigation.
Intelligence: Intelligence is used as the Damage Dealing Stat for the Fire, Light, and Shadow Elements. Intelligence increases a Pet's Magical Damage and its Magical Mitigation.
Dexterity: Dexterity increases a Pet's Critical Hit Chance (which increases the Damage of an Attack by 100%), Accuracy Bonus (which counters an Enemy's Avoidance), and Quickness Rating (which determines the order of actions in Battles).
Agility: Agility increases a Pet's Physical Mitigation, Magical Mitigation, Avoidance Chance (which allows it to completely avoid an incoming Attack), and Quickness Rating (which determines the order of actions in Battles).
Spending Proficiency Points
Every Pet begins with 1 Proficiency Point to spend at Level 0. Additional Proficiency Points are earned at Levels 30, 60, 65, 70, and 75 for a total of 6 spendable Proficiency Points.
Proficiency Points are used to increase a Pet's Health, Strength or Intelligence, Dexterity, or Agility. A Pet's Elemental Attunement determines whether its Strength or Intelligence is boosted.
When spending Proficiency Points, it is important to allocate them to the Recommended Stats for each Element as those are what that Element relies most heavily on for being successful in Battles.
Proficiency Points can be reset and re-allocated at any time for a nominal re-training fee.
Additional Information For Higher Level Pets If you are a new Player, you can probably skip this section until later as it pertains to managing Pets as they start gaining Levels. Once you have a Pet attain Level 30, you should return to read this section.
As a Pet increases in Levels, it will eventually unlock new Abilities based on its Element. New Abilities are unlocked at Levels 30, 65, 70, and 75. The first Ability for every Element is an Attack, or an Ability that generates Mana when used. The other four Abilities for each Element are Finishers, or Abilities that consumes Mana when used. When selecting an Element for higher Level Pets, be sure to browse the available Abilities carefully as they vary greatly and are very unique to each Element.
Pets can earn Expertise by Battling Enemies within the Lost Grove, a Level 60+ Zone. Each Pet will have its own Expertise Rating for every Ability in each Element. As a Pet's Expertise Rating increases for an Ability, that Ability will eventually Rank up to the next Rank; increasing its power in Battles. Each Ability can reach the maximum Rank of 5. Additionally, switching a Pet's Element will NOT reset their Expertise Ratings. Those ratings are retained and will be exactly where they were if you decide to switch the Pet back to the original Element.
Access. 1
Access. 2
110 / 110 (110 + 0)
100.00 %
0 / 80 (80 + 0)
0.00 %
95 / 100
95.00 %
Owner: Earthprotector49
Level: 0
This Pet has been Released
Physical Damage: 16
Magical Damage: 6
Strength: 31 (11 + 0)
Intelligence: 11 (11 + 0)
Dexterity: 12 (12 + 0)
Agility: 11 (11 + 0)
Physical Mitigation: 8.53%
Magical Mitigation: 5.87%
Critical Hit Chance: 4.80%
Accuracy Bonus: 4.80%
Avoidance Chance: 4.40%
Quickness Rating: 2.30
Available Proficiency Points: 0
(Next Proficiency Point Earned at Level 30)
Health (Rank 1)
Based on the Pet's current Level, this will increase its Health by 400.
Health (Rank 2)
Based on the Pet's current Level, this will increase its Health by 600.
Health (Rank 3)
Based on the Pet's current Level, this will increase its Health by 900.
This amount increases as the Pet's Level increases and the bonus per Level increases after certain Level Tiers.
Additionally, the bonus increases with each additional rank of this Proficiency.
Health (Rank 1)
Based on the Pet's current Level, this will increase its Health by 400.
Health (Rank 2)
Based on the Pet's current Level, this will increase its Health by 600.
Health (Rank 3)
Based on the Pet's current Level, this will increase its Health by 900.
This amount increases as the Pet's Level increases and the bonus per Level increases after certain Level Tiers.
Additionally, the bonus increases with each additional rank of this Proficiency.
Health (Rank 1)
Based on the Pet's current Level, this will increase its Health by 400.
Health (Rank 2)
Based on the Pet's current Level, this will increase its Health by 600.
Health (Rank 3)
Based on the Pet's current Level, this will increase its Health by 900.
This amount increases as the Pet's Level increases and the bonus per Level increases after certain Level Tiers.
Additionally, the bonus increases with each additional rank of this Proficiency.
Health (Rank 1)
Based on the Pet's current Level, this will increase its Health by 400.
Health (Rank 2)
Based on the Pet's current Level, this will increase its Health by 600.
Health (Rank 3)
Based on the Pet's current Level, this will increase its Health by 900.
This amount increases as the Pet's Level increases and the bonus per Level increases after certain Level Tiers.
Additionally, the bonus increases with each additional rank of this Proficiency.
Strength or Intelligence (Rank 1)
Based on the Pet's current Level, this will increase its Strength or Intelligence by 20.
Strength or Intelligence (Rank 2)
Based on the Pet's current Level, this will increase its Strength or Intelligence by 30.
Strength or Intelligence (Rank 3)
Based on the Pet's current Level, this will increase its Strength or Intelligence by 45.
The stat selected depends on which Proficiency Tree the Pet is attuned to.
Strength: Air, Earth, or Water Intelligence: Fire, Light, or Shadow
This amount increases as the Pet's Level increases and the bonus per Level increases after certain Level Tiers.
Additionally, the bonus increases with each additional rank of this Proficiency.
Strength or Intelligence (Rank 1)
Based on the Pet's current Level, this will increase its Strength or Intelligence by 20.
Strength or Intelligence (Rank 2)
Based on the Pet's current Level, this will increase its Strength or Intelligence by 30.
Strength or Intelligence (Rank 3)
Based on the Pet's current Level, this will increase its Strength or Intelligence by 45.
The stat selected depends on which Proficiency Tree the Pet is attuned to.
Strength: Air, Earth, or Water Intelligence: Fire, Light, or Shadow
This amount increases as the Pet's Level increases and the bonus per Level increases after certain Level Tiers.
Additionally, the bonus increases with each additional rank of this Proficiency.
Strength or Intelligence (Rank 1)
Based on the Pet's current Level, this will increase its Strength or Intelligence by 20.
Strength or Intelligence (Rank 2)
Based on the Pet's current Level, this will increase its Strength or Intelligence by 30.
Strength or Intelligence (Rank 3)
Based on the Pet's current Level, this will increase its Strength or Intelligence by 45.
The stat selected depends on which Proficiency Tree the Pet is attuned to.
Strength: Air, Earth, or Water Intelligence: Fire, Light, or Shadow
This amount increases as the Pet's Level increases and the bonus per Level increases after certain Level Tiers.
Additionally, the bonus increases with each additional rank of this Proficiency.
Strength or Intelligence (Rank 1)
Based on the Pet's current Level, this will increase its Strength or Intelligence by 20.
Strength or Intelligence (Rank 2)
Based on the Pet's current Level, this will increase its Strength or Intelligence by 30.
Strength or Intelligence (Rank 3)
Based on the Pet's current Level, this will increase its Strength or Intelligence by 45.
The stat selected depends on which Proficiency Tree the Pet is attuned to.
Strength: Air, Earth, or Water Intelligence: Fire, Light, or Shadow
This amount increases as the Pet's Level increases and the bonus per Level increases after certain Level Tiers.
Additionally, the bonus increases with each additional rank of this Proficiency.
Dexterity (Rank 1)
Based on the Pet's current Level, this will increase its Dexterity by 20.
Dexterity (Rank 2)
Based on the Pet's current Level, this will increase its Dexterity by 30.
Dexterity (Rank 3)
Based on the Pet's current Level, this will increase its Dexterity by 45.
This amount increases as the Pet's Level increases and the bonus per Level increases after certain Level Tiers.
Additionally, the bonus increases with each additional rank of this Proficiency.
Dexterity (Rank 1)
Based on the Pet's current Level, this will increase its Dexterity by 20.
Dexterity (Rank 2)
Based on the Pet's current Level, this will increase its Dexterity by 30.
Dexterity (Rank 3)
Based on the Pet's current Level, this will increase its Dexterity by 45.
This amount increases as the Pet's Level increases and the bonus per Level increases after certain Level Tiers.
Additionally, the bonus increases with each additional rank of this Proficiency.
Dexterity (Rank 1)
Based on the Pet's current Level, this will increase its Dexterity by 20.
Dexterity (Rank 2)
Based on the Pet's current Level, this will increase its Dexterity by 30.
Dexterity (Rank 3)
Based on the Pet's current Level, this will increase its Dexterity by 45.
This amount increases as the Pet's Level increases and the bonus per Level increases after certain Level Tiers.
Additionally, the bonus increases with each additional rank of this Proficiency.
Dexterity (Rank 1)
Based on the Pet's current Level, this will increase its Dexterity by 20.
Dexterity (Rank 2)
Based on the Pet's current Level, this will increase its Dexterity by 30.
Dexterity (Rank 3)
Based on the Pet's current Level, this will increase its Dexterity by 45.
This amount increases as the Pet's Level increases and the bonus per Level increases after certain Level Tiers.
Additionally, the bonus increases with each additional rank of this Proficiency.
Agility (Rank 1)
Based on the Pet's current Level, this will increase its Agility by 20.
Agility (Rank 2)
Based on the Pet's current Level, this will increase its Agility by 30.
Agility (Rank 3)
Based on the Pet's current Level, this will increase its Agility by 45.
This amount increases as the Pet's Level increases and the bonus per Level increases after certain Level Tiers.
Additionally, the bonus increases with each additional rank of this Proficiency.
Agility (Rank 1)
Based on the Pet's current Level, this will increase its Agility by 20.
Agility (Rank 2)
Based on the Pet's current Level, this will increase its Agility by 30.
Agility (Rank 3)
Based on the Pet's current Level, this will increase its Agility by 45.
This amount increases as the Pet's Level increases and the bonus per Level increases after certain Level Tiers.
Additionally, the bonus increases with each additional rank of this Proficiency.
Agility (Rank 1)
Based on the Pet's current Level, this will increase its Agility by 20.
Agility (Rank 2)
Based on the Pet's current Level, this will increase its Agility by 30.
Agility (Rank 3)
Based on the Pet's current Level, this will increase its Agility by 45.
This amount increases as the Pet's Level increases and the bonus per Level increases after certain Level Tiers.
Additionally, the bonus increases with each additional rank of this Proficiency.
Agility (Rank 1)
Based on the Pet's current Level, this will increase its Agility by 20.
Agility (Rank 2)
Based on the Pet's current Level, this will increase its Agility by 30.
Agility (Rank 3)
Based on the Pet's current Level, this will increase its Agility by 45.
This amount increases as the Pet's Level increases and the bonus per Level increases after certain Level Tiers.
Additionally, the bonus increases with each additional rank of this Proficiency.
Role in Battle: Offensive
Battle Speciality: Single Target Damage
Recommended Stats: Strength, Dexterity, Health
Slash (Rank 1)
An Attack that deals 150% Physical Damage. This hits 1 Enemy. Causes Bleeding on Critical Hits for 2 Turns.
+10 Mana
Bleeding: Deals 100%Physical Damage per Turn.
Slash (Rank 2)
An Attack that deals 250% Physical Damage. This hits 1 Enemy. Causes Bleeding on Critical Hits for 2 Turns.
+10 Mana
Bleeding: Deals 100%Physical Damage per Turn.
Slash (Rank 3)
An Attack that deals 250% Physical Damage. This hits 1 Enemy. Causes Bleeding on Critical Hits for 2 Turns.
+15 Mana
Bleeding: Deals 100%Physical Damage per Turn.
Slash (Rank 4)
An Attack that deals 250% Physical Damage. This hits 1 Enemy. Causes Bleeding on Critical Hits for 4 Turns.
+15 Mana
Bleeding: Deals 100%Physical Damage per Turn.
Slash (Rank 5)
An Attack that deals 250% Physical Damage. This hits 1 Enemy. Causes Bleeding on Critical Hits for 4 Turns.
+20 Mana
Bleeding: Deals 100%Physical Damage per Turn.
Razor Wind (Rank 1)
Cooldown:2 turns A Finisher that deals 300% Physical Damage. This hits 1 Enemy. Causes Bleeding for 4 Turns.
-50 Mana
Bleeding: Deals 200%Physical Damage per Turn.
Razor Wind (Rank 2)
Cooldown:2 turns A Finisher that deals 400% Physical Damage. This hits 1 Enemy. Causes Bleeding for 4 Turns.
-50 Mana
Bleeding: Deals 200%Physical Damage per Turn.
Razor Wind (Rank 3)
Cooldown:2 turns A Finisher that deals 400% Physical Damage. This hits 1 Enemy. Causes Bleeding for 4 Turns.
-40 Mana
Bleeding: Deals 200%Physical Damage per Turn.
Razor Wind (Rank 4)
Cooldown:2 turns A Finisher that deals 400% Physical Damage. This hits 1 Enemy. Causes Bleeding for 6 Turns.
-40 Mana
Bleeding: Deals 200%Physical Damage per Turn.
Razor Wind (Rank 5)
Cooldown:2 turns A Finisher that deals 400% Physical Damage. This hits all Enemies. Causes Bleeding for 6 Turns.
-40 Mana
Bleeding: Deals 300%Physical Damage per Turn. This damage is split amongst all targets affected by this effect.
Torrential Blow (Rank 1)
Cooldown:4 turns A Finisher that deals 200% Physical Damage. This hits 1 Enemy. Grants Frenzy for 4 Turns. Causes Dazed for 4 Turns.
-20 Mana
Frenzy: Increases Critical Hit Chance and Quickness by 15%.
Dazed: Receives an additional 50% damage from Bleeding.
Torrential Blow (Rank 2)
Cooldown:4 turns A Finisher that deals 300% Physical Damage. This hits 1 Enemy. Grants Frenzy for 4 Turns. Causes Dazed for 4 Turns.
-20 Mana
Frenzy: Increases Critical Hit Chance and Quickness by 15%.
Dazed: Receives an additional 50% damage from Bleeding.
Torrential Blow (Rank 3)
Cooldown:4 turns A Finisher that deals 300% Physical Damage. This hits 1 Enemy. Grants Frenzy for 4 Turns. Causes Dazed for 4 Turns.
-20 Mana
Frenzy: Increases Critical Hit Chance and Quickness by 25%.
Dazed: Receives an additional 50% damage from Bleeding.
Torrential Blow (Rank 4)
Cooldown:4 turns A Finisher that deals 300% Physical Damage. This hits 1 Enemy. Grants Frenzy for 4 Turns. Causes Dazed for 4 Turns.
-20 Mana
Frenzy: Increases Critical Hit Chance and Quickness by 25%.
Dazed: Receives an additional 100% damage from Bleeding.
Torrential Blow (Rank 5)
Cooldown:4 turns A Finisher that deals 300% Physical Damage. This hits 1 Enemy. Grants Frenzy for 8 Turns. Causes Dazed for 8 Turns.
-20 Mana
Frenzy: Increases Critical Hit Chance and Quickness by 25%.
Dazed: Receives an additional 100% damage from Bleeding.
Decimate (Rank 1)
Cooldown:10 turns A Finisher that deals 500% Physical Damage. This hits 1 Enemy. Multiplies the Damage by 3% for every 1%Health the Target is missing.
-100 Mana
Decimate (Rank 2)
Cooldown:10 turns A Finisher that deals 500% Physical Damage. This hits 1 Enemy. Multiplies the Damage by 6% for every 1%Health the Target is missing.
-100 Mana
Decimate (Rank 3)
Cooldown:10 turns A Finisher that deals 500% Physical Damage. This hits 1 Enemy. Multiplies the Damage by 9% for every 1%Health the Target is missing.
-100 Mana
Decimate (Rank 4)
Cooldown:10 turns A Finisher that deals 750% Physical Damage. This hits 1 Enemy. Multiplies the Damage by 9% for every 1%Health the Target is missing.
-100 Mana
Decimate (Rank 5)
Cooldown:8 turns A Finisher that deals 750% Physical Damage. This hits 1 Enemy. Multiplies the Damage by 9% for every 1%Health the Target is missing.
-100 Mana
Raith's Fury (Rank 1)
Cooldown:120 turns This only affects the Pet. Grants Raith's Fury for 10 Turns.
Passive Bonus: This Bonus is always active. Each Critical Hit grants Raith's Focus for 2 Turns. This effect can stack up to a maximum of 2 Stacks. Each Critical Hit also refreshes the duration. All Stacks are lost if the effect expires.
-0 Mana
Raith's Fury: Increases Physical Damage and Critical Hit Chance by 50%. Increases Quickness by 100%. Restores Health to the attacker for 20% of the damage dealt from any Attack or Finisher. Causes Bleeding Debuffs to immediately deal full damage when applied instead of applying the Debuff.
Raith's Focus: Increases Physical Damage by 2% and Critical Hit Chance by 1% per Stack.
Raith's Fury (Rank 2)
Cooldown:110 turns This only affects the Pet. Grants Raith's Fury for 10 Turns.
Passive Bonus: This Bonus is always active. Each Critical Hit grants Raith's Focus for 2 Turns. This effect can stack up to a maximum of 2 Stacks. Each Critical Hit also refreshes the duration. All Stacks are lost if the effect expires.
-0 Mana
Raith's Fury: Increases Physical Damage and Critical Hit Chance by 50%. Increases Quickness by 100%. Restores Health to the attacker for 20% of the damage dealt from any Attack or Finisher. Causes Bleeding Debuffs to immediately deal full damage when applied instead of applying the Debuff.
Raith's Focus: Increases Physical Damage by 4% and Critical Hit Chance by 2% per Stack.
Raith's Fury (Rank 3)
Cooldown:100 turns This only affects the Pet. Grants Raith's Fury for 15 Turns.
Passive Bonus: This Bonus is always active. Each Critical Hit grants Raith's Focus for 3 Turns. This effect can stack up to a maximum of 3 Stacks. Each Critical Hit also refreshes the duration. All Stacks are lost if the effect expires.
-0 Mana
Raith's Fury: Increases Physical Damage and Critical Hit Chance by 50%. Increases Quickness by 100%. Restores Health to the attacker for 20% of the damage dealt from any Attack or Finisher. Causes Bleeding Debuffs to immediately deal full damage when applied instead of applying the Debuff.
Raith's Focus: Increases Physical Damage by 6% and Critical Hit Chance by 3% per Stack.
Raith's Fury (Rank 4)
Cooldown:90 turns This only affects the Pet. Grants Raith's Fury for 15 Turns.
Passive Bonus: This Bonus is always active. Each Critical Hit grants Raith's Focus for 3 Turns. This effect can stack up to a maximum of 4 Stacks. Each Critical Hit also refreshes the duration. All Stacks are lost if the effect expires.
-0 Mana
Raith's Fury: Increases Physical Damage and Critical Hit Chance by 50%. Increases Quickness by 100%. Restores Health to the attacker for 20% of the damage dealt from any Attack or Finisher. Causes Bleeding Debuffs to immediately deal full damage when applied instead of applying the Debuff.
Raith's Focus: Increases Physical Damage by 8% and Critical Hit Chance by 4% per Stack.
Raith's Fury (Rank 5)
Cooldown:80 turns This only affects the Pet. Grants Raith's Fury for 20 Turns.
Passive Bonus: This Bonus is always active. Each Critical Hit grants Raith's Focus for 4 Turns. This effect can stack up to a maximum of 5 Stacks. Each Critical Hit also refreshes the duration. All Stacks are lost if the effect expires.
-0 Mana
Raith's Fury: Increases Physical Damage and Critical Hit Chance by 50%. Increases Quickness by 100%. Restores Health to the attacker for 20% of the damage dealt from any Attack or Finisher. Causes Bleeding Debuffs to immediately deal full damage when applied instead of applying the Debuff.
Raith's Focus: Increases Physical Damage by 10% and Critical Hit Chance by 5% per Stack.
Role in Battle: Defensive
Battle Speciality: Tanking, Survival
Recommended Stats: Health, Agility, Strength
Leeching Strike (Rank 1)
An Attack that deals 100% Physical Damage. This hits 1 Enemy. Has a 25% chance to cause Leeching Vines for 2 Turns.
+10 Mana
Leeching Vines: Decreases Accuracy, Avoidance, and Quickness by 15%. Deals 50%Physical Damage per Turn. Restores Health to the attacker for 100% of the damage dealt. Causes Taunted for 1 turn.
Leeching Strike (Rank 2)
An Attack that deals 100% Physical Damage. This hits 1 Enemy. Has a 50% chance to cause Leeching Vines for 2 Turns.
+10 Mana
Leeching Vines: Decreases Accuracy, Avoidance, and Quickness by 15%. Deals 50%Physical Damage per Turn. Restores Health to the attacker for 100% of the damage dealt. Causes Taunted for 1 turn.
Leeching Strike (Rank 3)
An Attack that deals 100% Physical Damage. This hits 1 Enemy. Has a 50% chance to cause Leeching Vines for 3 Turns.
+10 Mana
Leeching Vines: Decreases Accuracy, Avoidance, and Quickness by 15%. Deals 50%Physical Damage per Turn. Restores Health to the attacker for 100% of the damage dealt. Causes Taunted for 1 turn.
Leeching Strike (Rank 4)
An Attack that deals 100% Physical Damage. This hits 1 Enemy. Has a 50% chance to cause Leeching Vines for 3 Turns.
+10 Mana
Leeching Vines: Decreases Accuracy, Avoidance, and Quickness by 15%. Deals 100%Physical Damage per Turn. Restores Health to the attacker for 100% of the damage dealt. Causes Taunted for 1 turn.
Leeching Strike (Rank 5)
An Attack that deals 100% Physical Damage. This hits 1 Enemy. Causes Leeching Vines for 3 Turns.
+10 Mana
Leeching Vines: Decreases Accuracy, Avoidance, and Quickness by 15%. Deals 100%Physical Damage per Turn. Restores Health to the attacker for 100% of the damage dealt. Causes Taunted for 1 turn.
Thorncoat (Rank 1)
Cooldown:3 turns This only affects the Pet. Grants Thorncoat for 3 Turns.
-50 Mana
Thorncoat: Increases Physical Mitigation and Magical Mitigation by 15%. Deals 100%Physical Damage to an attacker. Renders the Pet immune to Critical Hits and avoids certain special attacks.
Thorncoat (Rank 2)
Cooldown:3 turns This only affects the Pet. Grants Thorncoat for 3 Turns.
-50 Mana
Thorncoat: Increases Physical Mitigation and Magical Mitigation by 15%. Deals 150%Physical Damage to an attacker. Renders the Pet immune to Critical Hits and avoids certain special attacks.
Thorncoat (Rank 3)
Cooldown:3 turns This only affects the Pet. Grants Thorncoat for 3 Turns.
-50 Mana
Thorncoat: Increases Physical Mitigation and Magical Mitigation by 15%. Deals 200%Physical Damage to an attacker. Renders the Pet immune to Critical Hits and avoids certain special attacks.
Thorncoat (Rank 4)
Cooldown:3 turns This only affects the Pet. Grants Thorncoat for 3 Turns.
-50 Mana
Thorncoat: Increases Physical Mitigation and Magical Mitigation by 25%. Deals 200%Physical Damage to an attacker. Renders the Pet immune to Critical Hits and avoids certain special attacks.
Thorncoat (Rank 5)
Cooldown:3 turns This only affects the Pet. Grants Thorncoat for 5 Turns.
-50 Mana
Thorncoat: Increases Physical Mitigation and Magical Mitigation by 25%. Deals 200%Physical Damage to an attacker. Renders the Pet immune to Critical Hits and avoids certain special attacks.
Mocking Blow (Rank 1)
A Finisher that deals 150% Physical Damage. This hits 1 Enemy. Causes Taunted for 3 Turns.
-20 Mana
Taunted: Focused on attacking a specific target.
Mocking Blow (Rank 2)
A Finisher that deals 200% Physical Damage. This hits 1 Enemy. Causes Taunted for 3 Turns.
-20 Mana
Taunted: Focused on attacking a specific target.
Mocking Blow (Rank 3)
A Finisher that deals 200% Physical Damage. This hits 1 Enemy. Causes Taunted for 3 Turns.
-15 Mana
Taunted: Focused on attacking a specific target.
Mocking Blow (Rank 4)
A Finisher that deals 200% Physical Damage. This hits 1 Enemy. Causes Taunted for 4 Turns.
-15 Mana
Taunted: Focused on attacking a specific target.
Mocking Blow (Rank 5)
A Finisher that deals 200% Physical Damage. This hits 1 Enemy. Causes Taunted for 5 Turns.
-15 Mana
Taunted: Focused on attacking a specific target.
Sneering Howl (Rank 1)
Cooldown:12 turns This hits all Enemies. Grants Valor for 4 Turns. Causes Taunted for 4 Turns.
-60 Mana
Valor: Absorbs 200%Physical Damage when attacked.
Taunted: Focused on attacking a specific target.
Sneering Howl (Rank 2)
Cooldown:12 turns This hits all Enemies. Grants Valor for 4 Turns. Causes Taunted for 4 Turns.
-60 Mana
Valor: Absorbs 350%Physical Damage when attacked.
Taunted: Focused on attacking a specific target.
Sneering Howl (Rank 3)
Cooldown:9 turns This hits all Enemies. Grants Valor for 4 Turns. Causes Taunted for 4 Turns.
-60 Mana
Valor: Absorbs 350%Physical Damage when attacked.
Taunted: Focused on attacking a specific target.
Sneering Howl (Rank 4)
Cooldown:9 turns This hits all Enemies. Grants Valor for 6 Turns. Causes Taunted for 6 Turns.
-60 Mana
Valor: Absorbs 350%Physical Damage when attacked.
Taunted: Focused on attacking a specific target.
Sneering Howl (Rank 5)
Cooldown:9 turns This hits all Enemies. Grants Valor for 6 Turns. Causes Taunted for 6 Turns.
-60 Mana
Valor: Absorbs 500%Physical Damage when attacked.
Taunted: Focused on attacking a specific target. Decreases Physical Damage and Magical Damage by 15%.
Faerina's Bulwark (Rank 1)
Cooldown:120 turns This only affects the Pet. Grants Faerina's Bulwark for 9 Turns.
Passive Bonus: This Bonus is always active. This Pet has a 5% chance to cause Taunted for 2 Turns to an attacker. Enemies Taunted by this Pet deal 3% less Physical Damage and Magical Damage.
-0 Mana
Faerina's Bulwark: Increases Physical Mitigation and Magical Mitigation by 30%. Renders the Pet immune to Critical Hits and avoids certain special attacks. If the Pet is rendered Unconscious, this effect instead instantly expires and restores the Pet to 10% of its maximum Health. Creates an Absorption Shield for 40% of its maximum Health at the end of its duration.
Faerina's Bulwark (Rank 2)
Cooldown:110 turns This only affects the Pet. Grants Faerina's Bulwark for 9 Turns.
Passive Bonus: This Bonus is always active. This Pet has a 10% chance to cause Taunted for 2 Turns to an attacker. Enemies Taunted by this Pet deal 6% less Physical Damage and Magical Damage.
-0 Mana
Faerina's Bulwark: Increases Physical Mitigation and Magical Mitigation by 30%. Renders the Pet immune to Critical Hits and avoids certain special attacks. If the Pet is rendered Unconscious, this effect instead instantly expires and restores the Pet to 10% of its maximum Health. Creates an Absorption Shield for 40% of its maximum Health at the end of its duration.
Faerina's Bulwark (Rank 3)
Cooldown:100 turns This only affects the Pet. Grants Faerina's Bulwark for 12 Turns.
Passive Bonus: This Bonus is always active. This Pet has a 15% chance to cause Taunted for 2 Turns to an attacker. Enemies Taunted by this Pet deal 9% less Physical Damage and Magical Damage.
-0 Mana
Faerina's Bulwark: Increases Physical Mitigation and Magical Mitigation by 30%. Renders the Pet immune to Critical Hits and avoids certain special attacks. If the Pet is rendered Unconscious, this effect instead instantly expires and restores the Pet to 10% of its maximum Health. Creates an Absorption Shield for 40% of its maximum Health at the end of its duration.
Faerina's Bulwark (Rank 4)
Cooldown:90 turns This only affects the Pet. Grants Faerina's Bulwark for 12 Turns.
Passive Bonus: This Bonus is always active. This Pet has a 20% chance to cause Taunted for 2 Turns to an attacker. Enemies Taunted by this Pet deal 12% less Physical Damage and Magical Damage.
-0 Mana
Faerina's Bulwark: Increases Physical Mitigation and Magical Mitigation by 30%. Renders the Pet immune to Critical Hits and avoids certain special attacks. If the Pet is rendered Unconscious, this effect instead instantly expires and restores the Pet to 10% of its maximum Health. Creates an Absorption Shield for 40% of its maximum Health at the end of its duration.
Faerina's Bulwark (Rank 5)
Cooldown:80 turns This only affects the Pet. Grants Faerina's Bulwark for 15 Turns.
Passive Bonus: This Bonus is always active. This Pet has a 25% chance to cause Taunted for 3 Turns to an attacker. Enemies Taunted by this Pet deal 15% less Physical Damage and Magical Damage.
-0 Mana
Faerina's Bulwark: Increases Physical Mitigation and Magical Mitigation by 30%. Renders the Pet immune to Critical Hits and avoids certain special attacks. If the Pet is rendered Unconscious, this effect instead instantly expires and restores the Pet to 10% of its maximum Health. Creates an Absorption Shield for 40% of its maximum Health at the end of its duration.
Role in Battle: Offensive
Battle Speciality: Multi Target Damage
Recommended Stats: Intelligence, Dexterity, Health
Fireball (Rank 1)
An Attack that deals 100% Magical Damage. This hits up to 2 Enemies. Has a 50% chance on Critical Hits to cause Burning for 3 Turns.
+10 Mana
Burning: Deals 100%Magical Damage per Turn.
Fireball (Rank 2)
An Attack that deals 200% Magical Damage. This hits up to 2 Enemies. Has a 50% chance on Critical Hits to cause Burning for 3 Turns.
+10 Mana
Burning: Deals 100%Magical Damage per Turn.
Fireball (Rank 3)
An Attack that deals 200% Magical Damage. This hits up to 2 Enemies. Has a 50% chance on Critical Hits to cause Burning for 3 Turns.
+15 Mana
Burning: Deals 100%Magical Damage per Turn.
Fireball (Rank 4)
An Attack that deals 200% Magical Damage. This hits up to 2 Enemies. Causes Burning on Critical Hits for 3 Turns.
+15 Mana
Burning: Deals 100%Magical Damage per Turn.
Fireball (Rank 5)
An Attack that deals 200% Magical Damage. This hits up to 2 Enemies. Causes Burning on Critical Hits for 3 Turns.
+20 Mana
Burning: Deals 100%Magical Damage per Turn.
Explosive Fireball (Rank 1)
Cooldown:2 turns A Finisher that deals 200% Magical Damage. This hits all Enemies. Causes Combusting for 3 Turns.
-50 Mana
Combusting: Deals 25%Magical Damage per Turn. Damage dealt doubles after every turn. At the end of its duration, it deals an additional 200%Magical Damage to all enemies.
Explosive Fireball (Rank 2)
Cooldown:2 turns A Finisher that deals 275% Magical Damage. This hits all Enemies. Causes Combusting for 3 Turns.
-50 Mana
Combusting: Deals 25%Magical Damage per Turn. Damage dealt doubles after every turn. At the end of its duration, it deals an additional 200%Magical Damage to all enemies.
Explosive Fireball (Rank 3)
Cooldown:2 turns A Finisher that deals 275% Magical Damage. This hits all Enemies. Causes Combusting for 3 Turns.
-40 Mana
Combusting: Deals 25%Magical Damage per Turn. Damage dealt doubles after every turn. At the end of its duration, it deals an additional 200%Magical Damage to all enemies.
Explosive Fireball (Rank 4)
Cooldown:2 turns A Finisher that deals 350% Magical Damage. This hits all Enemies. Causes Combusting for 3 Turns.
-40 Mana
Combusting: Deals 25%Magical Damage per Turn. Damage dealt doubles after every turn. At the end of its duration, it deals an additional 200%Magical Damage to all enemies.
Explosive Fireball (Rank 5)
Cooldown:2 turns A Finisher that deals 350% Magical Damage. This hits all Enemies. Causes Combusting for 2 Turns.
-40 Mana
Combusting: Deals 100%Magical Damage per Turn. Damage dealt doubles after every turn. At the end of its duration, it deals an additional 400%Magical Damage to all enemies.
Flamethrow (Rank 1)
Cooldown:4 turns A Finisher that deals 200% Magical Damage. This hits 1 Enemy. Grants Engulfed for 4 Turns.
-20 Mana
Engulfed: Increases Magical Damage by 20%.
Flamethrow (Rank 2)
Cooldown:4 turns A Finisher that deals 300% Magical Damage. This hits 1 Enemy. Grants Engulfed for 4 Turns.
-20 Mana
Engulfed: Increases Magical Damage by 20%.
Flamethrow (Rank 3)
Cooldown:4 turns A Finisher that deals 300% Magical Damage. This hits 1 Enemy. Grants Engulfed for 4 Turns.
-20 Mana
Engulfed: Increases Magical Damage by 40%.
Flamethrow (Rank 4)
Cooldown:4 turns A Finisher that deals 300% Magical Damage. This hits 1 Enemy. Grants Engulfed for 4 Turns. Causes Burning for 4 Turns.
-20 Mana
Engulfed: Increases Magical Damage by 40%.
Burning: Deals 100%Magical Damage per Turn.
Flamethrow (Rank 5)
Cooldown:4 turns A Finisher that deals 300% Magical Damage. This hits 1 Enemy. Grants Engulfed for 8 Turns. Causes Burning for 8 Turns.
-20 Mana
Engulfed: Increases Magical Damage by 40%.
Burning: Deals 100%Magical Damage per Turn.
Conflagrate (Rank 1)
Cooldown:9 turns A Finisher that deals 300% Pure Damage. This hits all Enemies. Causes Inferno for 4 Turns.
-80 Mana
Inferno: Deals 300%Pure Damage per Turn. This damage is split amongst all targets affected by this effect.
Conflagrate (Rank 2)
Cooldown:9 turns A Finisher that deals 300% Pure Damage. This hits all Enemies. Causes Inferno for 6 Turns.
-80 Mana
Inferno: Deals 300%Pure Damage per Turn. This damage is split amongst all targets affected by this effect.
Conflagrate (Rank 3)
Cooldown:9 turns A Finisher that deals 300% Pure Damage. This hits all Enemies. Causes Inferno for 6 Turns.
-80 Mana
Inferno: Deals 500%Pure Damage per Turn. This damage is split amongst all targets affected by this effect.
Conflagrate (Rank 4)
Cooldown:6 turns A Finisher that deals 300% Pure Damage. This hits all Enemies. Causes Inferno for 6 Turns.
-80 Mana
Inferno: Deals 500%Pure Damage per Turn. This damage is split amongst all targets affected by this effect.
Conflagrate (Rank 5)
Cooldown:6 turns A Finisher that deals 400% Pure Damage. This hits all Enemies. Causes Inferno for 6 Turns.
-80 Mana
Inferno: Deals 800%Pure Damage per Turn. This damage is split amongst all targets affected by this effect.
Wrath of Malgorus (Rank 1)
Cooldown:120 turns A Finisher that deals 1,000% Magical Damage. This hits all Enemies. Causes Malgorus' Wrath for 10 Turns. Multiplies the damage by 8% per Rank of Malgorus' Familiar. Each Enemy defeated by this ability's direct damage reduces its Cooldown by 10 Turns. Consumes Malgorus' Familiar. Malgorus' Familiar will be granted again after 10 Turns.
Passive Bonus: This Bonus is always active. Grants Malgorus' Familiar at the start of every battle if not already summoned.
-0 Mana
Malgorus' Wrath: Deals 200%Pure Damage per Turn. Deals 600%Pure Damage at the end of its duration.
Malgorus' Familiar: Deals 60%Magical Damage per Turn, plus an additional 10%Magical Damage every 3 Turns that it is active for (Max 180% extra), against the same target as the Pet. This damage is not affected by general buffs nor debuffs. Increases the Pet's Magical Damage by 1% per Rank of Malgorus' Familiar.
Wrath of Malgorus (Rank 2)
Cooldown:110 turns A Finisher that deals 1,200% Magical Damage. This hits all Enemies. Causes Malgorus' Wrath for 10 Turns. Multiplies the damage by 8% per Rank of Malgorus' Familiar. Each Enemy defeated by this ability's direct damage reduces its Cooldown by 10 Turns. Consumes Malgorus' Familiar. Malgorus' Familiar will be granted again after 10 Turns.
Passive Bonus: This Bonus is always active. Grants Malgorus' Familiar at the start of every battle if not already summoned.
-0 Mana
Malgorus' Wrath: Deals 300%Pure Damage per Turn. Deals 900%Pure Damage at the end of its duration.
Malgorus' Familiar: Deals 70%Magical Damage per Turn, plus an additional 10%Magical Damage every 3 Turns that it is active for (Max 210% extra), against the same target as the Pet. This damage is not affected by general buffs nor debuffs. Increases the Pet's Magical Damage by 1% per Rank of Malgorus' Familiar.
Wrath of Malgorus (Rank 3)
Cooldown:100 turns A Finisher that deals 1,400% Magical Damage. This hits all Enemies. Causes Malgorus' Wrath for 10 Turns. Multiplies the damage by 8% per Rank of Malgorus' Familiar. Each Enemy defeated by this ability's direct damage reduces its Cooldown by 10 Turns. Consumes Malgorus' Familiar. Malgorus' Familiar will be granted again after 10 Turns.
Passive Bonus: This Bonus is always active. Grants Malgorus' Familiar at the start of every battle if not already summoned.
-0 Mana
Malgorus' Wrath: Deals 400%Pure Damage per Turn. Deals 1200%Pure Damage at the end of its duration.
Malgorus' Familiar: Deals 80%Magical Damage per Turn, plus an additional 10%Magical Damage every 3 Turns that it is active for (Max 240% extra), against the same target as the Pet. This damage is not affected by general buffs nor debuffs. Increases the Pet's Magical Damage by 1% per Rank of Malgorus' Familiar.
Wrath of Malgorus (Rank 4)
Cooldown:90 turns A Finisher that deals 1,600% Magical Damage. This hits all Enemies. Causes Malgorus' Wrath for 10 Turns. Multiplies the damage by 8% per Rank of Malgorus' Familiar. Each Enemy defeated by this ability's direct damage reduces its Cooldown by 10 Turns. Consumes Malgorus' Familiar. Malgorus' Familiar will be granted again after 10 Turns.
Passive Bonus: This Bonus is always active. Grants Malgorus' Familiar at the start of every battle if not already summoned.
-0 Mana
Malgorus' Wrath: Deals 500%Pure Damage per Turn. Deals 1500%Pure Damage at the end of its duration.
Malgorus' Familiar: Deals 90%Magical Damage per Turn, plus an additional 10%Magical Damage every 3 Turns that it is active for (Max 270% extra), against the same target as the Pet. This damage is not affected by general buffs nor debuffs. Increases the Pet's Magical Damage by 1% per Rank of Malgorus' Familiar.
Wrath of Malgorus (Rank 5)
Cooldown:80 turns A Finisher that deals 2,000% Magical Damage. This hits all Enemies. Causes Malgorus' Wrath for 10 Turns. Multiplies the damage by 8% per Rank of Malgorus' Familiar. Each Enemy defeated by this ability's direct damage reduces its Cooldown by 10 Turns. Consumes Malgorus' Familiar. Malgorus' Familiar will be granted again after 10 Turns.
Passive Bonus: This Bonus is always active. Grants Malgorus' Familiar at the start of every battle if not already summoned.
-0 Mana
Malgorus' Wrath: Deals 600%Pure Damage per Turn. Deals 1800%Pure Damage at the end of its duration.
Malgorus' Familiar: Deals 100%Magical Damage per Turn, plus an additional 10%Magical Damage every 3 Turns that it is active for (Max 300% extra), against the same target as the Pet. This damage is not affected by general buffs nor debuffs. Increases the Pet's Magical Damage by 1% per Rank of Malgorus' Familiar.
Role in Battle: Support
Battle Speciality: Buffing, Survival
Recommended Stats: Health, Strength, Agility
Bolt (Rank 1)
An Attack that deals 150% Physical Damage. This hits 1 Enemy. Has a 50% chance to grant Frost for 3 Turns.
+10 Mana
Frost: Absorbs 50%Physical Damage when attacked.
Bolt (Rank 2)
An Attack that deals 200% Physical Damage. This hits 1 Enemy. Has a 50% chance to grant Frost for 3 Turns.
+10 Mana
Frost: Absorbs 50%Physical Damage when attacked.
Bolt (Rank 3)
An Attack that deals 200% Physical Damage. This hits 1 Enemy. Has a 50% chance to grant Frost for 3 Turns.
+10 Mana
Frost: Absorbs 100%Physical Damage when attacked.
Bolt (Rank 4)
An Attack that deals 200% Physical Damage. This hits 1 Enemy. Has a 50% chance to grant Frost for 3 Turns.
+15 Mana
Frost: Absorbs 100%Physical Damage when attacked.
Bolt (Rank 5)
An Attack that deals 200% Physical Damage. This hits 1 Enemy. Grants Frost for 3 Turns.
+15 Mana
Frost: Absorbs 100%Physical Damage when attacked.
Ice Barrier (Rank 1)
Cooldown:2 turns This affects 1 Party Pet. Grants Ice Barrier for 3 Turns.
-50 Mana
Ice Barrier: Absorbs 200%Physical Damage when attacked. Restores Health for 50% of the damage absorbed. Renders the Pet immune to Critical Hits and avoids certain special attacks.
Ice Barrier (Rank 2)
Cooldown:2 turns This affects 1 Party Pet. Grants Ice Barrier for 3 Turns.
-40 Mana
Ice Barrier: Absorbs 200%Physical Damage when attacked. Restores Health for 50% of the damage absorbed. Renders the Pet immune to Critical Hits and avoids certain special attacks.
Ice Barrier (Rank 3)
Cooldown:2 turns This affects 1 Party Pet. Grants Ice Barrier for 5 Turns.
-40 Mana
Ice Barrier: Absorbs 200%Physical Damage when attacked. Restores Health for 50% of the damage absorbed. Renders the Pet immune to Critical Hits and avoids certain special attacks.
Ice Barrier (Rank 4)
Cooldown:2 turns This affects 1 Party Pet. Grants Ice Barrier for 5 Turns.
-40 Mana
Ice Barrier: Absorbs 300%Physical Damage when attacked. Restores Health for 50% of the damage absorbed. Renders the Pet immune to Critical Hits and avoids certain special attacks.
Ice Barrier (Rank 5)
Cooldown:2 turns This affects 1 Party Pet. Grants Ice Barrier for 5 Turns.
-40 Mana
Ice Barrier: Absorbs 300%Physical Damage when attacked. Restores Health for 100% of the damage absorbed. Renders the Pet immune to Critical Hits and avoids certain special attacks.
Tidal Surge (Rank 1)
Cooldown:4 turns A Finisher that deals 150% Physical Damage. This hits all Enemies. Grants Surge to all Party Pets for 3 Turns.
-20 Mana
Surge: Increases Physical Damage and Magical Damage by 10%. Increases Quickness by 20%.
Tidal Surge (Rank 2)
Cooldown:4 turns A Finisher that deals 250% Physical Damage. This hits all Enemies. Grants Surge to all Party Pets for 3 Turns.
-20 Mana
Surge: Increases Physical Damage and Magical Damage by 10%. Increases Quickness by 20%.
Tidal Surge (Rank 3)
Cooldown:4 turns A Finisher that deals 250% Physical Damage. This hits all Enemies. Grants Surge to all Party Pets for 3 Turns.
-20 Mana
Surge: Increases Physical Damage and Magical Damage by 10%. Increases Quickness by 30%.
Tidal Surge (Rank 4)
Cooldown:4 turns A Finisher that deals 250% Physical Damage. This hits all Enemies. Grants Surge to all Party Pets for 3 Turns.
-20 Mana
Surge: Increases Physical Damage and Magical Damage by 20%. Increases Quickness by 30%.
Tidal Surge (Rank 5)
Cooldown:4 turns A Finisher that deals 250% Physical Damage. This hits all Enemies. Grants Surge to all Party Pets for 6 Turns.
-20 Mana
Surge: Increases Physical Damage and Magical Damage by 20%. Increases Quickness by 30%.
Ice Sphere (Rank 1)
Cooldown:10 turns This affects all Party Pets. Grants Ice Sphere for 4 Turns.
-100 Mana
Ice Sphere: Absorbs 400%Physical Damage when attacked. Restores Health for 50% of the damage absorbed. Renders the Pet immune to Critical Hits and avoids certain special attacks. Absorption amount is shared among all Party Pets under this effect.
Ice Sphere (Rank 2)
Cooldown:10 turns This affects all Party Pets. Grants Ice Sphere for 6 Turns.
-100 Mana
Ice Sphere: Absorbs 400%Physical Damage when attacked. Restores Health for 50% of the damage absorbed. Renders the Pet immune to Critical Hits and avoids certain special attacks. Absorption amount is shared among all Party Pets under this effect.
Ice Sphere (Rank 3)
Cooldown:10 turns This affects all Party Pets. Grants Ice Sphere for 6 Turns.
-100 Mana
Ice Sphere: Absorbs 600%Physical Damage when attacked. Restores Health for 50% of the damage absorbed. Renders the Pet immune to Critical Hits and avoids certain special attacks. Absorption amount is shared among all Party Pets under this effect.
Ice Sphere (Rank 4)
Cooldown:10 turns This affects all Party Pets. Grants Ice Sphere for 8 Turns.
-100 Mana
Ice Sphere: Absorbs 600%Physical Damage when attacked. Restores Health for 50% of the damage absorbed. Renders the Pet immune to Critical Hits and avoids certain special attacks. Absorption amount is shared among all Party Pets under this effect.
Ice Sphere (Rank 5)
Cooldown:10 turns This affects all Party Pets. Grants Ice Sphere for 8 Turns.
-100 Mana
Ice Sphere: Absorbs 600%Physical Damage when attacked. Restores Health for 100% of the damage absorbed. Renders the Pet immune to Critical Hits and avoids certain special attacks. Absorption amount is shared among all Party Pets under this effect.
Wruen's Blessing (Rank 1)
Cooldown:120 turns This affects all Party Pets. Grants Wruen's Blessing for 9 Turns. Increases the duration of all other buffs granted by this Pet by 4 Turns.
Passive Bonus: This Bonus is always active. Frost now generates 1 Mana per Turn.
-0 Mana
Wruen's Blessing: Increases Physical Damage and Magical Damage by 50%. Generates 10 Mana per Turn.
Wruen's Blessing (Rank 2)
Cooldown:110 turns This affects all Party Pets. Grants Wruen's Blessing for 9 Turns. Increases the duration of all other buffs granted by this Pet by 6 Turns.
Passive Bonus: This Bonus is always active. Frost now generates 1 Mana per Turn.
-0 Mana
Wruen's Blessing: Increases Physical Damage and Magical Damage by 50%. Generates 10 Mana per Turn.
Wruen's Blessing (Rank 3)
Cooldown:100 turns This affects all Party Pets. Grants Wruen's Blessing for 12 Turns. Increases the duration of all other buffs granted by this Pet by 8 Turns.
Passive Bonus: This Bonus is always active. Frost now generates 2 Mana per Turn.
-0 Mana
Wruen's Blessing: Increases Physical Damage and Magical Damage by 50%. Generates 10 Mana per Turn.
Wruen's Blessing (Rank 4)
Cooldown:90 turns This affects all Party Pets. Grants Wruen's Blessing for 12 Turns. Increases the duration of all other buffs granted by this Pet by 10 Turns.
Passive Bonus: This Bonus is always active. Frost now generates 2 Mana per Turn.
-0 Mana
Wruen's Blessing: Increases Physical Damage and Magical Damage by 50%. Generates 10 Mana per Turn.
Wruen's Blessing (Rank 5)
Cooldown:80 turns This affects all Party Pets. Grants Wruen's Blessing for 15 Turns. Increases the duration of all other buffs granted by this Pet by 12 Turns.
Passive Bonus: This Bonus is always active. Frost now generates 3 Mana per Turn.
-0 Mana
Wruen's Blessing: Increases Physical Damage and Magical Damage by 50%. Generates 10 Mana per Turn.
Role in Battle: Support
Battle Speciality: Healing
Recommended Stats: Intelligence, Health, Agility
Beam (Rank 1)
An Attack that deals 100% Magical Damage. This hits 1 Enemy. Has a 50% chance to restore Health to the Party for 50% of the damage dealt.
+10 Mana
Beam (Rank 2)
An Attack that deals 150% Magical Damage. This hits 1 Enemy. Has a 50% chance to restore Health to the Party for 50% of the damage dealt.
+10 Mana
Beam (Rank 3)
An Attack that deals 150% Magical Damage. This hits 1 Enemy. Restores Health to the Party for 50% of the damage dealt.
+10 Mana
Beam (Rank 4)
An Attack that deals 150% Magical Damage. This hits 1 Enemy. Restores Health to the Party for 50% of the damage dealt.
+15 Mana
Beam (Rank 5)
An Attack that deals 150% Magical Damage. This hits 1 Enemy. Restores Health to the Party for 75% of the damage dealt.
+15 Mana
Fairy Light (Rank 1)
Cooldown:1 turns A Finisher that deals 200% Magical Damage. This hits 1 Enemy. Restores Health to the Party for 75% of the damage dealt.
-50 Mana
Fairy Light (Rank 2)
Cooldown:1 turns A Finisher that deals 200% Magical Damage. This hits 1 Enemy. Restores Health to the Party for 75% of the damage dealt.
-40 Mana
Fairy Light (Rank 3)
Cooldown:1 turns A Finisher that deals 200% Magical Damage. This hits up to 2 Enemies. Restores Health to the Party for 75% of the damage dealt.
-40 Mana
Fairy Light (Rank 4)
Cooldown:1 turns A Finisher that deals 200% Magical Damage. This hits all Enemies. Restores Health to the Party for 75% of the damage dealt.
-40 Mana
Fairy Light (Rank 5)
Cooldown:1 turns A Finisher that deals 300% Magical Damage. This hits all Enemies. Restores Health to the Party for 75% of the damage dealt.
-40 Mana
Restoration (Rank 1)
Cooldown:2 turns This affects 1 Party Pet. Restores Health equal to 200% Magical Damage.
-25 Mana
Restoration (Rank 2)
Cooldown:2 turns This affects 1 Party Pet. Restores Health equal to 300% Magical Damage.
-25 Mana
Restoration (Rank 3)
Cooldown:2 turns This affects 1 Party Pet. Restores Health equal to 300% Magical Damage.
-20 Mana
Restoration (Rank 4)
Cooldown:2 turns This affects 1 Party Pet. Restores Health equal to 300% Magical Damage. Grants Restoration for 3 Turns.
-20 Mana
Restoration: Restores Health equal to 50%Magical Damage per Turn.
Restoration (Rank 5)
Cooldown:2 turns This affects 1 Party Pet. Restores Health equal to 300% Magical Damage. Grants Restoration for 3 Turns.
-20 Mana
Restoration: Restores Health equal to 100%Magical Damage per Turn.
Divine Balance (Rank 1)
Cooldown:15 turns This affects all Party Pets. Grants Divine Balance for 3 Turns.
-100 Mana
Divine Balance: If the Pet is rendered Unconscious or the effect expires, all Party Pets with this effect pool Health and then redistribute Health putting focus on the Party Pet with the lowest Health. Additionally, restores 150%Magical Damage as Health to all Party Pets.
Divine Balance (Rank 2)
Cooldown:15 turns This affects all Party Pets. Grants Divine Balance for 3 Turns.
-80 Mana
Divine Balance: If the Pet is rendered Unconscious or the effect expires, all Party Pets with this effect pool Health and then redistribute Health putting focus on the Party Pet with the lowest Health. Additionally, restores 150%Magical Damage as Health to all Party Pets.
Divine Balance (Rank 3)
Cooldown:15 turns This affects all Party Pets. Grants Divine Balance for 3 Turns.
-80 Mana
Divine Balance: If the Pet is rendered Unconscious or the effect expires, all Party Pets with this effect pool Health and then redistribute Health putting focus on the Party Pet with the lowest Health. Additionally, restores 200%Magical Damage as Health to all Party Pets.
Divine Balance (Rank 4)
Cooldown:12 turns This affects all Party Pets. Grants Divine Balance for 3 Turns.
-80 Mana
Divine Balance: If the Pet is rendered Unconscious or the effect expires, all Party Pets with this effect pool Health and then redistribute Health putting focus on the Party Pet with the lowest Health. Additionally, restores 200%Magical Damage as Health to all Party Pets.
Divine Balance (Rank 5)
Cooldown:12 turns This affects all Party Pets. Grants Divine Balance for 3 Turns.
-80 Mana
Divine Balance: If the Pet is rendered Unconscious or the effect expires, all Party Pets with this effect pool Health and then redistribute Health putting focus on the Party Pet with the lowest Health. Additionally, restores 300%Magical Damage as Health to all Party Pets.
Vaeluna's Grace (Rank 1)
Cooldown:120 turns This affects all Party Pets. Grants 4 Stacks of Vaeluna's Grace.
Passive Bonus: This Bonus is always active. On hit, Beam and Fairy Light have a 3% chance to grant Vaeluna's Protection to the Party Pet with the lowest current Health for 2 Turns.
-0 Mana
Vaeluna's Grace: Upon receiving direct damage, consumes 1 Stack and restores Health equal to 200%Magical Damage.
Vaeluna's Protection: Absorbs 100%Magical Damage when attacked.
Vaeluna's Grace (Rank 2)
Cooldown:110 turns This affects all Party Pets. Grants 5 Stacks of Vaeluna's Grace.
Passive Bonus: This Bonus is always active. On hit, Beam and Fairy Light have a 6% chance to grant Vaeluna's Protection to the Party Pet with the lowest current Health for 2 Turns.
-0 Mana
Vaeluna's Grace: Upon receiving direct damage, consumes 1 Stack and restores Health equal to 200%Magical Damage.
Vaeluna's Protection: Absorbs 150%Magical Damage when attacked.
Vaeluna's Grace (Rank 3)
Cooldown:100 turns This affects all Party Pets. Grants 6 Stacks of Vaeluna's Grace.
Passive Bonus: This Bonus is always active. On hit, Beam and Fairy Light have a 9% chance to grant Vaeluna's Protection to the Party Pet with the lowest current Health for 3 Turns.
-0 Mana
Vaeluna's Grace: Upon receiving direct damage, consumes 1 Stack and restores Health equal to 200%Magical Damage.
Vaeluna's Protection: Absorbs 200%Magical Damage when attacked.
Vaeluna's Grace (Rank 4)
Cooldown:90 turns This affects all Party Pets. Grants 7 Stacks of Vaeluna's Grace.
Passive Bonus: This Bonus is always active. On hit, Beam and Fairy Light have a 12% chance to grant Vaeluna's Protection to the Party Pet with the lowest current Health for 3 Turns.
-0 Mana
Vaeluna's Grace: Upon receiving direct damage, consumes 1 Stack and restores Health equal to 200%Magical Damage.
Vaeluna's Protection: Absorbs 250%Magical Damage when attacked.
Vaeluna's Grace (Rank 5)
Cooldown:80 turns This affects all Party Pets. Grants 8 Stacks of Vaeluna's Grace.
Passive Bonus: This Bonus is always active. On hit, Beam and Fairy Light have a 15% chance to grant Vaeluna's Protection to the Party Pet with the lowest current Health for 4 Turns.
-0 Mana
Vaeluna's Grace: Upon receiving direct damage, consumes 1 Stack and restores Health equal to 200%Magical Damage.
Vaeluna's Protection: Absorbs 300%Magical Damage when attacked.
Role in Battle: Defensive
Battle Speciality: Survival, Tanking
Recommended Stats: Intelligence, Agility, Health
Force (Rank 1)
An Attack that deals 150% Magical Damage. This hits 1 Enemy. Has a 25% chance to cause Siphoned for 3 Turns.
+10 Mana
Siphoned: Deals 50%Magical Damage per Turn. Restores Health to the attacker for 100% of the damage dealt.
Force (Rank 2)
An Attack that deals 200% Magical Damage. This hits 1 Enemy. Has a 25% chance to cause Siphoned for 3 Turns.
+10 Mana
Siphoned: Deals 50%Magical Damage per Turn. Restores Health to the attacker for 100% of the damage dealt.
Force (Rank 3)
An Attack that deals 200% Magical Damage. This hits 1 Enemy. Has a 25% chance to cause Siphoned for 3 Turns.
+15 Mana
Siphoned: Deals 50%Magical Damage per Turn. Restores Health to the attacker for 100% of the damage dealt.
Force (Rank 4)
An Attack that deals 200% Magical Damage. This hits 1 Enemy. Has a 50% chance to cause Siphoned for 3 Turns.
+15 Mana
Siphoned: Deals 50%Magical Damage per Turn. Restores Health to the attacker for 100% of the damage dealt.
Force (Rank 5)
An Attack that deals 200% Magical Damage. This hits 1 Enemy. Has a 50% chance to cause Siphoned for 3 Turns.
+15 Mana
Siphoned: Deals 100%Magical Damage per Turn. Restores Health to the attacker for 100% of the damage dealt.
Vampiric Strike (Rank 1)
A Finisher that deals 200% Magical Damage. This hits 1 Enemy. Restores Health to the Pet for 100% of the damage dealt.
-50 Mana
Vampiric Strike (Rank 2)
A Finisher that deals 300% Magical Damage. This hits 1 Enemy. Restores Health to the Pet for 100% of the damage dealt.
-50 Mana
Vampiric Strike (Rank 3)
A Finisher that deals 300% Magical Damage. This hits 1 Enemy. Restores Health to the Pet for 100% of the damage dealt.
-40 Mana
Vampiric Strike (Rank 4)
A Finisher that deals 300% Magical Damage. This hits 1 Enemy. Restores Health to the Pet for 150% of the damage dealt.
-40 Mana
Vampiric Strike (Rank 5)
A Finisher that deals 300% Magical Damage. This hits 1 Enemy. Restores Health to the Pet for 200% of the damage dealt.
-40 Mana
Hateful Strike (Rank 1)
Cooldown:4 turns A Finisher that deals 200% Magical Damage. This hits up to 2 Enemies. Causes Taunted for 3 Turns.
-20 Mana
Taunted: Focused on attacking a specific target.
Hateful Strike (Rank 2)
Cooldown:4 turns A Finisher that deals 300% Magical Damage. This hits up to 2 Enemies. Causes Taunted for 3 Turns.
-20 Mana
Taunted: Focused on attacking a specific target.
Hateful Strike (Rank 3)
Cooldown:4 turns A Finisher that deals 300% Magical Damage. This hits up to 2 Enemies. Causes Taunted for 3 Turns.
-15 Mana
Taunted: Focused on attacking a specific target.
Hateful Strike (Rank 4)
Cooldown:4 turns A Finisher that deals 300% Magical Damage. This hits all Enemies. Causes Taunted for 3 Turns.
-15 Mana
Taunted: Focused on attacking a specific target.
Hateful Strike (Rank 5)
Cooldown:4 turns A Finisher that deals 300% Magical Damage. This hits all Enemies. Causes Taunted for 6 Turns.
-15 Mana
Taunted: Focused on attacking a specific target.
Siphon (Rank 1)
Cooldown:8 turns This hits 1 Enemy. Grants Augmented for 4 Turns. Causes Drained for 6 Turns.
-75 Mana
Augmented: Increases Magical Damage by 50% for Shadow Abilities and Shadow Debuffs.
Drained: Decreases Accuracy, Avoidance. and Quickness by 10%.
Siphon (Rank 2)
Cooldown:8 turns This hits 1 Enemy. Grants Augmented for 4 Turns. Causes Drained for 6 Turns.
-60 Mana
Augmented: Increases Magical Damage by 50% for Shadow Abilities and Shadow Debuffs.
Drained: Decreases Accuracy, Avoidance. and Quickness by 10%.
Siphon (Rank 3)
Cooldown:8 turns This hits 1 Enemy. Grants Augmented for 4 Turns. Causes Drained for 6 Turns.
-60 Mana
Augmented: Increases Magical Damage by 50% for Shadow Abilities and Shadow Debuffs.
Drained: Decreases Critical Hit Chance, Accuracy, Avoidance. and Quickness by 10%. Deals 25%Magical Damage per Turn. Restores Health to the attacker for 100% of the damage dealt.
Siphon (Rank 4)
Cooldown:6 turns This hits 1 Enemy. Grants Augmented for 4 Turns. Causes Drained for 8 Turns.
-60 Mana
Augmented: Increases Magical Damage by 50% for Shadow Abilities and Shadow Debuffs.
Drained: Decreases Critical Hit Chance, Accuracy, Avoidance. and Quickness by 10%. Deals 50%Magical Damage per Turn. Restores Health to the attacker for 100% of the damage dealt.
Siphon (Rank 5)
Cooldown:6 turns This hits 1 Enemy. Grants Augmented for 4 Turns. Causes Drained for 8 Turns.
-60 Mana
Augmented: Increases Magical Damage by 100% for Shadow Abilities and Shadow Debuffs.
Drained: Decreases Critical Hit Chance, Accuracy, Avoidance. and Quickness by 10%. Deals 50%Magical Damage per Turn. Restores Health to the attacker for 100% of the damage dealt.
Saphryn's Vengeance (Rank 1)
Cooldown:120 turns This only affects the Pet. Grants Incorporeal for 4 Turns.
Passive Bonus: This Bonus is always active. Each attack Avoided by this Pet grants Saphryn's Vengeance for 2 Turns. This effect can stack up to a maximum of 2 Stacks. Each attack Avoided by this Pet also refreshes the duration. All Stacks are lost if the effect expires.
-0 Mana
Incorporeal: Any direct damage received will deal 50% of its damage. The remaining 50% will be dealt evenly over the next 3 Turns. Each time direct damage is received, the damage dealt per Turn will be adjusted.
Saphryn's Vengeance: Increases Magical Damage by 2% and Critical Hit Chance by 1% per Stack.
Saphryn's Vengeance (Rank 2)
Cooldown:110 turns This only affects the Pet. Grants Incorporeal for 6 Turns.
Passive Bonus: This Bonus is always active. Each attack Avoided by this Pet grants Saphryn's Vengeance for 2 Turns. This effect can stack up to a maximum of 2 Stacks. Each attack Avoided by this Pet also refreshes the duration. All Stacks are lost if the effect expires.
-0 Mana
Incorporeal: Any direct damage received will deal 50% of its damage. The remaining 50% will be dealt evenly over the next 3 Turns. Each time direct damage is received, the damage dealt per Turn will be adjusted.
Saphryn's Vengeance: Increases Magical Damage by 3% and Critical Hit Chance by 1% per Stack.
Saphryn's Vengeance (Rank 3)
Cooldown:100 turns This only affects the Pet. Grants Incorporeal for 8 Turns.
Passive Bonus: This Bonus is always active. Each attack Avoided by this Pet grants Saphryn's Vengeance for 3 Turns. This effect can stack up to a maximum of 3 Stacks. Each attack Avoided by this Pet also refreshes the duration. All Stacks are lost if the effect expires.
-0 Mana
Incorporeal: Any direct damage received will deal 50% of its damage. The remaining 50% will be dealt evenly over the next 3 Turns. Each time direct damage is received, the damage dealt per Turn will be adjusted.
Saphryn's Vengeance: Increases Magical Damage by 4% and Critical Hit Chance by 2% per Stack.
Saphryn's Vengeance (Rank 4)
Cooldown:90 turns This only affects the Pet. Grants Incorporeal for 10 Turns.
Passive Bonus: This Bonus is always active. Each attack Avoided by this Pet grants Saphryn's Vengeance for 3 Turns. This effect can stack up to a maximum of 4 Stacks. Each attack Avoided by this Pet also refreshes the duration. All Stacks are lost if the effect expires.
-0 Mana
Incorporeal: Any direct damage received will deal 50% of its damage. The remaining 50% will be dealt evenly over the next 3 Turns. Each time direct damage is received, the damage dealt per Turn will be adjusted.
Saphryn's Vengeance: Increases Magical Damage by 5% and Critical Hit Chance by 2% per Stack.
Saphryn's Vengeance (Rank 5)
Cooldown:80 turns This only affects the Pet. Grants Incorporeal for 12 Turns.
Passive Bonus: This Bonus is always active. Each attack Avoided by this Pet grants Saphryn's Vengeance for 4 Turns. This effect can stack up to a maximum of 5 Stacks. Each attack Avoided by this Pet also refreshes the duration. All Stacks are lost if the effect expires.
-0 Mana
Incorporeal: Any direct damage received will deal 50% of its damage. The remaining 50% will be dealt evenly over the next 3 Turns. Each time direct damage is received, the damage dealt per Turn will be adjusted.
Saphryn's Vengeance: Increases Magical Damage by 6% and Critical Hit Chance by 3% per Stack.
Choose an Element at the top to view the Ability Tree for this Pet.
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