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Forum Index > Official Games and Contests > 2023 Patriotic Event - Sylestian Leaders...
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Level 75
Nature Walker
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Posted: 7/1/2023 at 4:08 PM Post #1
Sylestian Leaders Dress Up


No Reserving Posts

Please do not ping me unless you have a question.

1. Embark on a journey to the Wardrobe and craft your own esteemed Sylestian Leader! This isn't just any figurehead, but an individual who has weathered many storms and trials, emerging as an influential force within Sylestia. Feel free to explore various styles and items, including those not currently in your possession.

2. You must submit exactly 1 image of your design.

A Player Guide on How to Obtain Image URLs

3. Your submission should include a brief historical overview of your character, encompassing both their successes or setbacks in their leadership career. Please also detail why they have gained fame.

4. Please do not re-use any previous Avatar Dress Up submissions. You must create a new Character.

5. Please do not steal or use other players' Characters. You must create this Character on your own. Blatant copying of other players' Character will disqualify you from winning and may even ban you from future Forum Games. Please create your own Character.

6. The due date for submitting your entry is by the end of the Patriotic Event.


Krinadon and I will be evaluating everyone's submissions, selecting the First, Second, and Third place winners based on the creativity, effort, and appeal of each entry.

All participants will also receive a small prize including the Title: Fancy Pants.

Have fun and enjoy!

1st Place
Prizes: Free Stable, [Peerless Avatar Token] x1, [Sylestian Service Bonus Themed Pet] x2, [Sylestian Service Bonus Reward] x5

Savynn - View Entry

2nd Place
Prizes: Free Stable, [Peerless Avatar Token], [Sylestian Service Bonus Themed Pet] x1, [Sylestian Service Bonus Reward] x3

Empyrean - View Entry

WoermOnAString - View Entry

3rd Place
Prizes: Free Stable, [Peerless Avatar Token], [Sylestian Service Bonus Themed Pet] x1

Echosing - View Entry

Heilix - View Entry

All Participants
With valid submissions
Prizes: Title: Fancy Pants, [Sylestian Service Bonus Reward] x3
Edited By Krinadon on 8/2/2023 at 7:25 AM.
Moderation Team
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Posted: 7/1/2023 at 4:18 PM Post #2
This thread has been moved to: Games, Contests, and Giveaways.
Moderation Team
Level 9001
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Posted: 7/1/2023 at 4:18 PM Post #3
This thread has been moved to: Official Games and Contests.
Level 75
Nature Walker
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Posted: 7/2/2023 at 3:54 AM Post #4
Forgot to ping >.>
Level 75
Fancy Pants
Joined: 10/26/2019
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Posted: 7/2/2023 at 6:21 AM Post #5

When the universe was created a star was born. The star shined brightly and happy for eons.
It looked down on planets and adored all life on them.
One day the star saw a forrest filled with all kinds of small creatures, she thought they were so cute so
she wanted too take closer look. She fell through the sky and landed on small grove near the forrest.
The creatures were scared but the star calmed them down and they started to come closer.
The star was so happy and the creatures liked the star so much so that they gave her a name; Astral.
They lived happily for years. Astrall didnt miss being on sky, she loved staying in grove.
One day she heard something worrying. Loud noices of cutting wood and creatures howling. She ventured further from the gorve to look what was going on. Large areas of forrest was cut down and creatures had fled the area.
Astral grew angry and took action. Suddenly the sky grew dark and the tree cutters were starteled.
When a beam of light hit the ground everything shock and became silent after. Tree cutters fled in terror.
Astral was sad for all that was lost and decided to create a protective barrier around the grove and the rest of the surrounding forrest. She allowed the creatures to venture thorough but she is very aware of anyone else that dares to venture forth. Any that dares to enter will find theme selves lost in the woods and loose all orientation if Astaral doesnt want them to enter. That is why people call it the Lost Grove.
Astral is now leader of The Lost Grove and is ready to protect all that is important to her any time.

I forgot to add the bio part, i hope my entry makes it, since the contest was stilll open.
Edited By Ladyanki on 7/25/2023 at 9:51 PM.
Level 75
Vanquisher of Undead
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Posted: 7/2/2023 at 9:48 AM Post #6
Something Felt Missing

The past of this warrior remains clouded. For many years, they reigned supreme against the foes they fought, gaining infamousy for the brutality they displayed against their opponents in battle. Though, it all soon began to go to their head. They began to believe that they were too good, that there'd never be anyone who could defeat them and take away their title.
They slacked in their training, they began to fight, not for the good or safety of others, but merely to gain more and more, wealth, fame, or whatever tickled their fancy.
A hero, a leader, one falling from grace, not even realizing it. A warrior who believed they'd never face defeat.

They were wrong.

One battle was all it took, and everything they had amassed was gone, taken by another. And many who witnessed this battle claimed that they saw the once revered hero take their very last breath as they laid defeated on the ground.

So, what a surprise it was when only weeks later, the warrior was seen once again, toting along their belongings, cape flowing. Those who saw them that day, claimed a putrid odor wafted through the air, surrounding the warrior. They claimed that a weird squelching noise could be heard, like a pile of worms, coming from their body, as if something was trying to crawl out, but was restricted from doing so.
Most of all, everyone noticed that their once vibrant blue eye, the other having been lost when young, was now this vacant gray.

The hero moved along, shambling, shifting oddly, their movements uneven, unbalanced. When they spoke, their voice was slurred. And as they walked through the town, they were stopped by one who wanted to challenge them while they were at their weakest, and they agreed.

The battle was swift and short, the warrior victorious with ease. Their prior odd movements seeming as if they had never occurred in the first place... But no one could forget their odd behavior so easily, they had seemed zombie-like before the battle. They let their opponent live
Even now, with the battle won, something felt missing. Even with the warrior seeming a bit more lively, even with their grayed-out eye seeming to glint with blue, something seemed as if it was gone, never to truly come back.
When their defeated opponent gained the energy to stand, they seemed the same... All except their eyes. Their eyes were now absent of color. And though defeated, they seemed to feel nothing, absolutely nothing. No anger, humiliation, just an emptiness.
All the while the victor seemed to feel just fine, their emotions that had previously seemed near non-existent when they arrived in town, having returned.

This seemed to become a pattern for the warrior. They'd seem odd, zombie-like, for a time, defeat an opponent, and then once more seem like they had before the defeat that many believed had killed them. And each opponent they fought and became victorious over, their eyes became that vacant grey, and they never seemed the same again. As if the warrior had taken something from them, something they could live without, but not happily without.

Rumors began to spread, as they so often did when odd occurrences became widespread, that the hero was dead. And that they had made some kind of deal to be what they once were again. A deal that cost one's soul.
Many believe that each opponent they fought, it wasn't a victory they craved, but the soul. That they took it. Just so for some time, they'd feel alive again, human again, to just feel something again, before the soul that not truly belonged not to them, faded within them, leaving them craving another fight.

They say if you wish for a fight, and will challenge all those who hold some power, to be weary, because one day, you'll smell what the villagers did who were there when the hero returned, you'll hear the squelching, and you'll see that vacant gray eye.
That you'll fight the warrior.
And soon enough, your eyes will have become that vacant gray, and your soul will be theirs.
Perhaps this was a warning to you and others, to not become as they had before their defeat. To fight, but not for power, but for what truly means most.
Edited By Draculina on 7/2/2023 at 1:09 PM.
Level 74
Stocking Stuffer
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Posted: 7/2/2023 at 1:24 PM Post #7
I've got a quick question--if we want to draw our character and post that, alongside the dressed up avatar, can we? My favorite way to show personality is with poses ;u; this wouldn't be adding or subtracting anything from the actual design and items, just giving it that personal flair!
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 7/2/2023 at 1:35 PM Post #8

warrior of the dragon clan that protect all people with her cerberus companion on her side
Level 75
High Druid
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Posted: 7/2/2023 at 1:50 PM Post #9

This is Maia. She came to sylestia as part of an expedition fleeing war in foreign lands when she was 17. She and her people arrived by boat at the southwestern part of sylestia, near the huge volcano.
Her father lead the people to set up a settlement north of the volcano.
But more war came. Creatures suddenly began attacking the settlement, and killing anyone outside its walls.

I have ideas, but can never get them down correctly, so the rest is bullet points.

Maia's father dies so she and whats left of the settlement can flee

She carries her fathers/the leaders glaive, and her own personal spear, and has a personal mount, which she rides into battle, and cares for a lot

She leads her people to the large chasm, and sets up another, more defensive, settlement, where they survive for a few years

She finds out that the reason they were attacked in the first place, was that their arrival disturbed the delicate ecosystem, and the natural response was immediate aggression

she goes on scouting missions to find a better place for her people to live, and finds the jungle area on the other side of the volcano

She leads her people to the jungle, where they settle down permanently.

She became a leader out of necessity and because her father was the last leader, but she truly gained her fame when she fought and led her people to safety.
Level 73
Assistant to the Sculptor
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Posted: 7/2/2023 at 1:51 PM Post #10

Sven. A forest kin who plays his music for the creatures and people of his home forest, often seen flitting about creating romantic or lullaby tunes for those in need. He is an unofficial leader but when danger arises he can be found luring enemies away with his tunes into ambushes others have set while he himself disappears to continue his job once more. Some say his music holds some magical power while others claim it merely draws its ability on already festering emotions. But Sven does not speak to others, so no one can know for sure.
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