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Level 75
Sweet Solver
Joined: 12/18/2012
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Posted: 7/23/2023 at 11:40 PM Post #31

Archmage Adria Saldryen immigrated to Ethernia as a young child. Her family had escaped from a disaster in the frozen northern lands they had come from. An ice dragon destroyed their village, it's frozen breath freezing anyone who attempted to fight back. At first, life in a new land was difficult and she had trouble making friends until one summer when she finally met Mira who became her best friend. They had decided to go fishing out at a pond deep in the nearby forest but were attacked by trolls. Adria saved her friend by using magic for the first time. The adults who later found them were amazed at what had happened. It was decided that she should be sent off to study as an apprentice mage to the great Archmage Xerdin. Adria was heartbroken to leave her friend behind but vowed that she would visit when she could. Her strict master kept her busy though. He had seen her potential and made sure that she would learn everything he knew. Her only friend then became her master's nephini, Periwinkle, who often cuddled with her as she read magic texts.

At first Adria felt aimless as an apprentice. She was declared a prodigy but her heart was full of doubt. Was being a mage really what she wanted? But she thought of how her magic had saved her friend. She thought of her original home in the snowy north and those who perished from the dragon attack. What if someone with her powers were there?

Once she was finally considered a master of her arcane craft, Adria decided to enlist with the Ethernia military. While the thought of fighting scared her, she knew her powers had the ability to save others. Her first mission was with a small group of soldiers and mages to subdue myconids that had encroached on the Ethernian farmlands. The farms had suffered unusually organized attacks. Unfortunately, Captain Ferndin thought subduing the myconids would be an easy feat and didn't seem to take things seriously. Adria tried talking to him that perhaps scouts should be sent to stealthily investigate wherever the myconids were camping at. Captain Ferndin just scoffed. Adria could only worry about what was to come.

The next morning they reached a deep canyon. Myconid tracks led into the shadows. The myconids must have been camping here to protect themselves from the sun. Little did the group know that the canyon was also riddled with caves. It didn't take long to realize they were surrounded. That wasn't the only problem though. There was a myconid king. It explained why the attacks were organized. Aside from the ability to force his will upon other myconids, a king was also much more powerful. A fierce battle happened. Adria couldn't use her magic to the fullest with the narrow canyon walls threatening to collapse if she used her spells without caution. It looked like the worst scenario. Everyone around her was falling. Was her wish to save others all in vain? The doubt overwhelmed her and that was when her face burned hot. A myconid had clawed at her face. She froze uncertain what to do and thought this must be the end when a soldier appeared suddenly next to her and battled the myconid. "Adria! Focus!" the female soldier had yelled. That voice. Mira? The solider managed to defeat the myconid and then grabbed Adria by the wrist and pulled her up a rocky path to hide in a cave. The soldier removed her helmet. It was Mira. Mira administered first aid. Some other soldiers had also found the cave and it seemed other stragglers were slowly making their way. The battle was lost and the question now is how would they escape this horror with their lives.

A magic barrier was placed at the cave's entrance and further back into the winding tunnel. There were pools of water but little food supplies remained. Two days passed. The myconids would venture close when that section of canyon wall became covered in shadows but when it was bright they would retreat to their own caves. However the survivers couldn't just leave when the sun shined because the trail they would need to take went down into the canyon floor. Adria would sit near the cave entrance pondering what they could do and angry that she had been unable to use her powers as she had hoped. Mira would sit with her as they caught up on old times. Then as they were sitting there and midday approached, there was an amazing sight. A nephini landed on some nearby rocks outside the cave entrance. But it wasn't just any nephini. It was Periwinkle who was sent to look for them. It wasn't long then until the canyon shook and a wall of fire flowed through the canyon like a river. Archmage Xerdin had come. His fire magic consumed the waiting myconids.

Adria felt both relieved and frustrated that her master had to come save them. The memory of the battle haunted her but years passed and she had fought many battles. Mira rose to captain and then later as a general while she eventually became an archmage herself. Her master gave her Periwinkle who then traveled on her shoulder no matter where she went. More years passed and she finally found herself returning to her home in the north to face the ice dragon. By this point, Adria had many friends and companions. They knew what this fight would mean for her. The battle raged for two weeks but the warriors and mages won without any losses.

Archmage Adria would later be celebrated as one of the most powerful mages on the continent. She had her own pupils that she passed down knowledge to. While her career had many ups and downs she found that she had not regretted her path.
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Posted: 7/30/2023 at 5:15 PM Post #32
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Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
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Joined: 12/17/2012
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Posted: 8/2/2023 at 7:15 AM Post #33
1st Place
Prizes: Free Stable, [Peerless Avatar Token] x1, [Sylestian Service Bonus Themed Pet] x2, [Sylestian Service Bonus Reward] x5

Savynn - View Entry

2nd Place
Prizes: Free Stable, [Sylestian Service Bonus Themed Pet] x1, [Sylestian Service Bonus Reward] x3

Empyrean - View Entry

WoermOnAString - View Entry

3rd Place
Prizes: Free Stable, [Sylestian Service Bonus Themed Pet] x1

Echosing - View Entry

Heilix - View Entry

All Participants
With valid submissions
Prizes: Title: Fancy Pants, [Sylestian Service Bonus Reward] x3
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