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Forum Index > Pet Sharing and Design Discussion > Themed Pet Design Help Hub
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Level 75
Wondrous Witch
Joined: 2/16/2021
Threads: 21
Posts: 958
Posted: 11/25/2023 at 6:23 PM Post #1
Themed Pet Design Help Hub
I need a better title please help

Current Theme Contest - Winter!


Hello and salutations! In this handy dandy little thread, I'm pleased to introduce a place where absolutely anyone can post their designs to receive helpful and constructive criticism! I've seen multiple new designers ask for design help occasionally, and I haven't seen an active thread which serves the mentioned purpose (correct me if I'm wrong), so here we are--but I can't be the only critiquer, of course!

If you're a somewhat experienced designer and have had at least one design chosen, your assistance in critiquing would be greatly appreciated! Just ping me in this thread, and using the form provided, I'll add you to the list below!

[naming, colors, general, etc.]
Theme(s) you have designed:

Critiquing Designers:
- Just me, Eternalsilver (for now >:D)

Critiquers, please be mindful of how you give feedback! Give explanations and reasoning, don't be unnecessarily harsh and just generally be a kind human being. Please, please don't discourage or degrade anyone--we all had to start somewhere, after all!

Now, if you're entering a themed pet design for the festival contest and want feedback on how to improve, look no further! Just post the design in question and you'll get some constructive criticism--though do bear in mind that the response might be delayed due to real life. When asking for critique, please use the form below! The more information, the better we can help :)

Theme name:
[display images]
Anything you need particular help with?
[colors, naming, etc.]

If anyone has any suggestions or any additions/features I should add to this thread, please let me know! I think I've used most of my brain power today :>

Resources for Designers:
Eternal's Guide To Creating Themes!
Aphelion's Guide to Color and Trait Interactions
Elevensin's Guide to Color and Trait Interactions
Scatheorite's Guide to Theme Pet Design Contests
Coolors Color Palette Generator

Edited By Eternalsilver on 11/25/2023 at 6:25 PM.
Level 75
Wondrous Witch
Joined: 2/16/2021
Threads: 21
Posts: 958
Posted: 11/25/2023 at 6:25 PM Post #2

I feel like I'm missing something, but I can't quite place my finger on it. Oh well.
Level 66
Master Egg Hunter
Joined: 3/12/2020
Threads: 35
Posts: 479
Posted: 12/6/2023 at 3:14 PM Post #3
This is an incredible idea and I'd love some advice. I didn't design anything this fest but here are 3 that I'm thinking of for either spring or summer.

Theme name: Black Raspberry/Black Raspberry Ice Cream Aeridini
Theme: Reference

Anything you need particular help with?
If the colors go together and have enough saturation. Also if the colors would be better in a different slot. If it's too similar to any existing themes for this species. And maybe whether it feels like a better candidate for spring or summer?

Theme name: Wild Raspberry Lighira
Theme: Reference

Anything you need particular help with?
If the colors go together and have enough saturation. Also if the colors would be better in a different slot. If it's too similar to any existing themes for this species. And maybe whether it feels like a better candidate for spring or summer?

Theme name: Bubblegum Lupora

Anything you need particular help with?
If the colors go together and have enough saturation. Also if the colors would be better in a different slot. If it's too similar to any existing themes for this species. And maybe whether it feels like a better candidate for spring or summer?
Level 75
Wondrous Witch
Joined: 2/16/2021
Threads: 21
Posts: 958
Posted: 12/8/2023 at 3:33 PM Post #4
Hi there! Apologies for the somewhat late reply, but I'd be happy to provide you with some design advice for the upcoming fests! As a side note, I would greatly appreciate it if you altered my alterations slightly if you submit it to a theme design contest or something like that. That way, you'll be the main creator of the design :)

Okay, let's get started with your Aeridini design. On first glance, I think it would help a lot if there was a bit more color variation, though it is a really solid design! So, for example, we could add more red tones to go along with your "Black Raspberry" concept (before is on the left, after is on the right):

I didn't change a ton, just brightened/saturated a few colors and added a bit more green to balance it out. I've included some other trait combos below! I do think it is more of a summer theme just because it reminds me of blackberries. Perhaps you could name the theme something like 'Blackberry Bliss'?


Now, for your Lighira--the concept for this is fantastic, and the colors work nicely together. Again, however, some color variation is needed. Additionally, the green is difficult to see in some parts as it blends in to the pink/red, so we need to fix that:

This one definitely has a summery vibe, and I think Wild Raspberry describes it perfectly! Here are a few more trait combos:


Aaand finally, the Lupora! For this one, the pastel colors are very pleasing to the eye, but with pastels, there are a few problems: primarily, the other colors aren't as distinguisahble. Look at the body of the Lupora--it's a bit difficult to see it's gene 1, yes? To fix that, there are a couple ways you could go about doing it. You could make the body color darker, or you could make the gene color darker. I went for the former:

It does take away from the pastel bubblegum look, but I think it could still pass for it. For some reason, this one gives me more spring vibes but I think it could qualify for either. Here are a few trait combos!

I hope you can improve your designs from my tips! :DD If there's anything else you need help with, just ask!
Level 66
Master Egg Hunter
Joined: 3/12/2020
Threads: 35
Posts: 479
Posted: 12/12/2023 at 6:57 PM Post #5
Thank you for all the advice it was super helpful! If you don't mind I just finished drafting another design.

Theme name: Golden Nugget/Gleaming Treasure/Dragon's Hoard Lupora

Anything you need particular help with?: I'm not super happy with the name yet (I'd love it to fit the winter festival), and maybe some suggestions on other traits to use? I also can't decide if I like C3/G2/A1 the way they're set up right now.

And because I can't seem to help myself, here's another.

Theme name: Enchanted Sunrise Griffi
Theme: reference 1, reference 2

Anything you need particular help with?: The name and which colors are in which slots. I'm not super familiar with griffis

Theme name: Zinnia Morkko
Theme: reference 1

Anything you need particular help with?: Is this design faithful enough to the flower? Otherwise just general feedback would be helpful
Edited By Windsofwinter on 12/15/2023 at 8:50 PM.
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