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Forum Index > Roleplay Games > Delve and Deliver // sci-fi, exploration...
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Level 73
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Posted: 2/4/2024 at 6:38 PM Post #31
Author: Jie
Time Posted: 2/4/2024 at 2:57 PM
[ I'm glad we're on the same page, captain! I'll make sure to bring you on a journey you'll never forget. ]

Your ship pushes off from the glitzy harbors of Every-ware with a rumble of old engines. It chugs along the surface of the neon-lit oceans, slow and easy as big bubbles rise in its wake. Soon, it begins to gain speed until it almost seems to shake from the force of the water crashing against its frame.

Then, the realm-hopping system kicks in, and the sea almost seems to get darker. The sight of technicolor waters mix with the view of a cold, grey sea; two images imprinted in sync, swirling together with the rising buzz of energy until the ship slips through with a quiet crack.

It surfaces to the sight of towering waves, so high that their frothy tops could be mistaken for clouds in the sky. In front of them stands an immovable tower, made from a luxurious black stone that's been hewn into bricks. On each level of the structure lies a giant, glistening window with orange light pouring out.

[ Welcome to the Home of the Dragon King! You should be in for a real adventure, this time. I can already sense two strong sources of localized Stardust! One is the dragon king, and the other is nearby someone who seems to be... a hero? ]

[ Ah, I'm not too sure what her energy readings are supposed to be. Anyways, which one would you like to track? ]

"Hmm....let's go for the second figure. This is reading like some stereotypical fairytale of some guy trying to face off against a great being of power, if this person is really a "hero" and the other guy's a dragon king." Callen grins. He can already picture it now- a young snapper of a being, off on some kind of quest- Okay, so he might be getting ahead of himself, but hey, unless this person about to be tracked is coming over for tea with a dragon king in a giant tower, there's not exactly many ways to read into it. Right? Right{/i}?

Huh, that's a thought. He should probably focus on the task at hand instead of daydreaming about weird self-insert fantasy stories.
Level 75
The Tactician
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Posted: 2/5/2024 at 12:55 AM Post #32
Author: Jie
Time Posted: 2/4/2024 at 3:08 PM
"Er, you don't know about the wishing wells?" The girl's eyes go wide in surprise before she smiles, wide and proud. "In that case, let me be your guide."

"It's said that you can get any wish, if you're sincere enough about it. Just find one of them nice big wells in the center of town. The water in them is so high they're basically ponds at this point. Anyways, you take anything and hold it in your hands while your think of you wish. If you drop it in, and things start glowin', you'll know it's come true."

"As for dangers, ha." The corner of his lips curl upward, and though she's laughing, it's not rude. Or at least, not meant to be rude. After all-

"You could call the ocean a hazard, but other than that, no. We don't have any monsters out here. I think I do know where you could've gotten misinformed though. There's these giant, glowing whales in the water that look like they're made of stars. They wouldn't hurt a fly, but they'll definitely scare give you a scare if you're not prepared!"

"Is there anything you want me to show you? Mm, maybe not, you look like the independent type. Y'know, the ones who like to go striking out on their own?"

Tuesday silently nods along, still skeptical about the supposed lack of danger. Surely there's nowhere that's entirely safe? Actually, he kind of wants to see these whales, though...ah, but there's a task at hand, and he's not a very good swimmer.

The way the wells work seems simple enough, but he does have one question. "How often do people succeed in having a wish come true? You said it's difficult, so..." Better a vague standard than a nonexistent one, but being 'sincere enough' isn't exactly a clear threshold by which to be judging success, and Tuesday can't say he's a particularly lucky person.

At the suggestion of company, he shrugs awkwardly. "I'm, uh, maybe not always on my own..." Constantly dealing with other people on top of being on a mission sounds like it'd be a pain in the neck, but he feels as though he remembers having had companions at some point. As it is, he's hesitant at the moment, but he considers that a guide would be helpful. Maybe if she stays really far away?

"Um, thank you for the information. I think I can figure it out from what you've told me, unless you want to come, but..." The girl sounds like she'd be eager to show a visitor around, but she's probably in the middle of something, considering the basket she's carrying. "...but I'm not very good company," he finishes.


Character Sheet
Edited By Larkian on 2/13/2024 at 1:09 AM.
Level 67
Joined: 6/7/2016
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Posted: 2/6/2024 at 3:46 AM Post #33

Name: S1R3N4, dubbed Sirena
Gender: female
Age: 24 pre-androidification
Personality: curious and never satisfied. Sirena is driven to take all she can from the world and then some, wanting to experience everything the universe has to offer. This of course leads her to being somewhat reckless in her actions

History: Irena grew up along the beach. She lived in the coast her entire life, but once she reached high school, her family sent her away to a large city inland in order to get a better education. She gave up a lot of her personal interests and freedoms in order to pursue success, which ultimately was futile when she was diagnosed with a terminal illness. Feeling helpless, perhaps she did something she shouldnt have

Goals: Ive designed Sirena around ocean/aquatic aesthetics, so Id definitely like that to be noted. Sirena wants to remember who she used to be, feeling robbed of her memories. Perhaps later down the road she might want to free herself from being a DELVER. As for shorter-term goals, she just wants to have as much as possible. Shortest term goal would be to have a pet of some sort

Writing Sample: The stars were brighter out here. She had almost forgotten how bright the night sky could be. Having spent so long away from home, Irena couldnt help but to be mesmerized by the sights she had long forgotten. She didnt have long left. She knew that much. She didnt mind, though. Being able to lay in the sand on the beach she grew up at, hearing the waves roll against the shore, and seeing the infinite galaxies above, full of endless possibilities she could never pursue, she felt a sense of satisfaction deep within.

Other: apologies if my formatting gets messed up, I tend to use mobile a lot and it can be a bit finicky sometimes

Her body has a teal tint to it, and most of her is covered in small dots that can give off a faint blueish glow. It seems her body was designed with an aquatic aesthetic, as she has two fin-shaped ears on the side of her head that dont appear to serve any function outside of aesthetics

(This miiiight be a little out there but I swear I have a vision for this thing) Anchor-flail: a chain with a handle and an anchor on the end. The chain can extend and retract a certain distance, giving it extended range


A standard issue ship affectionately dubbed the SUB-3000 for its nature of needing numerous repairs. Its a small thing, a little dented and a little scuffed, but its yours.

- A cryopod, perfect for sleeping, regenerating injuries, or reviving. Its a little cramped.
Edited By Murph on 2/6/2024 at 4:05 AM.
Level 72
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Posted: 2/6/2024 at 7:09 AM Post #34
(Welcome aboard, it's nice seeing you around again! :D Your CS looks good, but you can buff your arcana-tech if you'd like. The Anchor-flail counts as the "tech" part of your arcana-tech, so you can add a magical ability to it as well. Feel free to respond while you think about it if you need some time.)

-- -- --

The lights inside of your ship dim, automatically readjusting themselves to draw your attention to the shinning blue screen at the front, where several lines of white text have appeared with a soft chime.

[ Hello, I'm S1R1, your AI assistant who will be guiding you throughout your journey! Feel free to call me whatever you like though~ ]

[ To help us find our next destination, please give me one to three words describing what you're looking for. I promise I'll find you a fun and exciting starting point. ^0^ ]

[ Seeing how this is your first collection trip, I'll only be choosing from the "safer" locations. Of course, it'll still be difficult, but I have full faith in your abilities! ]

After the barrage, a holographic keyboard appears in front the of the navigation center, hovering a few feet above the various devices.

[ Please Key Your Request in Here ]
Level 67
Joined: 6/7/2016
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Posted: 2/6/2024 at 1:55 PM Post #35
Author: Jie
Time Posted: 2/6/2024 at 7:09 AM
(Welcome aboard, it's nice seeing you around again! :D Your CS looks good, but you can buff your arcana-tech if you'd like. The Anchor-flail counts as the "tech" part of your arcana-tech, so you can add a magical ability to it as well. Feel free to respond while you think about it if you need some time.)

-- -- --

The lights inside of your ship dim, automatically readjusting themselves to draw your attention to the shinning blue screen at the front, where several lines of white text have appeared with a soft chime.

[ Hello, I'm S1R1, your AI assistant who will be guiding you throughout your journey! Feel free to call me whatever you like though~ ]

[ To help us find our next destination, please give me one to three words describing what you're looking for. I promise I'll find you a fun and exciting starting point. ^0^ ]

[ Seeing how this is your first collection trip, I'll only be choosing from the "safer" locations. Of course, it'll still be difficult, but I have full faith in your abilities! ]

After the barrage, a holographic keyboard appears in front the of the navigation center, hovering a few feet above the various devices.

[ Please Key Your Request in Here ]

(Oh neat, Im that case perhaps a magic fog/smoke screen type of thing?)

S1R3N4s digital eyes flickered to life (S1R3N4? What did that even stand for. 3 letters and 3 numbers, a simple and effective designation), balancing the light levels her processor was intaking as she examined her surroundings. Her fin-like ears rotated on her head in reaction to the chime coming through the monitor in front of her

Journey. Destination. Collection trip. Stardust.

Keywords echoed through her head. Her eyes scanned the room she found herself in. Emerging from the pod, she felt synthetic metal feet connect with a solid metal floor, the cold and hard surfaces making a rather satisfying sound as she stepped towards the monitor.

Examining the text, S1R3N4- hmm, that designation sounded rather clunky. Was that a normal thing for an android to think? Are androids supposed to think at all? S1R3N4 had some innate knowledge that she was an inorganic being, but didnt seem to have much scope of herself beyond that. Perhaps it was something she would thing about another time. She was currently feeling compelled to follow the instructions she had read from S1R1. Another clunky name. Didnt roll off the tongue very well, not that S1R3N4 had a tongue. While she had a mouth, she could sense that her voice came from a box rather than vocal cords. Why would she even consider having a human way of speaking? She was not a human, she was a machine.

Three words to describe what she was looking for. She mentally scanned her database of words, considering the meanings of each one as a hand stretched out towards the keys. The word home flashed through her mind for a moment, a picture of a gentle coastline with small waves and soft, cold sand (how did she understand that feeling from a picture?) a vast and twinkling night sky above. That picture seemed factually incorrect from her understanding of the word home, but regardless, she began typing, not fully processing the words before they were input.

[Shore] [Serene] [Infinite]

The three words were entered and S1R3N4- she definitely needed something else to call herself. It served no practical purpose, but her synthetic mind still urged her to call herself something else. Perhaps converting numbers to letters could serve for a more aesthetically sounding name. S1R3N4- no, Sirena, thought to herself, letting her new self given designation echo in her thoughts for a moment before settling with it. She liked the way it sounded, although she wasnt sure if she was supposed to be able to like things.

With her new self appointed name and location words entered, Sirena stood back, waiting for whatever was to come next

Level 72
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Posted: 2/7/2024 at 6:53 PM Post #36
(Oh haha, Callen's reaction to things is just great. By the way, message from Corporate, I'm very sorry for telling you this again, feel free to ignore: We're standardizing equipment and noticed that your Arcana-tech's transformation ability falls under the 'tech' rather than the 'arcana'. Feel free to add a magical ability.)

-- -- --

In response, your ship begins to descend rapidly.

As the surrounding waters turn dark and cold, its headlights turn on with a faint click, sending orange beams arcing through the water. In their hazy beams, the true nature of the tower is revealed. From the depths, it reaches out as a single looming spire, topping off a warm manor, the bottom of which fades in the abyss below.

When the ship attempts to delve deeper, it's rebuffed by the sudden presence of a rising current. Again, it tries and fails, leaving S1R1 to flicker the display lights in a dismayed expression.

[ Alright. It turns out that there's something blocking us from descending to the strongest source. However, I also sense readings of the same Starlight on a higher level, so I'll be dropping you off here! ]

With a faint whirl, the ship returns to the tower, where it comes to a stop right beside the glass. When it presses against the ship's window, a flash of light and heat appears. Steadily, the laser cuts through, leaving a small circle inside.

As you gaze through what appears to be an underwater greenhouse, a prompt appears in front of your eyes and blocks your view.

[ Don't worry, about the place flooding! I'll repair it before leaving. ]
Level 72
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Posted: 2/7/2024 at 7:21 PM Post #37
The girl shrugs, says, "Well, any meaningful wish always takes time. If you look during that time, then you can find signs. If you don't believe though, then nadda."

She watches as you fidget in response to her question before waving off the offer with an understanding smile. "Nah, I do have a couple of things to do, so please go around and do what you like." She taps on the basket in her hand. "I'm going to sell a couple things at the market, but I suppose I'll see you around."

"My name's Jose, and I live down there in that house with the chili gardens. You can drop by sometime." She turns and points towards her home before stepping off with a quick wave.

What do you wish to do now?
Level 72
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Posted: 2/7/2024 at 7:24 PM Post #38
(That sounds good. Also, wow, your writing is so good, haha. :eyes: I'm still planning things out for you, so it might be a few days before your post, but rest assured! The Corporate has great things planned for you. :>)
Level 67
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Posted: 2/7/2024 at 10:42 PM Post #39
(Hehe thanks! And take your time! I really like the concept for this so Im really excited to see what you have planned ^u^)
Level 73
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Posted: 2/11/2024 at 12:42 AM Post #40
Author: Jie
Time Posted: 2/7/2024 at 6:53 PM
(Oh haha, Callen's reaction to things is just great. By the way, message from Corporate, I'm very sorry for telling you this again, feel free to ignore: We're standardizing equipment and noticed that your Arcana-tech's transformation ability falls under the 'tech' rather than the 'arcana'. Feel free to add a magical ability.)

-- -- --

In response, your ship begins to descend rapidly.

As the surrounding waters turn dark and cold, its headlights turn on with a faint click, sending orange beams arcing through the water. In their hazy beams, the true nature of the tower is revealed. From the depths, it reaches out as a single looming spire, topping off a warm manor, the bottom of which fades in the abyss below.

When the ship attempts to delve deeper, it's rebuffed by the sudden presence of a rising current. Again, it tries and fails, leaving S1R1 to flicker the display lights in a dismayed expression.

[ Alright. It turns out that there's something blocking us from descending to the strongest source. However, I also sense readings of the same Starlight on a higher level, so I'll be dropping you off here! ]

With a faint whirl, the ship returns to the tower, where it comes to a stop right beside the glass. When it presses against the ship's window, a flash of light and heat appears. Steadily, the laser cuts through, leaving a small circle inside.

As you gaze through what appears to be an underwater greenhouse, a prompt appears in front of your eyes and blocks your view.

[ Don't worry, about the place flooding! I'll repair it before leaving. ]

(...oh dammn uhhhhh does "teleporting one a short distance away" count? I'm low on ideas right now, that laser was my last braincell's final reckoning)

Callen decides not to question it, and figures he should exit and actually get his boots on the ground-well, er, water. He'll head for whichever of the Starlight is closer-maybe that'll be easier to access? If the route is clear enough. Actually, considering- he'll start higher and go lower. It's probably not the most effective. Dragons are, like, dark-er creatures, right? Then the Dragon King will be further down the line! He gives himself a mental pat on the back for using his brains, and once he's sure he has everything on him he heads out.

He supposes starting his trip by essentially getting his hands dirty- ah, wet- could be a worse start.
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