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Forum Index > Roleplay Games > Delve and Deliver // sci-fi, exploration...
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Level 57
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Posted: 3/3/2024 at 8:37 PM Post #61

Peyton attempted a smile and walked up to the viewing glass. They pressed their hands gently against the panes, entranced with the rushing water and the brilliant color display flashing across their view. At the sudden drop, Peyton crouched and tensed. A sharp snap accompanied the sudden start. Spikes struck out from their slots to scare what was startling them. A few moments of not breathing was abandoned with a soft hiss as the spines sank back to their spots and Peyton rose unsteadily. The bobbling soothed the spike of nerves. Falling, they decided, was not fun.

He smoothed his spines and admired the view again. It had changed, but it was pretty. The glowing red reflected in his eyes. He grinned, "Thanks, S1R1. You're amazing." He gently patted the ship and headed towards the exit of the ship. He paused slightly before he left. There was the slight buzz of not knowing what's head and being excited about it. He takes a deep breath as he stands between leaving and staying. "This place looks gorgeous." He almost stepped onto the dock of the large, wooden house before hesitating. He should probably be on alert from the very beginning for stardust. Just in case he forgot later. "Hey S1R1, how does looking for stardust work exactly?" He attempted a smile when the women stepped out. Perhaps he had to ask for permission before docking.

She blinked slowly as she judged the danger level of the lady in front of her. Something told her she wouldn't want to get on her bad side, especially not in her house. She gave a respectful nod. Her brain chirped with the important message of asking whether she could pet the dog, but she kept silent on that topic. Despite the fluff, it might be not so sweet. "Your house looks stunning. May I dock here? I came here looking for information, but I didn't know about any shows." It sounded vaguely familiar, but not close enough to really be of interest. Regardless, information was why she's here, so she might as well ask, "What are those like? What does information or a show cost?" Because she knew everything cost something. Nothing came free.
Edited By Scoutwolf on 3/3/2024 at 8:38 PM.
Level 72
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Posted: 3/6/2024 at 7:03 PM Post #62
You follow the tentacle towards the leviathan's body. Up close, puffs in the fleece loom like cloud-covered mountains. Four peaks stand higher than the rest, with sharp edges and a deep, gaping darkness far below. The gills of a massive creature, fluttering with each slow breath.

One piece of wool is unattached to the rest, and your eyes follow it forward, where you catch sight of half-closed maw, baleen flashing as the leviathan snores, curtains of bubbles rising from its mouth.
Level 72
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Posted: 3/6/2024 at 7:17 PM Post #63
Though there's no paddles nor oars in the boat, it begins to move with your efforts, drifting faster than any push has a right to make it move. When you glance downward, there doesn't seem to be any form of current, but perhaps it's there, lurking just underneath the surface.

Either way, it brings you forward, along that metaphorical red carpet, and the figures you glimpsed begin to grow until their true nature is clear.

A massive, serpentine corpse bobbles half-submerged in the water. The arches of its body rises like a pair of small islands, brown-red flaking from its dark scales. A spear made from a pearlescent material, with a pair of feathered wings curling backward to separate the blade from the shaft, in embedded in the taller arch, right beside sharp spine-fins.

The monsters' red, slitted eyes glare with a heavy resentment from beyond the grave, it jaws bound closed by a golden net that glitters ethereal despite the lack of light.
Level 72
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Posted: 3/6/2024 at 7:41 PM Post #64
[ Thanks, I'm sure you'll do amazing finding Stardust here as well! ^0^/~~ ]

S1R1 chirps, accompanied by dancing lights within the navigation center.

[ To find it, you'll often have to rely on your sensory devices or your intuition. The experienced delvers say that if you find something that feels fantastical and follow it, you'll usually find a source of Stardust! ]

[ Of course, you can also trade for it if you find another supplier! Delve & Deliver won't provide the funds for those though, so you'll have to negotiate the deal yourself. ]

- - -

"You may," the woman says, mouth curling faintly at your politeness.

"Various theatre troupes come through my establishment, so audiences come here to watch them perform. Those would be your shows, and the cost would simply be whatever tag was one your ticket," she explains. Then, her eyes curve from behind her mask.

"Information on the other hand, is something I provide myself." She turns with a billow of her robes, striding back inside the house. The dog gives you a curious glance before trotting back alongside her.

Following her, you arrive in a quaint kitchen, where she gestures towards a small and simple dining table with a sweep of her hand, inviting you to sit before she begins to speak. "I have a cinema room, which can show you scenes from any adjacent realm. If there's something you're looking for, you may attempt to find it there."

"As for the cost," she begins, giving a soft hum as her lips part in a radiant smile. "How would you feel about taking care of my dogs and taking a shift around the cinema? Unless you have something else to offer?"
Level 73
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Posted: 3/8/2024 at 11:30 PM Post #65
Author: Jie
Time Posted: 3/6/2024 at 7:17 PM
Though there's no paddles nor oars in the boat, it begins to move with your efforts, drifting faster than any push has a right to make it move. When you glance downward, there doesn't seem to be any form of current, but perhaps it's there, lurking just underneath the surface.

Either way, it brings you forward, along that metaphorical red carpet, and the figures you glimpsed begin to grow until their true nature is clear.

A massive, serpentine corpse bobbles half-submerged in the water. The arches of its body rises like a pair of small islands, brown-red flaking from its dark scales. A spear made from a pearlescent material, with a pair of feathered wings curling backward to separate the blade from the shaft, in embedded in the taller arch, right beside sharp spine-fins.

The monsters' red, slitted eyes glare with a heavy resentment from beyond the grave, it jaws bound closed by a golden net that glitters ethereal despite the lack of light.

"Not a castle without prisoners, huh? Callen mutters as he surveys the scene. "Poor thing, wonder what crime you committed bud- probably the fact of existing. Wish you were alive, maybe you'd give me a good answer."

He wonders how fresh this thing is. The spear, though...that's a weapon. Always good to be armed with more then just a pair of glasses with a few tricks up its frame. If he can nab that spear, it's not much but it's a start.

If the creature is, presumably, dead, he doubts it'd need that spear to hold in any blood or whatever giant reptiles have in their veins. In theory, he should be able to get the spear, continue on his merry way, and maybe get waht he's here for.
Level 75
The Tactician
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Posted: 3/9/2024 at 12:53 AM Post #66
Author: Jie
Time Posted: 2/27/2024 at 5:00 PM
The footpath almost seems to sink into the autumn scenery as it ambles forward, weeds and moss sprouting in the cracks between stone. As you continue down, houses begin to appear around its bends, tucked away behind hills and vibrant foliage.

Suddenly, the next turn opens up to the center of a lively town instead of nature, revealing a steep-roofed well with cheerful red shingles. You step through the breakfast vendors and the frolicking children, slowing as you step up the stairs before coming to a stop in front of the well.

Looking down, you see clear water, so clear that you come face to face with your own reflection, grey eyes gazing back at you. What will you wish for?

Tuesday dodges the children, the vendors, and the other passerby as he makes his way up to the well. What should he wish for, indeed. And he needs something to drop in the well, too, so he works loose a random button from the sleeve of his coat while he ponders.

To figure out how he got here? That's the first thing that comes to mind, but something tells him that might be a tall order. Perhaps he should start with something a little simpler. He recalls what he'd thought about earlier--something to capture the scenery. A camera, maybe? That seems reasonable enough, but he hesitates before he can make the decision. How would that go about being fulfilled? Would it just fall out of the sky? He imagines a very heavy and probably expensive camera landing on his head, and shudders.

No, surely that can't be. Jose had mentioned that it might take time, so, presumably, it would happen in a way more natural than instantly tumbling from the heavens. But looking around at the rustic town, he's not sure about the likelihood of acquiring a camera here, what with the sleek silver finish and glossy leather cover he's imagining. And on top of that, he doesn't think a camera would be something that much more difficult to find outside of this place, even without a wish.

Then what's a good wish, for something odd enough that could still be reasonably fulfilled in a place like this? Tuesday glances out at the bustle of the crowd, an idea beginning to take shape. Maybe he could wish for something...alive? Not a person, of course, but something a little smaller that could still keep up with him...something that could also be helpful? Yes, he thinks suddenly, there might be something vaguely familiar that might fit that description--
"I wish for a sheepdog," he blurts out suddenly, and, before he can fourth-guess himself, he lets the button fall in with a quiet splash. A quiet one, please.


Character Sheet

(uff writing so much internal thinking stuff is hard. meanwhile all these village people walking by are going to see is just this random guy nervously staring into thin air for 10 minutes.)

(edit: noo just realized someone else is also having doggo shenanigans going on. feel free to change that wish to one for some pet in that case :D cmon tuesday you can surely fulfill your dreams of having a tracking walrus)
Edited By Larkian on 3/9/2024 at 1:20 AM.
Level 72
Benevolent Brewer
Joined: 7/14/2018
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Posted: 3/12/2024 at 2:50 AM Post #67
(could i reserve a spot instead actually? sorry, im not sure if i want to go with this character or another one)
Edited By Whiterosealliance on 3/12/2024 at 7:34 PM.
Level 57
Joined: 10/25/2018
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Posted: 3/17/2024 at 8:21 PM Post #68

Peyton smiles and thanks S1R1 for her help before docking and hopping onto the ladys property. They drift behind her like a half-deflated balloon quite confused with its position in the universe. They were afraid of overstepping any unspoken bounds so their gently thudding steps fell generally in the same places as the fox woman and they slouched to appear smaller than they are. They glance around in appreciation of the extravagant surroundings and carefully, gently, afraid of breaking the chair, perch on the edge of the offered chair.

The thrum in his chest buzzes more fervently against its caging as he thinks about the chance to find his sibling. If he could, Peyton figures he would be grinning at the dogs when he hears the price. It seems easy enough to take care of the little fluffers. It made sense to accept since it would give him the chance to examine the territory for any stardust at the same time.

She pauses, and considers it. There was always a catch. The dogs would actually be bloodthirsty buggers and the place was probably haunted and the information would stop before anything helpful would appear (and to see the good information the price would be doubled). Peyton decides she would simply go into the deal acknowledging this is probably a scam. She could handle that.

Peyton hesitates. Is there a limit of how much information I can ask for in a stay? And can I get a guarantee that the information is correct? Otherwise the offer sounds decently fair.
Level 72
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Posted: 3/17/2024 at 9:54 PM Post #69
(Absolutely! Don't look at the number on the front not going down, I decided to add another slot. :D)
Level 72
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Posted: 3/18/2024 at 11:41 AM Post #70
The spear resonates as it comes into contact with your palm. Within the silent night, the hum of thrumming light is magnified tenfold before you're submerged by a blinding flash.

When you open your eyes, it's to the sight of the weapon in your hands and a body not quite your own. Gold seems to ebb from your skin, draping your body in a warm glow, unobscured by your pearlescent armor and billowing red cape.

Looking upward, you catch side of an armed soldier hovering beside you, held afloat in the air by a pair of pulsating hard-light wings. Turning, you catch a glimpse of similar wings behind you, in addition to a brilliant halo, before you catch side of the sea serpent, now alive, each of its thrashes sending towering waves that skin just below your feet. It's mouth is bound, just as before.

The figure beside you gestures towards it. Even in the haze of this memory, you can feel the weight of the serpent's struggle.

How will you free yourself from this vision?
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